City: The Lottery Starts From Settling Down

Chapter 115: The Knot In The Heart Is Untied, Harmonious And Harmonious! 【Please Subscribe】

Chapter 115: Heart knots are untied, harmony and harmony are achieved! [Please subscribe]

The two were silent for a long time. After Xu Wenchang adjusted his mood slightly, he took a long breath and continued.

"You said that a husband and wife, if one makes a mistake, the two will share equally, but what did my mother do wrong that requires her to pay the price with her life?"

Speaking of this, Manager Fang would also lower her head and look at Xu Wenchang. At this time, she felt apologetic in her heart, but she didn't know how to speak, so she just listened quietly.

"I never told anyone about this...not long after, the mistress became a full-time employee and lived in my house, and I became an orphan with a family."

Manager Fang also felt the same way and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know that before, otherwise I wouldn't have said that at that time."

"410" Xu Wenchang shook his head, and did not go to blame Fang Sijin, but continued with self-blame: "Later, every time I thought about this man and woman, I hated myself and them. Why did I never think about it? I have cared about my mother."

Then he looked at the store manager and said, "I can't control myself. I have a bad attitude, but I still stick to my point of view. You really shouldn't make Kan Wentao's order!"

After finishing speaking, the two of them were silent for a while, did not speak anymore, and left the cemetery.

Manager Fang drove Xu Wenchang back to the store.

On the way, store manager Fang couldn't help but express his opinion: "I still don't understand. You said you haven't encountered any kind of customer in this industry for so many years.

"Have you turned away everyone who came to buy a house for your mistress over the years?"

"I still think this is very unprofessional, and it will have a huge impact on your career."

Manager Fang glanced at the other party, and then continued: "I think business is business, and feelings are feelings."

Therefore, when it comes to career issues, Manager Fang is very rational, which is why he and Xu Wenchang have always had conflicts of ideas.

However, after arriving at Jingyi store, she has changed a lot.

Xu Wenchang did not refute her, but said: "A gentleman has certain things to do and certain things not to do."

But the store manager showed off his woman's privileges and said: "I'm not a gentleman, but I don't think you look like a gentleman either, you look more like a saint!"

Xu Wenchang also laughed and asked curiously: "Tell me, how do I look like a saint?"

Manager Fang said simply: "Wuwei! Lu Yuan is so young and has almost caught up with you. I'm afraid you taught him, right? No wonder he has been staying in the store!"

Xu Wenchang also said helplessly: "Okay, what is inaction? You don't have to say it so nicely. You can just say that we are doing nothing. Oh, Xiao Lu doesn't count as doing nothing. "You can say that I am doing nothing!"

The manager of the house manager said matter-of-factly: "You said people have right and wrong, but do houses have right and wrong? When we open our doors to do business, we also need to add moral kidnapping, and even personal likes and dislikes?"

"Do we need to screen each customer's identity and put a moral label on each house?"

Xu Wenchang said seriously: "I don't know about others, but I definitely won't do it!"

Then he also talked about Kan Wentao's situation. At the beginning, he was very envious of Kan Wentao's family's harmony and beauty.

Therefore, he also very much hopes that Kan Wentao's family can continue to be harmonious: "I can't bear to see him ruin the beauty of family harmony [nor can I watch you help others do evil"

The manager of the house smiled lightly and said: "I really didn't think about it that much. My life is rough and not as delicate as you men in the magic city.

What she said was true. Xu Wenchang was indeed a very delicate and serious person.

Xu Wenchang asked with a smile: "Does your room manager really have nothing to fear in his heart?"

"Hungry, I'm afraid of being hungry." Manager Fang replied very seriously.

Her answer made Xu Wenchang unable to understand it for a while.

It's like the house manager can't fully understand him.

Afterwards, store manager Fang said seriously again: "I promise you, I won't take this kind of order in the future. As long as I'm in the Jingyi store and under your nose, I won't do this kind of order!"

This is the change that Store Manager Fang has accumulated bit by bit. Maybe she is still the cold noodle store manager.

But in my heart, I already recognized Xu Wenchang, and I was willing to participate in the harmonious and relaxed atmosphere in the store.

Xu Wenchang's serious words to her were a little surprising for a moment, but it seemed to be reasonable. His face was full of smiles and he joked: "Good boy!"

The two drove back to the store, and everyone was relieved to see them back.

At the same time, I also felt the harmony between the two people, and it seemed that all the conflicts and knots were resolved.

At the same time, everyone’s worries were relieved.

Seeing the harmonious appearance of the two of them, Lu Yuan couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Xu and Fang slowly began to cherish each other, and even finally came together.

Lu Yuan seems to feel good being an outsider in the middle of the situation.

Watching Aunt Xu, Manager Fang and all the colleagues in the store change little by little from acquaintance to acquaintance.

Isn't this life?

What Xu Wenchang didn't know was that his ex-wife had once again made an appointment with the person who made the mistake of passion.

I have to say that Zhang Chengcheng is really shameless.

The reason why I talked to that person was because I wanted double-layer insurance.

After all, she probably knew in her heart that the child in her belly might be this person.

Besides, here in the store, Aunt Miao came again with her dog in her arms.

After she tied her dog with Xu Wenchang's dog, she went to the office to find Xu Wenchang. 1.3 Xu Wenchang also greeted quickly: "Aunt Miao is here!"

"Is your tail bone feeling better?" Aunt Miao asked with concern.

"Oh, it's okay, it's much better."

Then Aunt Miao said she wanted to negotiate a big deal and was going to sell her daughter's house to Xu Wenchang.

After all, her daughter went abroad and couldn't use the house in Shanghai, so she was ready to take action.

Xu Wenchang recommended: "How about you see if this works? You pick a salesperson in the store, and whoever you want to do it can do it!"

Aunt Miao recognized Xu Wenchang very much and hoped that he would accept it directly, but Xu Wenchang refused.

He actually recommended Manager Fang and wanted him to take over, but Aunt Miao did not agree. .

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