More than 3,000 years ago, in the year 5022 of the Ephemeris, emperor Lu Tianzhao.

In the palace square, smiling, the abdication edict was read to all the citizens of the empire.

Barely maintaining the last shred of decency and decency as emperor.

At that moment, the Black Eagle flag of the Empire slowly descended, replaced by the blue star flag representing the Federation.

At that moment, hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the Palace Square cheered in unison, and the cheers were like a heat wave, gathering into the sea and soaring into the sky.

That moment was the end of an era.

Because of the compromise of the royal family, the country broke away from the abyss of civil war, and it will be a new country full of vitality.

All the dross of the Empire will be completely eliminated!

The Federation will be a fair, just kingdom, where even commoners will be able to sit on an equal footing with the old nobles, and everyone will have equal opportunities!

At the time, all the cheerers thought so.

And convinced.

Amid the cheers of the people, the royals of the old empire, escorted by the Royal Guard, left the palace in a low profile.

They also left the home where they had lived for thousands of years.

According to the Royal Abdication Ordinance, the Royal Palace would be part of the National Property of the Commonwealth, and the Royal Family would no longer have ownership and use of the Royal Palace.

Of course, in return, the royal family will retain a palace as a residence.

In this way, the era of the Empire ended, the era of the Federation came…

Time flies, and many things have already changed. The first president of the Federation, known as the founding father of the Federation, his portrait hangs in the streets.

And the royal descendants of that year have also become the current…

Lu’s door valve!


Lu Zi looked at his ancestor, Lu Tianzhao, the last emperor of the empire.

He responded softly to the old man, “All lu bloodlines will not forget this shame.”

And we will take revenge.

Soon, everything we lose will be taken back by us!

I’m willing to pay whatever price I want for this….”

Perhaps in the eyes of the world, the royal family of the old empire was not purged, and even allowed them to participate in the construction of the federal government, which is a kind of mercy.

But for Luxe gate valves….

It is an unforgettable shame that is deeply rooted in their veins!

They were the rulers of this country, the leaders who led it to its peak.

But they suffered a shameful betrayal…


In the old empire era, the empire was always a superpower of the Star Sea Group, and even outside the borders, there were many colonies and military bases.

At that time, the total economic volume of the empire was rising steadily, and its military strength was also the existence of the top three of the Xinghai system.

It can be said that the national strength has reached its peak!

The society was a scene of extravagance and waste, drunken dreams and death, singing and dancing, and the nobles were extremely enthusiastic about opera and other arts, and every other week, a banquet was held.

But behind the prosperity and prosperity, the empire is also an undercurrent.

The class contradictions have become extremely acute!

The vast majority of the empire’s wealth was concentrated in the hands of a small number of aristocratic classes.

Those great nobles, plundering and plundering, acting arbitrarily, constantly annexing land and factories and enslaving ordinary people.

Even many small nobles have lost their homes, let alone commoners.

At that time, the monthly salary of ordinary workers was less than 2,000 Stars, and the ordinary dinner party of a noble family cost more than 100,000 Stars!

The heirs of the nobility are born with privileges and are high.

They can easily enter the military and government without going through the examination, and occupy a high position.

And the best outcome for civilian children is to become a civilian clerk or a non-commissioned officer in the army.

Wealth was monopolized by the nobility, and the passage of ascension was sealed, hopeless.

As a result, the civilian class became increasingly dissatisfied, and there were huge protests in various colony stars.

And the attitude of the empire at that time was repression.

Harsh repression.

According to statistics, in the year 5020 of the Ephemeris alone, there were 680 violent protests in the empire, resulting in nearly 10,000 deaths.

Under the guidance of some careerists, the commoners and some minor nobles became increasingly dissatisfied with the empire.

And these dissatisfactions were finally vented on the then imperial emperor, Lu Tianzhao….

In the year 5021 of the EPHEA, a huge strike procession suddenly broke out in the imperial capital, and a sit-in demonstration in the Palace Square was held.

Demanded reforms from the Empire.

Workers’ representatives appealed to the imperial family to relinquish most of its powers and replace it with a constitutional monarchy.

And abolished the House of Nobility and replaced it with a parliament, which became the supreme authority of the empire.

And the plebeian class wants 25 percent of the seats.

Government and military positions were no longer based on nobility, and commoners had the same opportunities as aristocrats.

Moreover, the privileges of the great nobles must be abolished once and for all.

After the demonstration broke out in the capital, in just three days, it was echoed by the empire’s other 48 colony stars.

Countless workers went on strike and marched in the streets.

The entire empire’s economic production system was facing collapse….

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