Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1037

Lin Yi said: "You should know your husband very well, what kind of person he is."

Nanjo Miyuki was silent, yes, as the other half of Nanjo Hayato, how could she not know who he was?

"Could it be... a little less?" Nanjo Miyuki said with some embarrassment: "The office... can't make so much money right now."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "For your sake, Miss Nanjo, I've already discounted it... If you let your husband come, I'll directly charge you 100 million."

"Ten million yen, it's really a good deal to put down the murder."

Nanjo Miyuki was silent, she also knew that what the other party said was very reasonable.

If this matter is exposed, not only will he be imprisoned, but from now on, his acting career will be ruined.

Don't say 100 million, even if the other party opens a billion, they can only agree.

100 million yen is not much for an actor who has shot a series of movies, not to mention that he has set up an office by himself, and there is no brokerage company taking his share!

"Then... can you give me a period of grace?" Nanjo Miyuki begged: "We will definitely make up the money after the movie is divided."

Everyone's spending will vary with income.

When I was a child, I often felt that if I could have five yuan, I would not worry about running out of money to spend.

But after working in the society, you feel that even doubling your salary is not enough for you.

Celebrities make money quickly, but spending money is also flowing.

Not to mention opening an office.

After so much preparation, finally hearing Nanjo Miyuki say these words, Lin Yi also exposed his fangs and bad thoughts.

He said, "Well, the night is so beautiful tonight... Talking about money ruins the atmosphere. Miss Nanjo, have a drink with me and we can make friends."

"Since they are friends, there is no need for commission fees. It should be a little favor between friends, isn't it?"

Chapter 908

Call a friend and you will be able to waive the ten million yen commission fee.

This friend is worth a lot!

It's like a pie from the sky!

But is such a thing possible?

For young people who have not been severely beaten and educated by society, this is certainly possible!

You are the son of destiny, why is it impossible?

For Nanjo Miyuki, who is in the entertainment industry, it is impossible!

Even if it is a friend she has known for many years, it is impossible to give this ten million to herself without blinking her eyes.

Not to mention the person we met for the first time today?

If he really wants to make friends, if he doesn't want this commission fee, he can just say it on the phone. Why should he let himself come to the hotel?

She is not stupid!

Why can't I understand Lin Yi's words in Chinese?

If this sentence came from the mouth of a potbellied middle-aged man, Nanjo Miyuki would definitely refuse without hesitation!

She is not like that!

However, these words came from the mouth of a young and handsome man, and Nanjo Miyuki hesitated.

However, she is still an emotional person after all.

Otherwise, when she received the murder notice, she would not have called Mouri Kogoro to ask for help.

Not everything in the world can be calculated by profit.

It's just that if she doesn't agree, how can she give the other party a commission fee of 10 million in one breath?

have no choice.

Nanjo Miyuki could only say in a pleading tone, "Mr. Lin, give me two days."

From Lin Jun to Mr. Lin, the change in titles reflects Nanjo Miyuki's attitude towards Lin Yi.

As she spoke, she stood up from the chair and gave Lin Yi a ninety-degree gift.

Nanjo Miyuki's refusal made Lin Yi happier and more excited.

It has to be said that men are sometimes really bitchy.

Women who can easily win are generally not cherished.

On the contrary, it is the hard bones that they will be excited about.

The old thief Miyazaki saw through this, so the Black Soul series was born.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "Miss Nanjo, I don't like seeing you begging for help like this... It will ruin your image in my mind."

No answer is refusal.

Nanjo Miyuki naturally knew about the conversation in the adult world.

Nanjo Miyuki felt bitter in her heart, and then she knelt down and kowtowed: "Mr. Lin, please."

Nanjo Miyuki's kneeling did not arouse any sympathy from Lin Yi.

He stood up from the chair and went to help Nanjo Miyuki up. He touched the mature face of the other party and said, "Miss Nanjo, if you continue like this, you will really disappoint me."

"Women are also dignified. If you trample on them like this, I will feel sad for you."

Nanjo Miyuki begged bitterly: "Mr. Lin——"

Lin Yi interrupted her and said, "Miss Nanjo, your loyalty to feelings makes me admire, even admire, that's why I like you."

"It's just that your loyalty to your relationship has made you choose the wrong object..."

Lin Yi used his mobile phone to show her the video of Hayato Nanjo's derailment. Nanjo Miyuki's expression became more and more ugly, and the pleading expression on his face gradually faded.

Obviously, her psychological defense has been broken by Lin Yi.

In the relationship between husband and wife, the weaker side is undoubtedly very sad.

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