Now that Stark Capital has entered the market with 100 million U.S. dollars, if you sell your stocks and get out of the market, you have already made at least _ billion U.S. dollars. For all of this, Gu Ziyun called Qin Yan and asked him when his capital left the market. .

Qin Yan is naturally not in a hurry, because Weiruan will continue to fall. , which is an inevitable fact.

A few days of round C financing negotiations were completed. The valuation of Hongmeng Pan-Entertainment has reached 0 billion US dollars, and Andy's valuation of Hongmeng Pan-Entertainment has become a prophecy, relying on the evolution brought by Qin Yan's trip to Harvard, and the acquisition of Disneyland. The wave operation successfully made the valuation of Hongmeng Pan Entertainment skyrocket by tens of billions in a short period of time

And the current negotiation is far from being finalized, because Qin Yan is not satisfied with this price at all.

After Disney was acquired by Hongmeng, it rose sharply for four consecutive days. The next day, the stock price rose by 1%. For the next three days, the daily increase exceeded .9%, and the previous total market value had exceeded 100 million US dollars, which was once again shocking_世界人

Qin Yan didn't expect Disney to be so 03 to 4. In just a few days, Dishi's stock price tripled. According to his idea, S simply took out the whole Didu and operated it alone. Taking advantage of those primitive empty IPs in his mind, the total market value of Di Shi will definitely exceed 0.0 billion US dollars in the future. ,

And Hongmeng Pan Entertainment is still Hongmeng Pan Entertainment.

Anyway, now we just signed an equity transfer agreement with Disney's major shareholders

Party A of the equity transfer agreement is Hongmeng Pan Entertainment, and the major shareholders are naturally unwilling to do so;

They don't want to pay more than 0 billion US dollars, so the negotiation has reached a stalemate

Qin Yan is more inclined to separate Hongmeng Disney and operate it independently. 2 is responsible to him alone.

This is the charm of the Internet industry.

Always full of opportunities and games.

As long as you catch a hot spot, you can make a product with no name on the Internet - overnight all over the world.

Even if Hongmeng Pan Entertainment does not count as "Hongmeng Dishang". The valuation is also already at 0 billion US dollars. There are three main reasons:

One is the crazy increase in the number of users,

The second is the continuous increase of Internet platforms, and the third is the huge social influence brought by Qin Yan, which can make the story of Hongmeng Group continue to rise.

And this kind of climbing speed has made the global capital market tremble with fear.

The strange thing is, compared with previous investments. This time, the global capital side, especially the big Wall Street investment banks, showed unprecedented madness.

They don't think whether investing in Hongmeng Pan Entertainment is a venture capital investment, but they enter the market to share the cake. Because behind the rapidly rising valuation of Hongmeng Panao Le, there is no moisture.

This company does not have any debt, and the increase in valuation is not hype

It is because the overall improvement speed of various businesses is too fast.

Two months ago, WeChat was only a chat tool used by a few thousand or five people in the North, European elites, university groups, etc., and the scale of overseas users was only 200 million to 300 million. _

But as "Who is the **** babe in Paradise Town in the United States?" became popular in the entire North American market, the influence of this casual entertainment game spread to the United States, and then "Paradise Town Sangmi Mode" became popular all over the world It is hot again, plus the third major update of WeCbat itself.. It has attracted hundreds of millions of users for WeChat in a few nights, and the growth rate

It was as fast as ascending to the sky in a rocket spiral.

Then, Qin Yan left New York. Went to Cambridge. Who would have thought that just one evolution would cause a phenomenon-level international news that lasted for several days around the world.

Qin Yan's popularity this time, coupled with the acquisition of Diss, has increased his popularity. Within a few days, WeChat's global user scale has once again increased by an order of magnitude, becoming the most brilliant product among the many products in the Internet industry. a big star.

Scholars and professors from many universities have achieved such miracle-:like success in order to study Qin Yan. Research projects have been carried out one after another, specializing in the study and analysis of Qin

Yan operates Hongmeng pan-entertainment means. Hope to find out the inevitable elements and laws of his success.

Many well-known professors convened teams to use weChat as the development line of Hongmeng Pan Entertainment. Made a detailed breakdown. Organize it into a report,,, and then copy it inside the campus to start a big discussion.

in. A professor named Ma Gong: Yake from the University of Cambridge in England. The understanding of Tang Guo. and Tang Guo Internet is very deep. And the level is very high. He analyzed LyeChat and "Happy Farm" as the main direction of attack, and wrote a paper with a very high gold content. 2 is sought after by many students of Cambridge University.

In just three days, this paper on "How Qin Yan used a small game to leverage the entire Internet" was available on the Cambridge campus.

Not only that, this set of papers with only _ pages, but less than 80,000 words, was immediately targeted by publishers. After obtaining the approval of Professor Ma T, the publisher paid a very high royalty in advance, just to obtain the physical book publishing rights of the thesis.

The publishers agreed that the rewriting of this thesis into a book would surely sell well all over the world.

in North America and Europe. The book market is very developed, and the copyright protection is in place, and there is basically no piracy

Books. Even now that the Internet is popular, the traditional publishing industry is still very hot. A bestseller can easily exceed one million copies.

In this case, it is another book on the study of "Internet Emperor Qin Yan". It can definitely have more than tens of millions of copies.

The professor originally only wanted to study the core of how Hongmeng pan-entertainment developed, and analyze Qin Yan’s operation and promotion methods1, but he did not expect that his paper would be regarded by the publisher, and the prepaid manuscript fee exceeded 10,000 US dollars, which gave him a huge surprise .

Soon, Professor Martin signed the contract with the publishing house. Of course, it will take at least half an hour of preparation from the dissertation to the release of the physical book.

However, Professor Ma Gong and the publisher have prepared the name of the book in advance—

"Qin Yan, From a Game to the God of the Internet!"

Time to enter August.

Qin Yan continued to dominate the front pages of the Western media, and at the same time made the people in charge of the global capital market sleepless.

At the same time MSN, Face into a gloomy.

As for another company that imitates eChat, "SpeedChat/

. Qin Yan didn't see it as a competitor at all. This website also lived up to expectations, _ has been crazy on Wechat

Struggling under the pressure of crazy expansion, when \"eChat9-V version was updated, this website stopped maintenance work without making any statement.

Their daily active users have also dropped from tens of thousands at the peak to only tens of thousands. No one wants to use this inferior pirated product.

As for the face is really miserable:..


Chapter 563 A Big Lose! Helpless bosses (4/5)

Business eChat and MSN ____ fight across the air. It was barely considered violent, but he didn't expect to die first. .but the youngest who is watching a play

Face is a novel social software that has developed well in North America, with 0 million users and 100 million users worldwide. All straight_ more than 85% are active users. _

According to the original historical development, Face will take off in the second half of this year and then surpass Microsoft's L in 2000 to become the world's z social software with 0 daily active users.

But it's a pity. He was born in the sky when he met Qin Yan.

Face active user rules

The cliff-like plunge of the model made Mark and the person in charge of product operations want to cry, and the speed of this continuous decline was so fast that it was unimaginable.

Obviously, there were over 100 million daily active users a month ago. , can be as short as a few days. , not only tens of millions left, but also two days later. , there are only a few million left

For a social software with a registration fee of 150 million_. The key indicator to measure the value of a software is not the number of registered users but the number of daily active users and the number of concurrent online users.

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