Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1056

A smile appeared on Xiaolan's face: "Butler Suzuki, long time no see."

After chatting with Xiaolan for a while, Butler Suzuki said, "Second Miss is already waiting for you upstairs, please come with me."

The three of Lin Yi followed the housekeeper Suzuki into the house, their shoes stepped on the soft carpet, and there was hardly any sound.

The magnificent interior decoration directly blinded Lin Yi's dog eyes.

The high-ceilinged foyer, the grand door, the round arched windows and the stone masonry at the corners are all elegant, fresh and unconventional.

White stucco walls combined with light red roof tiles, continuous arches and corridors, and a living room with high and large windows make people feel swaying, elegant, delicate and comfortable.

Thinking of the lobby in my hotel, the deepest impression is that there is a large exaggerated glass chandelier hanging on the ceiling.

Comparing the Suzuki Mansion with a star-rated hotel, the latter was completely defeated.

Lin Yi has a little more insight in life——No matter how good it is, it is better to cast a good child.

After coming to the living room on the second floor, Yuanzi was already drinking black tea there.

"Xiaolan, Jianai, Lin Yi! You are here!" After seeing them, Sonoko immediately stood up happily and went to greet them.

"Butler, I'll just entertain them." Sonoko signaled that there was no need to take care of Butler Suzuki here.

"Okay." Butler Suzuki left without talking nonsense.

After all, he has been working in this house for a long time, and naturally he knows what to do.

Sonoko beckoned them to sit down on a white table and chairs.

Kanai couldn't help but said, "Yuanzi, your house is really huge... If you let me go out by myself, I think I'll get lost myself."

"That's right, but if it's too big, it doesn't feel like home." Sonoko said, "If possible, I'd rather choose to live in an apartment like Kano's!"

After hearing Yuanzi's words, Lin Yi didn't care.

Once you have something, you have the right to despise it.

It's as if Boss Ma is not interested in money.

And most people are not qualified to say such things.

"Come on! Hurry up and try these snacks, Xiao Lan Jianai, these are all your favorites. I specially had them airlifted from Hokkaido this morning." Sonoko urged.

Airlifted from Hokkaido?

Alas, the life of the rich is so unpretentious.

Lin Yi pondered while eating, should he improve his grades?

If nothing else, at least a few planes will be built.

Even if you don't need it, when you chat with people in the future, you can show off and show off, otherwise it won't fit your super rich second-generation persona.

Oh, right. There are planes, but also a few cruise ships.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi immediately took out his mobile phone and motioned Mingmei to buy these vehicles.

After the news was sent, Lin Yi felt that the distance between himself and the upper class had narrowed a little bit.

Chapter 925

When a boy goes to a boy's house to play, he either admires the opponent's restricted-level figures, or observes the opponent's four-way titan magic machine, or gets drunk watching football with the opponent, or brags about the mountains.

But if it is the last item, the vast majority of people should choose to go out to do this.

After all, if it wasn't for the other person in the family, bragging would easily be exposed on the spot by other people's disdainful family members, and the atmosphere was very embarrassing.

When a girl goes to a girl's house, the things she can do are almost the same. Let the other party observe her wardrobe, discuss makeup matters, or gossip about so-and-so, and then have afternoon tea to spend the day perfectly.

Boys go to girls' houses... Well, there are only a handful of things that can be done.

In addition to discussing how humans survive and reproduce, under normal circumstances, there are very few common topics between men and women.

If he was just an ordinary friend with them, Lin Yi would have become a friend of women. When talking to them, he could easily talk endlessly, from day to night.

But if it's already a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, then he doesn't have to work so hard to fit in with them.

Drinking tea, playing with mobile phones, saying "um" every now and then, and nodding perfunctorily will do.

Yuanzi saw Lin Yi's out-of-body appearance, she smiled, and then said, "Lin Yi, do you want to go to the study to have a look? I have a lot of famous books in my collection."

As we all know, Lin Yi does not read books, and he is not very interested in educating his soul.

Yuanzi naturally knew this, but she sent Lin Yi to read in the study.

This thing is very subtle.

Lin Yi noticed this subtlety, and he realized that there must be something tricky in it!

Seeing Sonoko winking at him, he knew something was wrong!

As a qualified debut explorer, Lin Yi, of course, wanted to find out.

"Really? I'm very interested!" Lin Yi replied.

"I'll ask the housekeeper to take you there." Yuanzi pressed a button on the table, and after a while, the housekeeper came over.

Yuanzi said, "Housekeeper, you take Lin Yi to the study, he wants to read."

"Okay." The housekeeper nodded and said to Lin Yi, "Mr. Lin, please come here."

With curiosity, Lin Yi followed the housekeeper away.

As soon as he left, Kanai said strangely, "Huh? When did Yi fall in love with reading books?"

Xiaolan tilted her head, her eyes filled with deep doubts: "Yes, I feel strange too."

With a smile on the corner of Sonoko's mouth, she said, "Don't worry about him~~ Let's continue talking about us! It's Saori Kawamoto from the next class, have you heard of it? I had a little conflict with her in school before, she She said that she was an old classmate with the principal, and also threatened that I would not be able to stay at Didan High School."

"Finally, she came to my house with her father and the principal to apologize to me. Xiaolan also knows about this."

"Yes, I know, Kanon, you don't know how arrogant that Kawamoto Saori is. He came to trouble Sonoko for no reason."


While they were chatting gossip, Lin Yi had followed the housekeeper into the study.

"Mr. Lin, please come in." Butler Suzuki said after opening the door, "If you need anything, press this button and I will come."

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