After a deep understanding, I found that this girl actually has a soft and memorable personality.

She is like a vine, which needs to rely on Taishu to shelter her from wind and rain in order to thrive.

Just after returning from a business trip, I went back alone_Zou Yu might be thinking wildly, and even feel helpless.

Or hurry to comfort her.

Immortal sister. It’s not enough to love her, only a fool will neglect her e

When I came to the garage this year... I walked towards my Ferrari, and there were still more than ten meters away from the car. Suddenly, a dozen figures rushed out of the corner not far away, and Qin Yan was so scared that he almost pulled out his car.

gun shooting. ,

When he saw clearly that it was the local reporters, he stood there helplessly.

"Hello, Mr. Qin, I'm a reporter from Business Weekly:..." A reporter from Taiwan, is the mate selection criteria you mentioned this afternoon true? What is the relationship between the lady next to you and you?"

"Mr. Qin, this is Happy Farm's victory over Koukouwuchang. What kind of impact do you think it will have on Tengda?"

"Second~ Mr. Qin. Some experts say that the open policy of the Hongmeng platform has opened up a new business model. Would you reject BAL? Is it possible to cooperate with these giant enterprises?"

Qin Yan felt ME in his heart.

These reporters actually blocked themselves in the garage.

This is where there is no office building of its own. There are only a dozen security guards in Wang Dynasty Taisha who have to maintain the entire building. And Hongmeng's security guards are all upstairs.

"It's off-duty time, ... I won't answer any questions."

Qin He parted the crowd and walked towards his car.

The reporters were not forgiving. The microphone almost poked Qin Yan's face.

Qin Yan's expression darkened. Just as he was about to get angry, a figure as fast as a tiger rushed over and squeezed directly into the crowd. With open arms, these reporters and Qin Yan


"I'm sorry, President Qin. I'm our company's security guard. I haven't done a good job of protecting you. Get in the car now."

It was a man in his thirties, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a resolute face, and a straight waist.

Wearing a blue security uniform. The logo above is exactly the logo of Hongmeng.

"What's your name?" Qin Yan asked. __"President Qin, my name is Xue

Qin Yan saw that he was blocking Shi Al alone, with his lower body completely motionless. I looked at his temperament again. "Have you been in the military?" he asked.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, you

Get in the car. It's a little dangerous here. "

"Come to my office tomorrow."

Qin Yan smiled, turned around and got into the Ferrari sports car, and drove away directly.

Things are not complicated.

These reporters are secretly hiding in the garage. Prepare to force yourself to ask some questions to prevent e

And this incident happened to be noticed by Xue Dingbing, but he didn't stop it. Instead, he secretly hid aside, and when the reporter rushed up to embarrass him, he stepped forward to make a rescue.

"It's kind of interesting, pretty smart."

Qin Yan smiled and muttered to himself.

This Schrodinger,

I want to win my favor. Then go up.

He doesn't dislike this kind of clever person who sees an opportunity but fails to grasp it. He will never use it.

"Chang'e, pull out the information about Xue Dingbing." Qin Yan said.

"Okay sir, please wait a moment..." Text version novel_(abb)

Support Feilu) original works. Enjoy the joy of reading⊥

Chapter 172 Spike Soldier King, Sister-in-law Zou Yue (3/7 for subscription)

- "Xue Dingbing, male, 32 years old, former captain of the Wolf Warrior Squadron, codenamed "Black Wolf". Combat position. Assaulter's data confidentiality authority level B."

"Enlisted in the army in 1994. In 2006, he was sentenced to 6 months in prison by a military court for beating the officer directly under him. He was sentenced to 6 months in prison by a military court and then retired."

"During the service period.. participated in a total of special missions.. received personal first-class merit once, personal second-class merit three times, and personal third-class merit times: 1!\"

"Twenty-five days ago, I joined Hongmeng's headquarters through someone's introduction, and the former employee was level one."

blue ear

In the plane, Chang'e's voice kept coming.

"Heh, I'm still a veteran of the Wolf Wu Special Forces. Captain Junjie, he can be a company commander or battalion commander in the army. 2 In the special warfare squadron, he should also be at the captain's level.

Qin Yanrao said with great interest, "Such a special soldier with a bright future...will beat up the chief and be sentenced?"

Chang'e took the initiative to ask, "Mr. Xue Dingbing's identity information should be further reviewed? This involves the content of the military's confidential information."

"I authorize. See what he did wrong."

Qin Yan said.

soon, only

Only a dozen seconds.. Chang'e's voice came:. "On December 7th, the operation code name is "Tugou".

Qin Yan listened quietly. After a long time_he murmured:_"Young chief of staff. He was misled by the CIA's wrong information. In addition_ he commanded indiscriminately and talked about military affairs on paper. In the end, all the local teammates were killed.

The first thing Xue Dingbing did when he returned to the base was to rush into the command room. He almost killed the chief of staff with a single shot.

In the end, the captain of the base arrived and did not make a big mistake. "

Qin Yan's mouth turned upward slightly. eyes change

It's a little weird.

Such an experience. It is very similar to the king of special soldiers in urban novels. After being wronged, he retired. Then wander the bridge section of the city.

This is clearly the main fish template.

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