As the new federal president, it is clear that Lu Yuan will be busy for a long time to come.

The first thing that was lost in front of Lu Yuan was to form a new government and appoint and nominate a new chief.

If it had been in the past, the president’s right to nominate was only illusory.

Under the struggle of the various door valve families, the candidates for the heads of each department are determined internally, and then the president is allowed to go through the formalities and it is over.

But now, Lu Yuan, the president, is different.

Not to mention that Vader, a civilian-born president with many constraints, could not compare with him.

Even those previous presidents who came from the door valve were far less powerful than Lu Yuan!

You know, the federation’s family door valve is actually divided into two types.

One is the capital door valve, and the other is the local door valve.

The local door valve is like the Song family, which has a transcendent position in the yangtze river delta star field, and has held the authority for generations.

However, the influence is only limited to the local level, and it is difficult to affect the whole country.

The capital door valve is the top part of the door valve.

You know, the capital is the center of political power of the Federation, and how can the door valve that can stand in the capital be simple?

The capital gate valve is the existence that can affect the entire federal situation!

And this time, Lu’s door valve government bian not only let Lu Yuan ascend to the presidency, but also swept away the political enemies Zhou’s door valve, Cao’s door valve and other powerful door valves.

The rest are either the door valves that have always remained neutral, or the family that has already defected to the Lu family door valves.

It can be said that now the capital door valve no one can compete with the Lu door valve.

The Lux Gate Valve will be the tallest presence on the federal pyramid of power!

Therefore, Lu Yuan, the president, has great authority, which is really rare since the founding of the Federation….

And this is exactly what Lu’s door valve needs!

Soon, the presidential palace issued a decree.

Joseph, minister of state release, became the Supreme Inspector General and became one of the three first-level administrative officers of the Federation.

His successor was Lu Tong, the former commander-in-chief of the Capital Garrison Military Region.

Lieutenant General Lu Tong was promoted to the rank of general and served as the new minister of state release.

Now the Lu’s door valve can finally cultivate its own strength in the military with honor and integrity, and it can even be said that it can be said to be unscrupulous!

Except for the arrangements in the army.

The speaker of the Federal Parliament was Lu Gui, the former chief of the Federal Commercial Bu, and Chen Dexiu, the director of Lu Yuan’s attendant office, ascended to the heavens one step at a time and was promoted to the second deputy speaker of the Federation.

It can be said that the federal parliament is still firmly in the hands of the Lu’s gate valve.

The president of the Federal Executive Yuan is Lu Ming, director of the Federal Monetary Administration.

In this way, the power of the Federation can be said to be completely controlled by the Lu’s gate valve.

The President, Speaker of parliament, and Chief Executive of the Federation are all members of the Luk Gate Valve.

Although the head of the Supreme Supervision Department is from the Bonaparte family, everyone knows that the power of the Supreme Supervision Department is much less powerful than before.

I am afraid that Governor Joseph will later exist in the Federation, that is, a mascot….

Of course, the people in the capital are now in a panic, and the powerful door valves who were once high above are now also in a panic.

As a means of stabilizing the situation and calming people’s minds, Lu’s door valve still leaves many key positions for other door valves.

It is inevitable to say that the minister of water resources, the governor of the Ministry of Education and other senior officials.

And those high-ranking officials occupied by the door valve before, Lu’s door valve did not move.

After all, for the Lu Gate Valve, the top priority now is to calm people’s minds and control the army…

Therefore, the original nervous hearts of the capital gate valves have gradually relaxed.

The government resumed its operations, and the public officials also began their usual work in a step-by-step manner.

Although in people’s hearts, there is still a little fear.

But at least now it looks like everything is going in a good direction…


Compared with the superior positions of other high-ranking officials, Lu Zizhong was appointed as the director of the Inspection Department of the Ministry of National Release.

The Inspection Office of the Ministry of State Release is a relatively special department.

The functions of the Office of Inspection are to monitor the situation of the various federal forces and to monitor and advise the various departments.

The boundaries of this function are blurred.

In general, the Inspectorate can ask everything about the Federal Military.

Of course, it is only a question, not a decision.

Prior to this, the position of the director of the inspection office can be said to be a pension position, and there is almost no real power.

Successive inspectors have been basically losers in the military’s power struggle.

But Lu Zizhong is not the same.

As the only son of The President of the Federation, Lu Yuan, and the heir of the Lu family’ door valve, he can be said to be a princely figure.

If he becomes the director of the Inspection Office of the Ministry of National Release, then the power in his hands will be greater.

Because he, the head of the Inspection Department, can ask everything about the Federal Military!

It is equivalent to half a national minister!

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