The Bode Club is the most upscale membership club in the Ander Star, and even in the entire Yangtze River Delta Star Domain.

It is located in the 3rd district of Ender City, which is also the most famous area for the wealthy.

The cheapest property here also needs 15W SGDs per square.

Those who can buy industries in the 3rd district are either rich or expensive, and several famous large shopping malls are also full of luxury goods, and ordinary people can feel frightened just by looking at the price tag.

The Bird Club, on the other hand, is able to occupy nearly 8W square meters in the heart of District 3.

That alone is enough to prove it all….

The Bode Club is a comprehensive club and has always been a pastime for the andyth of the Ander star magnates, and those who can come and go here are either political tycoons or business celebrities.

The architectural style of the Bode Club is very distinctive, all white marble buildings, majestic, and the gates are arched, typical of the old empire style.

It is very different from the high-rise buildings around it that are full of technology.

But it is precisely because of this that the Broad Club stands out and scratches the itch of the magnates.

It is well known that the magnates were very fond of the old imperial style…


Bode Club, Opera Hall.

Lu Zizhong and Song Xinnan are enjoying the staged song and dance drama “Lund’s Love”.

It tells the story of the old imperial era, the imperial knight Lund, who fell in love with a commoner woman, was not tolerated by society, and finally had no choice but to break up, Andron died on the battlefield, and his lover was martyred for it.

In the position in front of the two, a noble lady whispered, “What a poignant story, a pair of lovers who truly love each other, but are hindered by class.”

Fortunately, times have changed. ”

Hearing the noble lady’s sigh, Song Xinnan shook her head and whispered, “No, the times have never changed…”

This sentence made Lu Zizhong look slightly moved, and he couldn’t help but glance at Song Xinnan.

Song Xinnan is right, the times have never changed.

Although the aristocratic class system collapsed from the empire to the federation, in reality, everything has not changed.

Those great nobles have become the door valves of the powerful, still high above, the power is hereditary, and the commoners can still struggle at the bottom

The only change, only the possibility and only the change in the title

Even now, isn’t Lund’s story often staged and becomes the laughing stock of various families…

Song Xinnan’s ability to have this understanding really surprised Lu Zizhong.

The good-looking lady heard someone refute her words, and with some dissatisfaction, she turned her head to look at it, and then she almost exhaled.

She recognized the identities of the young man and woman.

At the Governor’s Birthday Banquet a few days ago, she also attended with her husband and met Lu Zizhong and Song Xinnan.

But the lady also understood that interrupting the performance was a very disrespectful act.

She sat back down again, but she didn’t know why, after seeing Lu Zizhong, her heart fluttered, and her face turned red unconsciously.

For no reason, she did not want to be refuted by Song Xinnan, even if the latter was the daughter of the governor.

The young lady muttered in a low voice, “Why hasn’t it changed?” Formerly an Empire, now a Federation! ”

Hearing the noble lady’s almost gambling words, Song Xinnan smiled slightly and did not speak.

Lu Zizhong, on the other hand, was expressionless and his eyes were deep.

No one can see what this famous man is thinking at the moment…


Just as Lu Zizhong and Song Xinnan were enjoying the song and dance drama, Tang Long also carried a suitcase and walked into the door of the Bode Club.

As a membership club, you must have a membership card to enter the club.

The membership card, on the other hand, requires a capital injection of 1500W SGD, which is a number that ordinary people dare not think.

However, the membership system of the Broad Club, unlike other clubs, is confidential.

In other words, only recognize the card, not the person.

Only those who have a membership card, regardless of their status, can enter the Bode Club.

In addition, there is no monitoring system in all the boxes, absolute secrecy, and it is precisely because of this that it is particularly loved by the magnates

After the doorman confirmed the membership card, he respectfully took Tang Long and entered the inside of the club.

It is a world of luxury and dreaminess.

The thick blanket floor was very comfortable to step on, and the golden hall hung with paintings of old emperors.

The beauties laugh, the gentlemen laugh, the servants laugh, and the masters laugh falsely.

A drunken dream of death.

Tang Long walked through the boxes with no expression on his face, and under the guidance of the waiter, he came to box 707.

With just the right smile on his face, the waiter respectfully said, “Sir, this is Box 707, and I wish you a pleasant evening.” ”

Tang Long nodded and took a deep breath.

He knew that the most dangerous moment had arrived.

He knew nothing about Mr. K, not even whether there was anyone else in the box…

But he knew he had to go in!

Tang Long opened the door and walked into the box, and saw a man in a yellow suit sitting on the sofa, smiling and looking at him.

Seeing Tang Long come in, the man got up, smiled and said, “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” ”

Tang Long looked at the man carefully, and could not see that the man had any outstanding features.

Is he Mr. K?


In front of the Bode Club, the alarm bells were loud, and the blue and white police cars occupied all the streets around the Bode Club.

Heavily guarded, special agents wearing special exoskeletons surrounded the Bode Club!

There are even five small police mechs, hovering in the air!

Andersing Police Commissioner Pol stepped out of the police car and looked solemnly at the Bode Club in front of him.

He received news that The Bird Club was ongoing a treason…

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