Both of them came back to Huacheng from the shit-eating country specifically for the ruins here.

They joined an organization in shit-eating country, and it was fine in the early years.

However, in recent years, the organization has become less and less concerned with the lives of its members, and often sends members of the organization to carry out missions that require death.

Lin Zhenxiang, Lin Haochou and the others have wanted to leave this organization for a long time.

However, this organization is deeply rooted in shit-eating countries, and few members can quit safely.

So this time Lin Haochou came to Huacheng through this mission. He also hoped that he could obtain the items in the ruins and become stronger and get rid of the control of the organization.

Lin Zhenxiang looked at the gloomy trees and said to her father Lin Haochou next to her:"Father, do you think we will die?"

Lin Haochou turned to look at his son and comforted:"Don't worry, we will definitely succeed. Find the ruins and get out!"

The moment he turned his head, a very strong fragrance suddenly entered his nose.

Suddenly, a tree blooming with bright light appeared in front of their eyes.

There is a shining fruit on the tree.

When they saw this brilliant tree, Lin Zhenxiang and Lin Haochou looked at each other, both of them were a little shocked.

They didn't expect that they would meet the baby not long after they entered.

Lin Zhenxiang and Lin Haochou, father and son, both looked excited.

This treasure tree and the sparkling fruit on the tree look like good things at first glance.

Lin Zhenxiang said excitedly:"Father, isn't this the legendary treasure of heaven and earth? We are going to get rich. Father, do you think we will suddenly become stronger after eating this fruit?" Seeing

Lin Zhenxiang With an excited look on his face, Lin Haochou frowned and put his index finger on his hand to make a"shh" gesture.

Lin Zhenxiang also became quiet when she saw her father's gesture.

Lin Haochou glanced at his son, and said with excitement on his face:"Son, it seems that you and I are very charming. You can meet the treasure just after you come in!"

Lin Zhenxiang pointed to the sparkling fruit on the tree and said :"Father, I used to read fantasy novels. In those novels, it was written that most of the treasures had ferocious beasts next to them. Do you think there would be ferocious beasts next to this fruit?"

Lin Haochou looked at his son with a smile. :"Novel is a novel after all, and they are all fake. If those online novel authors were so good, then they would not have to make a living by writing novels. What they write does not need to be referenced at all, and it has no meaning at all."

At this point. , he pointed at the sparkling fruit on the tree and said:"It smells so good. Go and get the fruit quickly. The people outside are still watching. When those people stop watching, we will be in trouble!"

Hearing this, Lin Zhenxiang hesitated.

He was actually quite scared. If there was a vicious beast guarding this shining fruit, he would be doomed if he went to pick it.

When he heard his father talking about the people outside who were about to come in, his heart skipped a beat again.

It would be troublesome if we waited until those guys came in.

Lin Zhenxiang stopped thinking about it and walked towards the tree.

Seeing his son Lin Zhenxiang walking over, Lin Haochou subconsciously took a few steps back.

He has already thought about running away at any time. As long as something goes wrong ahead, he will run away in time.

As for his son Lin Zhenxiang, he doesn't care.

In the shit-eating country, he has no less than three illegitimate children, not to mention he has a lot of daughters.

He didn't care about Lin Zhenxiang's life or death.

And when Lin Zhenxiang and Lin Haochou were preparing to seize the treasure, Lin Fan was watching the scene with his mobile phone.

When Lin Zhenxiang and Lin Haochou came outside the mountains just now, he had already discovered them.

So when Lin Zhenxiang and Lin Haochou entered the mountains, Lin Fan directly threw them a shit that would turn into a fairy fruit.

These two guys will be very excited when they encounter the fairy fruit as soon as they enter.

This is indeed the case.

Lin Zhenxiang and Lin Haochou both looked excited after seeing the dazzling treasure tree and the sparkling fairy fruit.

Lin Fan was eating melon seeds while watching the scene in front of him.

This Lin Haochou is really good at playing!

Let his son go pick fruits, and be ready to run away at any time.

Lin Fan shook his head.

Lin Zhenxiang was also frightened.

His eyes were rolling, for fear that something would suddenly kill next to him.

Seeing Lin Zhenxiang's frightened look, Lin Fan suppressed a smile.

This guy must have read too many fantasy novels.

Generally, people who have read too many fantasy novels will realize that there must be fierce beasts guarding the treasures.

If Lin Zhenxiang really thinks so, then he is overthinking.

This dazzling treasure tree and this tree that looks like a fairy fruit are actually made of shit.

How could there be a vicious beast guarding a piece of shit?

Unless this beast is mentally retarded!

Lin Zhenxiang successfully picked the fruit.

There were no ferocious beasts throughout the journey, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Zhenxiang ran to her father Lin Haochou with the fruit in her hands with excitement on her face:"Father, I successfully picked the fairy fruit!"

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