Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 818

As the investigation continued, the information obtained was the same as that provided by the middle-aged woman in the convenience store.

This made Pingji very depressed.

"It seems that the people of the Men's Association on this island don't get along very well... People who run away from home at every turn are already 27 years old, but they behave like a naive little girl."

The fruitless rush made Heiji ruthlessly complain about the other party, in order to vent his emotions.

Taking advantage of the rest time, Pingji called He Ye again.

Sure enough, as he thought, the phone still could not be connected.

He Ye was still angry about his misunderstanding... alas, I was too impulsive at the time.

Heiji said helplessly, he had to send another letter of apology to He Ye, begging for the right forgiveness.

"The call was made and the text was sent. I did everything I had to do... The next thing to do is to wait. When she's out of her breath, she'll reply to me."

Remembering that he accidentally made He Ye angry before, and he came here like this, Heiji felt a little relieved.

"Hatto, what are you doing?" Conan's voice came from the side.

Pingji looked down, put down his phone and said, "What else can I do? After searching for so long, the sun is about to go down. There is no news of concurrent use. Of course, I have to take a break."

"Kudou, how are you doing here?"

"There is some news," Conan said, "Menxie Saori likes big cities very much, so she goes back to her hometown to find friends to play when she is on vacation."

"When she was at work, she only stayed in the store, and went home to rest after get off work. Occasionally, she went out to find some childhood sweethearts on the island to play with."

"So the people on the island know her, but they don't know her very well."

"It seems that we can only wait for the dugong festival in the evening, and let Miss Shimabukuro take us to her house." After Heiji said something, his stomach suddenly growled.

"Ah... I'm hungry." Heiji scratched his head embarrassedly.

Conan touched his stomach and said, "I'm hungry too... I was busy from morning to afternoon, and I forgot to eat. Forget it, call my uncle back and go out for dinner. By the way, exchange information with him... Well, I guess he didn't get any useful information either."

Although Mouri Kogoro has changed, this change is subtle, not instantaneous, but compared to the past, there has been some progress.

Conan took out his mobile phone, called Mouri Kogoro, and told him the address.

The town is not big, but the distribution is messy and irregular, so it took Kogoro Mouri 20 minutes to come over.

"Uncle, how's the investigation going?" Conan asked.

"I found Saori's father in the tavern, Benzo of the door association..." When Kogoro Mori opened his mouth, Conan and Heiji were slightly surprised.

They all admired him!

"However, he has already drank into a lump of mud. It is estimated that he will have to wake up at night." After Kogoro Mauri said this, he accidentally burped, and the smell of alcohol drifted over.

Conan and Heiji's eyes slowly turned into contempt.

Mouri Kogoro was also a little embarrassed, and he quickly changed the subject: "Oh, it's getting late! Let's go to dinner."

"I just heard someone say in the bar that there is a famous seafood restaurant here! We rarely come to this island, so let's go and try it!"


After Heiji heard it, his heart moved, and he thought to himself: He Ye likes food very much, since she came to this island, she would definitely not miss the food here.

Then he nodded in agreement: "Then go to the shop you mentioned, Uncle Maori, and try it!"


After arriving at the seafood restaurant, there were already a lot of tourists sitting here.

After Heiji picked a position with a better line of sight, he looked around subconsciously, looking for He Ye's figure.

Seeing Heiji's actions, Conan said strangely: "Hatto... What are you looking for?"

"'s nothing, just look around habitually." Heiji perfunctory Conan, he didn't want Conan to know his embarrassment.

"Really?" Conan felt that Heiji must be hiding something from himself, but he didn't ask.

However, suddenly Conan also saw a familiar voice, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and hurriedly called: "Sister Xiaolan?"

"Idiot, how could Xiaolan appear in such a place..." Mouri Kogoro just complained about Conan, where he looked: "Xiaolan!"

Xiao Lan, who was just about to go upstairs in the bathroom, heard someone calling her. She looked back subconsciously and found that Conan and Mouri Kogoro were also there. She said in surprise, "Dad, Conan, why are you here?"

Heiji watched Xiaolan come over to say hello, but why did the other party look familiar?

Thinking about it again, isn't she just chasing the girl from He Ye Go who was made to cry by herself?

"Dad, Conan, come and sit together upstairs!" Xiaolan warmly invited them upstairs, and finally she looked at Heiji: "And this..."

"Oh, his name is Hattori Heiji, a little ghost detective from Osaka!" Kogoro Mouri introduced Xiaolan.

"Heiji?" Xiaolan's expression changed slightly.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, why did he feel that Xiaolan was not so enthusiastic?

After following Xiao Lan to the VIP seat on the second floor, I saw He Ye.

Heiji was secretly happy, he knew that he knew He Ye!

"He Ye! So you're upstairs! I said why can't I see you." Heiji walked over with a smile on his face.

After seeing Heiji, He Ye was also very happy. Just when she was about to respond with a smile, Sonoko, who was sitting opposite her, kicked her under the table, reminding her with his eyes——you have to control yourself!

Only then did He Ye remember the results of their afternoon discussion, and he knew that he couldn't be too enthusiastic about Heiji, not to mention that he misunderstood him in the morning. Although he apologized with a text message, it was far from enough!

"Oh, it's Heiji." He Ye restrained his smile and nodded coldly.

"..." Heiji's smile disappeared, and He Ye didn't give himself a good face, indicating that she was still angry.

Heiji wanted to fight for Heye to calm down as soon as possible, so he sat down in the vacant seat next to Heye.

"Hey, hey, this is Xiaolan's position... Can't you see that the bowls on the table are all set?" Sonoko said aloud, "I'm still a detective... I don't have any eyesight at all."


Inexplicably targeted by the girl, Heiji glanced at He Ye, and after thinking that there was still time after dinner, he sat down in the empty seat: "Then I'll sit next to it."

As soon as Heiji sat down, he was chased away by Kogoro Mouri: "Here is Lin Xiaozi sitting, you sit across from it..."

"..." Heiji suddenly felt that the whole world was targeting him.

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