Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 947

Yukiko glanced at her, and the actress said with a wry smile: "Life is like this sometimes... If you take a step back, you miss the opportunity and get dumped by others."

Yukiko didn't care too much, she just simply thought that the actress gave up the idea of ​​py trading.

The second actress clenched her hand holding the champagne, and with a pill in the other, she knew it was time to act.

She was much more decisive than the third actress. She glanced at the water level of the champagne in the three boats of dragons, took a few more sips, and ensured that the water level of her glass was roughly the same as the other person's glass of champagne.

While wiping off the lipstick on the wall of the cup, throw the medicine into the cup, and the medicine is slowly melting.

Michuan Longyi's attention was on Lin Yi. He didn't dare to look at other actresses, worried that his girlfriend would go back and settle accounts with him in the autumn, so he didn't notice the little actions of the actress next to him.

Although Lin Yi was looking at the three boats, he still managed to catch the second actress out of the corner of his eyes, and threw the [Teddy Medicine] given to her into the cup.

[Teddy medicine: It can instantly turn the user into an impulsive Tai Ritian. The effect is immediate upon touching a woman and lasts for three hours. 】

The actress who was going to the bathroom suddenly swayed and fell to the ground when she passed the sofa where Ryu Mifune was at one time.


When Sanchuanlong, who was chatting with Lin Yi, heard the movement, he turned his head and quickly put down the champagne to help them up.

The second actress quickly stood up, put her champagne with Ryuichi's champagne, and then went over to check the situation with a worried expression.

All eyes from Yukiko's side came over.

"Thank you..." The first actress accepted the support of Ryuichi Mifune and stood up. After expressing her thanks, she said to the others, "I'm sorry... I drank a little too much, and my head was dizzy. fall down."

"Slow down." After three boat dragons told the other party, he let go of her arm, not wanting his girlfriend to misunderstand anything.

Naturally, Ya Yuanhuang would not be angry because of the assistance of the rescue. Instead, she was very happy that her male ticket had a gentleman's demeanor.

When the second actress saw that the first actor was okay, she breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the champagne again, and went back to her place.

Of course, the champagne in her hand was not her own.

Ryuichi Mifune picked up his champagne again and didn't pay attention... Even if he did pay attention, he wouldn't notice it.

"Mr. Mifune is really a considerate gentleman." Lin Yi praised: "The action just now must have been done subconsciously."

"Where is it...professional habits." The corners of Mifune Longyi's mouth raised wildly by Lin Yikua, and he said: "Sometimes when taking pictures of some models, they will fall down because of their soreness and numbness due to the posing time for too long. , I'll go and help..."

"When you get used to it, you can't help but do it."

Next, let Mifune Ryuichi finish the glass of champagne.

This is easy for Lin Yi.

"Humble... come." Lin Yi raised his glass with a smile: "I just like people with professional ethics like you. This year, there are fewer and fewer people like you... Have you considered changing jobs? Come? I work here, and I'll give you three times your current salary!"

Obviously, Lin Yi is running an olive branch to Sanchuanlongyi.

Triple pay? ? !

Sanchuanlongyi was so excited, he said, " this suitable?"

"Suitable, why not? Your quality is here." Lin Yi said: "Technology can be practiced, but a person's professionalism is not so easy to form."

"Then... Then thank you, Mr. Lin." Sanchuanlongyi's hands trembled with excitement as he held the wine glass. He stopped talking and drank the glass of champagne in one breath to show his sincerity!

Chapter 828

In the first step, the medicine has been drank by three boats of dragons.

The second step is to trigger the effect of the drug.

The first actor came back from the bathroom soon after.

She gave Lin Yi a look, indicating that the matter had been done.

Then she picked up the champagne, took a sip, put it down again, and muttered: "This champagne is not good at all, it has no wine taste at all... I just went to the waiter's strong wine, Mr. Lin do you mind?"

"Of course I don't mind." Lin Yi said.


Something happened!

Although it is an inconspicuous little thing, the woman's intuition tells Yukiko that things are not so simple.

However, Yuxizi didn't know what was wrong with this.

With her power of observation, she couldn't detect any tricks at all.

Am I thinking too much?

Yukiko thought a little depressingly.

No, I definitely didn't think too much!

She knew that Lin Yi, a scumbag, would definitely not be a moon man and help people lead marriages.

He's sure to do some little tricks!

There is nothing more depressing in the world than——She knew that this was going to happen, but she didn't notice anything unusual.

However, such a thing can be avoided if it is like to be avoided.

For example... let Yayuan Huang leave with her male ticket before the incident happened.

As a result, everyone is gone, and everything Lin Yi does is superfluous.

However, Kiko would like to think about this kind of thinking, she will never put it into action.

Because the consequences of doing this are very serious, even she doesn't know what kind of things Lin Yi will do, and she is not willing to bear it.

She could only cast a sympathetic look at Ya Yuanhuang. All she could do was hope that the other party would not easily fall for Lin Yi.

"What's wrong? Senior Yuxizi?" Yayuan Huang noticed Yuxizi's eyes and asked curiously.

"Ah... I just suddenly wanted to know, what happened between you and your boyfriend, is he treating you well?"

Yukiko wanted to hear from Ya Yuanhuang that she was dissatisfied with his boyfriend, and even suspected of cheating, so that the guilt in her heart would dissipate.

Yayuanhuang didn't expect Yuxizi to ask this, she said a little embarrassedly: "Well, he is very good to me. You can listen to me on many things..."

"Is that so..." Yukiko sighed secretly after hearing this.

After a few knocks on the door, the door opened, and a female bartender came in with a dining cart.

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