Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 852

"What are you thinking? I'm running... give me the time, the place, and what the target looks like."

"Tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon, we will meet at the CC Cafe in Beikacho, codenamed Asuka..."

Chapter 731

"Asuka? This code name looks like the Japanese would come up with it." Lin Yi's voice came from the earphones.

"According to the information, she grew up in the United States, but she has three-quarter German and one-quarter Japanese descent, and is proficient in English, German, Japanese, and her Japanese is quite fluent... She is a child prodigy and has Got a college degree as a teenager." A fainter voice came from the earphones.

"What about the specific image?" Lin Yi asked.

A weak voice: "Well... I'm probably in my twenties, with a cute appearance and arrogant personality... It's the type you like, about 1.6 meters tall, brown hair, with double ponytails, and likes to wear red motorcycle clothes. ."

"Of course the most conspicuous feature is that she wears a black eye patch on her left... She was once injured in her left eye during an assassination mission."

"According to some rumors, she is a test-tube baby, and her parents are excellent scientists."

"It turns out that the test-tube baby... No wonder it's so good. Okay, I get it... Remember to delete the inspection records." Lin Yi urged.

"Don't worry, team leader... I have always been very reliable in my work." A weak voice replied.

"Reliable? You weren't found by a high school student up close. If it wasn't for Jinjiu's detection in time, your identity would have been exposed." Lin Yi's voice was slightly cold.

"...Sorry, it was my mistake."

"Be careful in the future. It is now in a latent state. There is nothing particularly urgent. Don't contact me."



The call ended here, and after that, Lin Yi was running.

And Belmod, who has long been shocked by this series of information, is speechless.

She ran back decisively to stop tracking Lin Yi, ran back into the car, and while taking a breather, she sorted out the information she had just "eavesdropped" on.

For example, what is the identity of the code name Asuka? Killer? Or official? What is the purpose of Lin Yi meeting with her?

Also, Lin Yi actually knew about the existence of our organization? And his team members turned out to be placed beside the organization? Close to Gin?

The more she thought about it, the more frightened Belmode became, which made her feel extremely terrified!

Since she learned that Conan is the identity of Kudo Shinichi, she has begun to investigate the reason why he has become smaller————This is the easiest thing for the intelligence chief Belmod.

After some investigation, Belmod knew that after Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan went to the amusement park, they disappeared for a long time.

Since that time, the investigation has been started. According to the date, after further investigation, Belmod was surprised to find that it happened that the gin and vodka were trading with people there... This is her from the dog Calvados. The news I heard.

By the way, Calvados got the news from Cohen and Chianti.

According to Kudo Shinichi's character, Belmod easily guessed that Shinichi tried to intervene after realizing this, but failed, and was fed the developing poison APTX4869 by gin.

After that, Belmod did find Kudo Shinichi's name on the drug use list, which confirmed Belmod's speculation.

But just now!

Belmod heard Lin Yi's description, although what he mentioned was vague, but Belmod was 50% sure that Lin Yi was talking about that matter! !

If it's what you think...then vodka...

When he thought that the stupid big brother who only followed the gin and the big brother on the left and the big brother on the right turned out to be undercover, Belmod felt that his whole body was shaking.

However, Belmod is an old-school killer who has been around for years.

I quickly adjusted my mind and calmed myself down.

Do not! The current information is too vague.

Just relying on the word "high school student", it is impossible to determine that "high school student" is Kudo Shinichi.

When the clues are not clear enough, it is too hasty to identify Vodka's identity as an undercover agent.

Gin is very cautious in doing things, and it is impossible to choose an undercover agent to be his deputy.

But... go back and find another opportunity to thoroughly check the identity of vodka.

The most important thing at the moment is to recover the cufflinks bug on Lin Yi's body... This guy's identity is far more mysterious than I imagined.

If he detects the cufflinks bug, he will definitely get into big trouble!

Thinking of this, Belmod's brows couldn't help frowning, and he felt enormous pressure in an instant.

But at the same time, Belmod is also a little fortunate that he did not act rashly that night when he disguised as Xiaolan, otherwise, who will kill who may not be sure.

Belmod began to think about how to recover the bug without attracting Lin Yi's attention.


In Rice Flower Park, Lin Yi had stopped. From the third-person vision, he saw that Belmod had already driven away, beyond the range, and the eavesdropping device would not work.

Lin Yi took a breath, then turned on the phone and deleted the recordings -- these recordings were recorded by Lin Yi himself in advance.

This person Asuka was fabricated, and there is no such person here. It's just Lin Yi's personal bad taste.

Vodka is undercover, which is also a joke... Obviously, the joke didn't make Belmod laugh, but made her frown and become suspicious.

Of course, this is not Lin Yi's playfulness. He is consciously increasing the mystery of his identity. On the other hand, it is to scare Belmod and arouse her curiosity.

What will you do next?

Lin Yirou stared at Belmod with interest. He wondered if knowing what the spy chief would do next would be as he imagined.

Lin Yi finished running and was planning to find a place to have a good meal, fill his stomach and replenish his blood sugar.

As soon as he walked out of Mihua Park, Lin Yi's cell phone rang immediately.

He looked at it, and it was Mingmei who called.

After getting on the phone, Akemi said: "Lin Yi, I have arranged for Shimabukuro Junhui, let her be my assistant, get used to it first... Also, she made a request to see you. "

"I'm not free right now, let's talk when I'm free." Lin Yi replied.


Lin Yi just hung up the communication when the next call came again, an unfamiliar number.

Chapter 732

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