Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1008

Lin Yi retracted his scattered thoughts, and then said, "This... Please let me think about it, after all, this is a two billion thing."

Jin Jiu just wanted to nod, let the other party think about it.

Intelligence is very valuable when it is needed.

But when it's not needed, it's worthless.

Although Lin Yi now wants to buy intelligence from himself, but as the other party has more and more people in Japan, he has the ability to collect intelligence, and the number of times he buys intelligence from himself will only become less and less.

It is better to directly receive a huge sum of money from the other party and open up the use of some intelligence systems to the other party.

As long as it is important information that does not involve the organization, he can use this intelligence system however he wants.

After the opponent enters the pit, every other year, the opponent will be charged a fee for the use of the intelligence system.

"Then you..." Jin Jiu just wanted to say, "then go back and think about it."

But who knew that Lin Yi said at the next moment: "Okay, I've figured it out!"

"I think you do have the strength to let me spend two billion."

"..." Jin Jiu was silent for a while, he didn't expect the other party to be so refreshing, and agreed on the spot.

Lin Yi said, took the laptop again, and said, "Is it the same account just now?"

Gin nodded.

Lin Yi did not hesitate to put 2 billion into the same account in batches.

After completing the transfer, Vodka hurriedly went into the account and checked it. When he saw that the number was increased by 2 billion, Rao Shi, who did not blink his eyes, also trembled a bit. He said to the gin, "Brother... the account has arrived. already."

Chapter 882


Jin Jiu paid 2 billion days to see that Lin Yi was so rich!

It was immediately in line with the idea that the other party was a dishonest police officer.

How can a serious police officer have so much money?

Only those policemen who collect black money and unclean policemen can get so much money in one go!

Thinking of this, a rare smile appeared on Jin Jiu's face.

Organizations are large and spread across the globe.

Correspondingly, there are many institutions.

Likewise, the demand for funds is also very large.

Especially those R\u0026D departments are burning money.

Got a huge sum of money in one go!

Now, I can take a few breaths and rest for a while.

A rare smile appeared on Jin Jiu's face: "Mr. Lin, you will feel wise for your decision."

Lin Yi said: "I hope my money is well spent."

"Yes..." Qin Jiu was silent for a while, seemed to have made a decision, and said, "Mr. Lin, since you are our investor now, as a partner, we naturally want to protect your life."

Lin Yi gave an "oh" and said, "Are you going to arrange more than ten bodyguards for me?"

Jin Jiu sneered and said: "There is no need for this, our staff are the best... We only need one."

"Who?" Lin Yi asked curiously.

"Retired American soldier." Gin said lightly, "An excellent bodyguard."

Lin Yi nodded, vaguely knowing what Jinjiu wanted to do, probably because he wanted to find out his own foundation by placing people beside him, and of course he had to make sure that his "taken fortune" would not die inexplicably.

"Can I refuse?" Lin Yi asked rhetorically.

"Of course you can. It is up to you whether you accept the protection we offer you or not." Gin said lightly.

Lin Yi thought about it and said, "I thought about it for a while, and there is indeed a lack of someone around me to protect my safety recently."

"But please, when you are choosing, pick me a beautiful girl... You don't need to be too strong, the main thing is to be pretty."

Gin: "..."

He originally wanted to arrange the agave, and use his huge body to give the other party a sense of security.

But the other party's request made him stumped.

Seeing that Jinjiu was silent, Lin Yi asked curiously, "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

I have given you all the steps, and then you can change Shui Wu Liannai into a vest and arrange it right next to me, isn't it beautiful?

Jin Jiu said slowly: "It can protect your safety, but also have a beauty... This is a bit difficult."

Lin Yi showed an understanding expression and said, "It is indeed a little difficult... But difficulties are for overcoming, and I believe you can definitely do it."

"..." Qin Jiu didn't say anything else, he stood up and said, "Okay, I'll let you know when I've selected the people."

Lin Yi also stood up and stretched out his hand to Jinjiu: "Yes... I hope you can leave a deep impact on me for the first thing."

Gin didn't answer, but said, "I will send the information about Kiel to your mobile phone later."

Lin Yi nodded and watched them leave.

Gin and vodka are back in the car.

Volt added the driver's seat, and asked worriedly while wearing his seat belt: "Brother, is it really okay to sell Kiel like this?"

Gin sat in the back seat, not in a hurry to answer Vodka's words.

He took out a cigarette and lit it for himself. After taking a sip, he said, "You don't have to worry about this. Then you can just find a scapegoat and hand it over to him in the name of Kiel."

After listening to the vodka, I suddenly realized!

Yes, who is Keir, Lin Yi doesn't know at all. If they don't like to deceive them, they can deceive them.

After thinking of this, Vodka fell in love with Gin, and hurriedly flattered: "As expected of the big brother... He is smart, and with such a simple method, he cheated an intelligence fee from that idiot."

As for the investor thing, vodka didn't ask, because such a trick gin wasn't used just once.

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