Child Of God

Chapter 33 - Incoming Revenge

A few days later Esdeath was relaxing on her island in the New World. She had now been chosen as the Fourth Admiral of the Marines. And Sengoku for reasons she didn't care about, really wanted to announce it at the right time, but she couldn't care less about it.

She finally had the position she wanted. And with this, she now essentially had control over three different factions. The Marines, and then her own little band of villains. And then the pirate crew Kurama would create very soon. She was about to be the most influential person in the world.

She was currently floating around in the water outside her island and watching Sabo and Soni sparring. Sabo already had significant strength for a child when he came here. But now he started to actually improve at a scary rate. Sonia was not yet overtaken, but she was losing the advantage for every day that passed.

'His potential is literally limitless. Maybe he is the only one here that has the right to visit my home. And of course my baby fox, but he is someone I essentially created myself.' She looked at Kurama standing beside the sparring duo and yelling out instructions.

Esdeath had arranged for Sabo to become a member on Kurama's ship. That way he could train and spar with the sisters on a daily basis.

"purururu" Inside Esdeath's jacket, her snail phone started making noise.

"Yes, what is it?" She answered with a lazy tone.

"Admiral Esdeath! This is an emergency! Sain Jalmack of the World Nobles has been intercepted by an unidentified ship on his way back to Mary Geoise. Move in to assist immediately." The voice then gave Esdeath some coordinates for her to follow.

"Oh, really. I'll be on my way immediately." Her voice was lazy and neutral, but the reporting Marine could not see the evil and cruel smile on her face.

'This is perfect.' Esdeath hung up and walked back towards the island. And of course she was walking on top of the water, so Sabo that looked over at her almost fainted at the sight.

"Kurama, I'm taking Sabo with me now. Something came up and it's time for him and me to go hunting."

"What? We're going hunting? What are we hunting?" Sabo said with his whole body covered in sweat.

"The man that shot down your boat. He is under attack and I have been ordered to go and assist. But we are going to get some revenge instead." Esdeath smiled and winked at Sabo.

"Really?" Sabo had resolve written all over his face.

"Are you ready?" Sabo nodded at the question and he then ran and put some clothes on.


Somewhere in the grand line, two sh.i.p.s were locked in a standoff. They were both huge galleons and they were heavily armed. On one ship stood one of the world nobles and screamed at his subordinates.

The other ship had no distinct features on it except for its massive size. And the famous revolutionary Dragon stood on this ship and overlooked the battle. He had on his green cloak and hood that covered most of his face.

The wind in this area was intense and the rain poured down hard, so vision among the soldiers was poor.

Some distance away from the two sh.i.p.s, Esdeath and Sabo appeared on the sea surface. Esdeath stood on the water, but Sabo stood on a block of ice that Esdeath created for him.

"That ship with all the fine decorations on it. That is the ship where our target is located." Esdeath pointed at the world government ship with the world noble on it.

Sabo nodded and they both started walking towards the scene of the battle. Each step Sabo took created ice for him to step on, and Esdeath was the one that was doing it.

"Captain, a Marine Admiral is coming!" A rookie from the revolutionary army said and pointed at Esdeath.

"And she's... Walking on the water with a kid beside her?" He rubbed his eyes to make sure that his eyes didn't play a prank on him.

"This could become troublesome, Dragon." A man with a huge purple afro said to the most infamous man in the world.

Esdeath and Sabo that were walking on the water disappeared all of a sudden. And both Dragon and Ivankov turned around as they felt two people appear behind them.

"What does the newly appointed Admiral want with me?" Dragon asked while looking at Esdeath.

"Monkey D Dragon. I am not here to fight you. In fact, I am not even interested in your arrest. I am here to settle a score with Jalmack. So leave now and I won't bother you." Esdeath said while holding Sabo's hand making her look like a mother or a big sister to the boy.

"Is that a Marine promise?" Dragon asked with a tone that wasn't showing any panic or any other distinct emotion.

"You know it doesn't work like that. So leave now and I won't touch you or your men. You can do whatever you want with the world nobles, but this one is mine."

"Okay then. It appears we are done here. Ivankov, call for a full retreat." Dragon felt the massive aura surrounding Esdeath so he certainly didn't wanna fight her if he could avoid it.

Just when the man with the purple afro was about to call for a retreat, a sword slash came from behind him and cut into his neck. Lucky for him, his senses were very good, so just before his head went flying, he managed to dodge away.

"Admiral Esdeath, you made it just in time. Let us take out these people and deliver Dragon to HQ." Vice Admiral Strawberry landed on the ship beside Esdeath.

"hm, unfortunately for you boy, you really got handed the shit card this time." Esdeath's hand moved quickly and she pierced the head of the Vice-Admiral standing next to her.

"leave now, Dragon. I will take it from here." Esdeath picked up Sabo and she carried him away and jumped towards the other ship.

"Interesting woman." Dragon said and watched Esdeath fly away towards the World Noble's ship.



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