
And even if there are more possibilities. If you don't do it, the possibility of success will always be zero. "

Qin Yan paced slowly on the podium and glanced at the audience.

“Some people may say that once you have an idea, you have the courage to take the first step, but what about the funds? The initial funds are the most difficult to accumulate, and this is the biggest obstacle to realizing your own ideas.

But I would say, that was before... because it was just yesterday when I arrived at Harvard. Principal Foster told me that he hoped that I could help the students here. Let them realize their dreams as soon as possible, and shoulder the responsibility of benefiting society and mankind.

I answered him, yes.. that's what I'm here for.

So, I brought the "He Miao Fund" here

Prior to this, the He Miao Fund has been implemented in Tang State for half a year. Tens of thousands of college students have applied for this fund. Among them, the first batch of 8 college students received dream investment, and after the second round of review. More people will get their dream investment. "

"Yes, you heard it right. As long as you apply for the project. You don't need to make achievements, as long as your idea is novel enough to impress the reviewers, you can get approval and funding."

I don't know how much applause is

It sounded involuntarily several times.

Qin Yan said, "Not only can you get the He Miao Fund's dream investment, but we will also arrange special experts to solve your problems.

I'm not just talking about business behavior if anyone here wants to do research work in academic research r environmental measurement and so on. There are no conditions. Our fund does not require you to contribute any of it.

I said this sentence once in Tang Dynasty. Here again, I say -z.:.::for you.

I pay the money, and you realize your dreams. Use your dreams to change the world to your heart's content

Bar""! \"

The applause became more violent.

"My success is not the only miracle L your future is, go chase your dreams, don't be afraid of making mistakes!"


Chapter 546 Another bragging, bold prediction! (4/7)

Qin Yan has been talking on stage for more than 20 minutes, and the atmosphere has always been enthusiastic.

From one peak to another - a nitrox!

In the surrounding stands, Harvard, MIT, and Cambridge are top students from other universities, and they have basically been completely selected by Tai Yan's words.

To them, every word Qin Yan uttered seemed to be the instilled truth _ even if it was a joke used to adjust the atmosphere. In their view, it also seems to contain wise words.

And now. .Qin Yan mentioned the Environmental Protection Fund and the Hemiao Fund one after another, which made everyone crazy.

Qin Yan said earlier that their ideas are very precious and valuable. As long as they bravely take the first step to realize their ideas, Qin Yan will send them the funds that can realize their ideas directly in front of them.

Regarding Qin Yan doing everything for them to lay the "soil seven three" mat. and preparatory work.

And here, everyone has equal opportunities. .Everyone can get the opportunity of dream investment.

There is no need for start-up companies to make certain achievements like angel investment, and investors will get investment after seeing the front and back. There are no restrictions on these investments.

Among the 70,000 to 40,000 people, no one feels that they are inferior to others, everyone is an elite. L

Qin Yan always controlled the rhythm of his speech, neither fast nor slow. His voice was low when it should be low. When it's time to be high-pitched, Gao Fang is like a master of rhythm. .The priority is just right. Fully mobilized the emotions of the surrounding audience.

This time the applause lasted for twenty or thirty seconds. Seeing that the applause had subsided, Qin Yan continued,

"I said it. I don't want to talk about some topics that are too heavy here, I just talk to you about my story, hoping to pass the truth that happened to me.

I will give you some inspiration from real things, so I will give you some help within my ability. "

His expression became serious, and the previous smile disappeared from his face:

"Everyone here is a young person. Young people are the hope of this world. Even now we are still very immature.,We can't carry the future and destiny of the world and mankind. We may not even be able to support ourselves now5.

But this day, sooner or later, will be the problem we face.

In the next ten years, there will be more than 4.5 billion Internet users worldwide, and the cooperation among various countries will become closer.

war crisis

, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and the energy crisis are all problems that we humans have to face.

We may take off and create a new world" or we may destroy this world with our own hands and destroy the entire human race.

The times will push us to different positions, and the most important thing "is that we have to prepare for these in advance."

"As for how to prepare for the era, first of all, I think we should find our own life goals and solve the first problem around us. After solving the first problem, we should go to solve the next problem. When you solve enough problems, you succeed.”

"As for how to solve the problems you face, if you are not capable enough alone, then you need a team.

My Hongmeng pan-entertainment is built by the team, without them, I would not be able to solve the difficult problems that are not L one after another on the way forward.

And when you solve a difficult problem and achieve your initial goal, you will naturally have a new goal, which is greater ambition. "

"It's like myself. I have solved a lot of problems. 1. My purpose is no longer to vent my anger and make money. It is no longer to desperately occupy market share.


It's been a long time since I touched money. I'm not interested in money.

I have realized my self-worth and am seeking self-transcendence. So my next goal is to use the Internet. Connect the Tang Dynasty to connect young people all over the world and let them connect the whole world to create a world of Internet of Everything. Completely change people's way of life.

I do already do that. After talking about prestige and micro-payment, there is a linkage. In North America, business eChat and business ePax have been linked, which makes the life of Hongmeng users much more convenient, and the efficiency of life has been greatly improved.

And this model will be extended to more


In the Tang Dynasty, almost every Internet user has their own WeChat account, which can be translated through i intelligent translation. They can communicate, interact and share with people of all colors and languages ​​all over the world without barriers. Intelligent translation also makes them closely connected to each other s

"Now. Hongmeng's business has just landed in North America, and we have copied the model of Tangguo to North America. I hope my products can be loved by users all over the world...

Of course, my product is not bad._Because people are - the same people are popular products in Tang country. In North America, the same is true in the world. Hongmeng Pan Entertainment has indeed received

Favorite of some users around the world.

This one is 1.25 billion!.

Some people say that I, Qin Yan, just want to use Tang Guo's Internet products to counterattack the birthplace of the Internet, so as to realize my self-worth.

NOL This is a typical "zero-sum game thinking". This is a very ridiculous notion.

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