Therefore, before this, it was the Internet companies in Tang Dynasty who were catching up with the Internet industry of the United States.

But now, due to its accumulation, the American Emperor Internet company is still huge for Tangguo Internet.

Although Hongmeng Pan Entertainment

The development in North America is good.. But we still maintain an open-minded learning and willingness to communicate. Otherwise, we will be caught up and eaten by some fast fish. ,

There was a buzzing discussion in the audience.

Qin Yan's words were really shocking.

The stick country girl continued to ask. Can I ask you one more question?"

"Please say."

Qin Yan stretched out his right hand.

"Do you think that the Tang Dynasty Internet has the hope of overtaking the US emperor in an all-round way? When? Why?"

Qin Yan replied seriously, "In my

It seems that if there is a country in the world that will overtake the US emperor in the Internet field, it must be Tang.

With Tang's economic growth rate, Mi will become the world's second largest economy next year _ this is beyond doubt.

And the improvement of the economy will stimulate people's thirst for information, which means that the growth rate of netizens in Tang country will be amazing.

In fact, as early as June last year, the number of netizens in Tang State had reached 300 million.

In the next five years, the number of Internet users will exceed 800 million. Half of them are mobile Internet users.

Users..Even the 8-year-old will have a smartphone that can carry the Internet in his pocket.

And such a huge market size will surely give birth to many world-class Internet companies, and the single market of Tang State alone can accommodate billion-dollar Internet companies. ,

"In this way, it will push the entire Internet market of Tang Dynasty to a new level.

I predict that within 15 years, it will surpass the Internet market of the United States! \"

Qin Yan said a very conservative statistic

The scale of the Internet in the Tang Dynasty is growing rapidly, while Google on the US side,

Pingguo and Amazon are not standing still.

Qin Yan waited for the girl with glasses to thank her and sat down. After sitting down, she looked around the stands, and then found Han Shanshan not far below the podium. .Is constantly bouncing and raising hands.

As Yun Shu's classmate, in Qin Yan's eyes, this girl has always been tough and tough. The main reason is that she has a pair of slender legs.

Qin Yan pointed at the other party and said, "That female classmate."

Han Shanshan didn't expect that Qin Yan would really choose herself among tens of thousands of people in the country. For a while, I couldn't believe it. His face flushed with excitement.

When the staff hands the microphone

When it was in her hands. Han Shanshan came back to her senses.

At this moment, he looked at Qin Yan, and didn't know what to ask.

Everyone in the audience set their eyes on Han Shanshan. Jian is a beautiful Asian girl. Immediately, she smiled knowingly again.

Han Shanshan. Some nervously said in Chinese, "Qin Yan, I'm Han Shanshan, we've met, you may have forgotten me, well, I haven't forgotten you."

Many people at the scene could understand Chinese. Hearing this, there was an uproar.

What's happening here?

Is she Qin Yan's former friend?


Yan smiled very calmly, _"Of course I remember you, and thank you for liking me, please ask."

Seeing that Qin Yan still didn't mention the original bet, Han Shanshan felt a little lost and flustered, her eyes drooped for a while, before she came back to her senses and asked, "I think the problem is that as a student studying abroad students from the Tang Dynasty, what should we do in the future?

Now, we still yearn for the environment of western developed countries, mainly a mature and sound social system

Second, we want to develop here, but it is not so easy. Do you have any good suggestions for this? 3

Qin Yan's smile slowly subsided. This question probably wasn't brought up by Han Shanshan on the spur of the moment. It was the foreign students standing beside her who asked her to ask for an e-mail

Qin Yan replied, "Hongmeng Pan Entertainment has been actively introducing overseas elite talents and alleviating the problem of brain drain.

We have introduced many generous welfare policies, I very much hope that international students like you can finally return to Tang to work

"However, for this point, I don't want to elevate it to building the motherland, personal morality, giving back to society, etc.

I think it's up to your own judgment how to choose. Tang Dynasty as a whole

The economy is taking off, and now it is already the factory of the world.

Tang State has 39 major industrial categories, individual categories, and individual subcategories, and is the only country in the world that has all the industrial gates listed in the United Nations industrial classification.

In the future, high-tech and sophisticated industries will be the focus of the layout. This in itself requires a lot of talented people.

This is a very good opportunity for overseas students and should not be missed.

Many Chinese and Chinese students around applauded, feeling that although Qin Yan's words were simple, they were very encouraging.

Qin Yan said again, "Hongmeng Fan Entertainment welcomes overseas talents to join us.

1 Everyone knows our corporate culture.. is to share benefits with all employees. As long as they reach the P5 rank, they can get allotment shares. _

At the same time, I promise everyone that joining Hongmeng Pan Entertainment will guarantee the salary and benefits of employees in an all-round way.

Moreover, Hongmeng is still in a period of rapid development, so it is not afraid to join in. There is no chance. ,

Anyone who is familiar with Qin Yan knows that he is taking the opportunity to advertise and fool people.

With such a good stage right now, with 600 million viewers, I would feel sorry for myself if I didn’t take the opportunity to carry a wave of job advertisements 1

Many high-achieving students studying abroad are very big

Some of them will stay in the local area to start a family and start a business, leading to brain drain.

Now, Qin Yan has achieved success. His overly ambitious pattern undoubtedly provided a new direction for these international students.

It turns out that in Tang Dynasty, start-up companies can achieve such a great success in such a short period of time.”_

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