Text Chapter 109 Ravenholdt

The surname Ravenholdt is currently unknown, but in twenty years his name will spread all over the world.

The duke founded a well-known organization: the League of Assassins. There are specially recruited master assassins from all countries and races, and many big thieves are rushing for it.

Of course, on the opposite side of the League of Assassins, there is a more famous enemy: Syndicate.

Leaving Darrende's residence, Li De and the others walked eastward along the hillside behind Darrende's farm. This is the north of the mountain range. There are only two roads that can enter Alterac. In the east, there is another road from the east. The road coming from Wilder's direction.

After walking out of the mountain road for dozens of miles, the terrain has become higher and higher, and the surrounding vegetation has become sparse, and the snow that never melts on the mountain can be clearly seen.

"Finally no more annoying spiders."

After entering the snowy highland, Primilo let out a sigh of relief. On the slopes where there were still green plants, there were many large and scary spiders. Even ordinary ones were the size of a washbasin. If the three of them are not strong enough, this road will not be able to walk at all.

"I really don't know how it got so big. It's bigger than the spiders in our Elwynn Forest, and it's much more poisonous."

Jason next to him also kept complaining.

Li De was thinking of something else. No wonder the area around Alterac and Hillsbrad Hills produced thieves assassins. The creatures here are highly toxic, which is an excellent natural assassination material.

Standing on the plateau at an altitude of three or four thousand meters, Li De took out a map to determine the direction. Entering the plateau from the north, there are two paths, bright and dark, but after reaching the plateau, if you want to enter Alterac, you have to take the same path. On the way, it is a mountain pass called Ogg Valley.

There is a village called Steinblade outside the mountain pass. It is the only way to enter Alterac from the north. Strictly speaking, it does not belong to Alterac's territory. It is the territory of the Barov family.

After Perenold was placed under house arrest, the Barov family fled back to the castle in the north, and Steinblade fell into a state of uncontrolled chaos, and the only remaining people were hiding at home. Awaiting final judgment.

If nothing else, this piece of land that does not belong to Alterac will be under the rule of Lordaeron in the future, and it will become a fulcrum for Terenas to keep an eye on the south.

Li De and the others did not stop here and entered the Ogg Valley directly.

After entering the valley, Li De and the others immediately discovered something was wrong. It took them a day and a half to come here, including the time they had spent at Darend Farm and Kamikochi, and the sun was warm at noon.

When the day is the best on the plateau, how can there be such a dead silence in the valley? As if there were no signs of life.

"Duhu, look here!"

At this moment, Jason, who was walking in front, shouted. Li De rubbed his hands in a breath and squatted down along Jason's fingers to check. On the half-foot-deep snow, there was a huge footprint half a meter long!

"Duhu, isn't this what the snow monster left behind? I heard that there is a big snow monster in the Alterac Mountains."

"Snow monsters do exist, this has been confirmed. But Alterac snow monsters are active in the southern part of the Alterac Mountains, and will not appear in the densely populated north."

Li De shook his head, this huge footprint was left by something else, a creature they were very familiar with.

"This is not the footprint of a snow monster, this is the ogre of the tribe! After the tribe fled, there are ogres left here!"

Li De cursed in a low voice. At the time of the war, Lothar and the others were in a hurry to chase Orgrim, who was fleeing south. How could they have thought that there were still ogres hiding here?

Although ogres are generally much dumber than orcs, they often feature some rather cunning two-headed individuals, such as Cho'gall captured by Reed. Led by those cunning two-headed ogres, ogres also behave in ways that are not in line with their intelligence.

"There's more here!"

Primilo found more ogre footprints ahead.

Although it was unclear what was the reason why they couldn't see those ogres during the day, Li De knew that this place was definitely not a place to stay for a long time.

"Get out of here, we must get to Broken Hill Castle before dark."

Broken Ridge Castle was the territory of Duke Ravenholdt that Darende said, and Li De felt it was necessary to find the other party and understand the real situation of Alterac.

Going deep into the Ogg Valley and heading south, there is a thoroughfare. This road runs through the north and south of Alterac. In the middle of the road, there is a fork in the west. Turning to the west is the main gate of the capital of Alterac.

However, Li De and the others did not need to go so deep. Their destination was in the north of Alterac, and the Broken Hill Castle was connected to the main city, which was equivalent to a military fortress.

If you get off the road ahead of time, you can see a somewhat abrupt mountain between the wide snow valleys, which is the Broken Ridge where Ravenholdt is located.

This place is responsible for resisting the invading enemy from the north. The area is a warning area of ​​Broken Ridge for several kilometers. Before Li De and the others went to the ridge, they encountered a group of soldiers.

"Stop! Who are you?"

These soldiers did not wear iron armor, but the yellow cloth armor unique to Alterac. From the coat of arms on the cloth armor, it can be seen that they belonged to a nobleman's private army.

The combat effectiveness of the Alterac army is recognized as the weakest of the human race, which is reflected in their weapons and equipment. The private army of the nobles should actually be treated better than the regular army of the country, but even so, their weapons and equipment are not as good as the militia of other countries.

"I was introduced by Darren to visit the Duke of Ravenholdt, and I brought news from the north."

Li De was not in a hurry to reveal his identity, but after he said that he brought the news from the north, the captain of the patrol was very happy immediately.

"The Holy Light is above, Lordaeron is finally going to help us! I'll take you to see the Duke!"

Even in the closed snow-covered highlands, the people here still follow the example of other countries to praise the Holy Light. This is the result of being in a cultural disadvantage for a long time. Unfortunately, they do not know that the Holy Light of Lordaeron is destined to be unable to pity them.

The so-called castle actually has no luxurious furnishings at all. It is more like a fortress. After walking into a cylindrical tower, Li De met Duke Ravenholdt in the basement of the tower.

Famous is worse than meeting. The Duke of Ravenholdt, whose full name is Jorazzi Ravenholdt, looks about the same age as Terenas, with black hair and beard, but also has a tendency to go bald.

Jorazzi Ravenholdt is not tall, but he can feel very capable, obviously this is a master assassin.

"Are you an emissary from Lordaeron? Has Terenas finally decided to take over the country?"

As soon as they met, Ravenholdt said with a sneer that, unlike other nobles, he appeared sharp-edged.

"I am not an emissary from Lordaeron."

Hearing Li De's words, Ravenholdt didn't mean to talk on the spot, and signaled his subordinates to drag Li De and a few people down and kill them.

Pumilo and Jason left and drew their weapons, ready to fight here, but Li De stopped them.

"Actually, a noble in Alterac has taken the initiative to visit His Majesty Terenas. Lordaeron seems to recognize that noble."

Ravenhold heard this and signaled his men to stop first.

"Oh? Let me hear which duplicitous guy is, and wants to change his master? Barov? Fakrest? It can't be Perenold himself, right?"

Perenold's escape deeply hurt Ravenholdt, and from that moment on, he decided to abandon this spineless guy completely.

"Neither, but a lord named Prestor."

"Presto? Don't make fun of me, there are still people in this family?"

Ravenhold seemed to have heard a joke~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Reed nodded as well.

"I have the same opinion as you, and I don't trust the so-called Lord Prestor. That's why I came here specially to ask your attitude, how do you feel about an inexplicable guy who represents Alterac in the Lordaeron has long sleeves and dances well."

Ravenholdt was stunned and looked at Li De steadily, the other party's calm demeanor made him doubt Li De's identity.

"Who the **** are you?"

"My name is Reed Victory, and I'm here to help Alterac out of trouble, but only if I know what's really going on here and what's going on here after the war."

Assassins are best at inquiring information, and Li De's name, Ravenholdt, has not only been heard before.

"Aren't you in Stormwind Kingdom? How did you come here?"

Li De smiled.

"Mr. Duke, your information is lagging behind. It doesn't matter how I got here, what matters is how you view your country. Do you hope that someone can save your country, such as Marshal Lothar."

Ravenhold seemed to understand something, and he looked a little angry.

"This stupid country is no longer saved. Whoever manages this country is better than it is now. If Lothar takes over Alterac, it is best to be the king here."

Things went well unexpectedly, and Li De was more interested in Ravenholdt. He took out Darren Dean's letter, but the letter was useless now.

"When we came from Lordaeron Lake, we met Darende. You sent him to Lordaeron to ask for some assistance. What is the situation in this country now?"

Hearing Li De ask this, Ravenhold sighed deeply.

"At night, you will see it with your own eyes. This country is over."


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