There are basically three ways to sell cars in Tianchao:

That is, the manufacturer establishes its own 4S shop directly under it.

Recruit individuals or companies with capital strength to form 4S shops.

There is also the licensing of the brand to a professional sales company.

There is no doubt that the establishment of a 4S shop by the manufacturer itself is in the best interest of the manufacturer in the long run.

But it is also the one with the largest capital demand, the highest management cost, and the most time and energy consuming.

For example, the Guangqi 4S store established by the Guangqi Group took nearly ten years and a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to establish more than 300 directly affiliated 4S stores across the country.

This method is quite uneconomical for Lin Fan.

In today's high-efficiency era, if you want to set up a huge self-operated 4S store, you must set up a dedicated company or department.

The establishment of 803 of each directly affiliated 4S store requires site selection, construction, planning, and various procedures, etc., which is equivalent to setting up a branch, and its complexity is crazy.

Recruiting individuals or companies with capital strength to set up 4S stores is relatively quick and easy.

This is also the preferred method of most manufacturers, but there are many disadvantages, such as the unevenness of the individual or the company, the extremely high management level, and too many uncontrollable factors...

The easiest and most direct way is to give the brand sales right to a professional sales company.

This method only requires the manufacturer to connect with the sales company.

But this model is the least cost-effective way for manufacturers.

Because brand sales rights are given to professional sales companies, while brand maintenance and product operations are handed over to the other party, after-sales and replacement services are also taken away by the other party.

In particular, for bulk commodities like automobiles, the sales company almost took away the bulk of the profits. Instead, the manufacturers worked as if they were working for the sales company.

On the surface of the several sales models before Lin Fan’s eyes, it seems that only the licensing of the brand to a professional car sales company is left.

After all, it is almost impossible to set up a 4S shop directly under the jurisdiction of a free country, even domestic ones, let alone foreign countries.

It is also unrealistic to recruit individuals and companies to set up 4S stores. After all, there is no factory in the free country, and Baolong's brand influence is not so great that individuals and companies in the free country can act as foreign brands.

However, Lin Fan was unwilling to build a car by himself. As a result, he made a lot of money for his family, and he was also controlled by others.

Therefore, Lin Fan thought of another sales model, which is to sell its products in the form of equity swaps.

As long as you have shares in those sales companies, you can participate in the company's decision-making.

That is not a simple import and export model, but investment into the target market.

To put it bluntly, it is to buy the shares of the target company or mature brand and use the resources of the target company or mature brand to sell its products.

In this case, you are a shareholder, and besides participating in the rule-making of the target company or mature brand, you also have considerable initiative.

Moreover, the export preferences and subsidies of the company's products can be grasped in their own hands, and the target company or mature brand's after-sales and replacement of their own products can also get the corresponding share.

The most important thing is that you can also learn foreign experience and technology. If you don't want to cooperate with the target company or mature brand in the future, you can get back product authorization and investment through share swaps.

This is a matter of killing several birds with one stone, and Lin Fan naturally chooses this way.

And Baolong's products have such advantages and capital.

Lin Fan does not believe that no sales company will not accept it.


After listening to Lin Fan's request and plan, Mars only felt sweat on his forehead, and the young boss in front of him was not easy.

But Mars still has to fight for his best interests, saying: "Lin, the conditions offered by our company are actually very superior. You have to know that it is not a simple matter for products produced by Chinese companies to enter a free country.

Especially commodities such as automobiles are subject to anti-dumping and various trade regulations, and our OPN company has a parliamentary relationship, and many things become relatively simple and fast.

Of course, Dear Lin, if you are not satisfied with our terms, we can negotiate, but the method of equity replacement is difficult for our company to accept. "

Lin Fan shook his head and smiled: "Mr. Mars, you should have known about the Baolong Group before you came here. In just one year, we have become a group of 100 billion yuan from a car company that produces vans by OEM.

The reason is that we have the only electric power technology in the world. As you know, new energy vehicles are the future development trend, and our Baolong has already walked in the front of the world, and will only go further and further... ....

As you can see, all the models launched by the Baolong Group in this year have achieved excellent sales results, especially the Q7 and Q9, regardless of price or performance, completely overwhelming models of the same level.

As for the K-series sports car, I don’t need to say any more. Just 12 kinds of variable car bodies will surely make young people in the free country go crazy. After entering the free country market, it will inevitably cause a sales frenzy. "

After a pause, Lin Fan spread his hands: "The most important thing is that the K series sports car enters the free country market. I don't intend to sell it at the price of the Celestial Dynasty, but increase the price by two to three times.

Mr. Mars, do you know what this means? In the free country, only you can buy a K-series sports car. At two to three times the price, your profits can be increased by two to three times. "

Regarding what Lin Fan said, Mars is not clear.

If the shareholders of the company were not very optimistic about Baolong's development prospects, they would not have asked him, the CEO, to come to heaven in person.

As for the K-series sports car, he had thought about it a long time ago. If he could get the authorization of the Baolong brand, he would take the initiative to suggest Lin Fan that the price of the K-series sports car in the free country must be increased. Outrageous.

When Mars was about to say something, Chen Huiyi walked in and whispered a few words in Lin Fan's ear.

Lin Fan couldn't help but stunned, and almost yelled out the shit in his heart.

Because another free country sales company sent a representative.

And this auto sales company called Braque is the largest auto retail group in the free country.

It seems that the influence of "show the world a little bit of color" Che Youhui Party is not that big.

Not only was it directly on the front page of the Asian section of the Free Country Times Weekly, which aroused great interest among young people in the free country, but also attracted many car sales executives from the free country.

Lin Fan raised his mouth slightly, got up and gave Mars an apologetic smile: "I'm sorry, Mars first, I'm going to meet a guest from the Braque Group, and forgive me for being unaccompanied."

The Braque Group?

Why are they here too?

Mars couldn't help but hesitated. It seems that this trip to the celestial dynasty is quite difficult. .

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