The latest website: Since the establishment of the Alliance, Terenas's pursuit is no longer the land, and he will not allow other countries to threaten the status of Lordaeron from the geopolitical aspect.

"The seven kingdoms of the alliance are equal. One king will not annex another king's land. I think other kings also support me. Your Majesty Trollbane, what do you think of this?"

Deathwing obviously underestimated Terenas, and Trollbane, whose name was named, was also taken aback.

Everyone here, he is the only one who is best suited to annex Alterac in terms of personal emotions and real-world conditions, but Terenas is clearly putting him on fire by asking this.

After hesitating for a moment, Trollbane nodded stiffly.

"Yes, times have changed, and the expansion of land is indeed not in line with today's alliances."

The great wizard Antonidas was the least bewitched, and quickly calmed down and supported Terenas.

Li De secretly let out a long sigh, and sure enough, Terenas' obsession with political unity overshadowed the influence of magic.

Seeing that his proposal did not achieve the purpose of provoking the alliance, Deathwing was not discouraged. He originally prepared two plans.

"I admire your majesty's mind, but Pirenold is obviously no longer suitable to rule Alterac, and now that this person has disappeared, it is better to ask your majesty to appoint a new king for Alterac. "

When Prestor said this, he secretly put a hand under the table, and in his hand was holding a magic wand that was less than 20 centimeters long. Magic increased efficiency to confuse everyone present.

Deathwing attempts to manipulate the council to elect himself King of Alterac.

He knew that no one wanted each other to annex Alterac out of consideration for the general interest, but they all wanted to win over a new ally.

As long as he becomes the king of Alterac, several countries will still fight openly and secretly in order to win over him, just as they used to treat Alterac.

At the same time, Li De felt that the counter-attacker behind him was terrifyingly hot, and immediately realized that it was shadow magic.

Quickly biting the tip of his tongue, his mind became calmer.

He saw that Terenas's eyes were a little blurry, and he knew that soon he would propose Prestor, who was related to Perenold, to succeed him as king.

It was time for him to speak, and once Terenas spoke first, he would be at a disadvantage if he spoke out.

"Grand Duke Li De, do you have something to say when you raise your hand?"

Antonidas opened his mouth to ask, in fact, he also liked Presto more in his heart before, because the other party's reputation was really good some time ago, but in recent days he heard some different voices.

"That's it, I think the priority is not to elect a new king for Alterac, but to solve the crisis there.

The location of Alterac is very important. If there is a problem with Alterac, it will greatly affect the smooth communication within the alliance.

So in any case, Alterac is to stay in the league. I think this matter, your Majesty is very clear in your heart.

It was the nobles headed by Perenold who betrayed the human race, and they should not be confused with all the Alteracs.

After the war, the order in Alterac completely collapsed, and the country was facing problems such as shortage of materials and management chaos. And I heard that there are still a large number of tribes operating there. If there is no strong character to stabilize the situation, the consequences will be unimaginable. "

"Well, it makes sense. I have also heard about this. The southern part of the Hillsbrad Foothills was affected by the rebellion of the Alterac thieves."

Somewhat unexpectedly, Greymane was the first to meet Li De.

In fact, Alterac's bandit problem is far more serious than what Reed saw with his own eyes. In addition to rioting in the country, there are more thieves absconding abroad to loot supplies.

The mountains and Lordaeron to the north of Alterac, the lakes and powerful mages to the west, and the Wall of Thoradin under the control of Stromgarde to the east, the best way for those self-proclaimed syndicate robbers to loot is to go south. , looting the wealthy Southsea Town and other towns.

The southern part of the Hillsbrad Foothills is also within the sphere of influence of Gilneas.

"Then do you have a good opinion?"

After that meeting, Terenas stopped treating Li De as an ordinary nobleman, knowing that he had a very different vision than ordinary people.

"In a word, people want things. No matter what Perenold could have imagined, his weakness did not exchange for the mercy of the orcs. After the orcs crossed the border, the life of Alterac withered.

Now there is a need for an army there to bring stability to the locals, and at the same time a lot of living materials to keep the Alteracs alive, in contrast, money is not necessary. "

When Li De said the last sentence, he looked at Greymane intentionally or unintentionally.

King Greymane was about to introduce Li De as a confidant now, the young man knew him too well. Gilneas is not as rich as other nations, and cannot stand the expense of Dabi Dabi.

But Terenas is a rich and noble person. Since the establishment of the alliance, he has never seen His Majesty make careful calculations and often spend ten gold coins on work for one gold coin.

What made Greymane even more uncomfortable was that Terenas loved spending money with other countries.

Li De really intends to keep Gilneas.

According to the original development of things, it was because Gilneas could not afford the huge expenses that he left the alliance.

The departure of Gilneas was also a huge blow to Terenas. The chain reaction caused was that Terenas, who had completed his dimensional upgrade, was once again reduced to greed for land.

The year after Gilneas left the Alliance, Lordaeron de facto annexed Alterac.

This incident completely angered Stromgarde, which is equivalent to Lordaeron deceiving Stromgarde, originally agreed not to occupy Alterac, but now unilaterally violated the agreement.

This led to Stromgarde no longer trusting the Alliance, and the Alliance completely fell apart. Therefore, in the subsequent natural disasters, countries will be slow to respond, causing heavy damage to the world.

It can be said that the beginning of all disasters is Terenas' poor political strategy. Li De believes that it is necessary for him to make efforts for this, not only to give himself a peaceful development space, but also that he cannot ignore the occurrence of disasters.

"An army, a lot of supplies..."

Hearing Li De's summary, all the leaders nodded in agreement.

It is easy to make simple problems complicated, but difficult to make complex problems simple. With Li De's strong ability to summarize, the fog of a country's problems has been cleared up layer by layer, and it has been implemented on these two points.

At this time, Deathwing was finally in a hurry. He found that the situation was gradually getting out of his control, and the eventful bug in front of him was hindering his plan.

"Hehe, Grand Duke Li De summed it up very well. But I think, what you said, Alterac should be able to solve it very well.

Apart from the sinners who followed Perenolde, Alterac also had many responsible nobles.

We can organize militias locally, and nobles will give generously to help the civilians of Alterac to tide over the difficulties.

In conclusion, I'm here to assure you that Alterac still has nobles who can be trusted. "

At the same time as Prestor spoke, he was also increasing the power of the magic wand in his hand. He was drawing on himself intentionally or not, implying that all the kings, these problems that Li De said could be well received by him. solve.

After Deathwing said these words, Li De smiled brightly. He visited Alterac in depth just for this moment.

"What I'm going to say next may be a little offensive. I hope Lord Prestor won't take offense."

Li De first cast an apologetic smile at the Black Dragon King.

"As far as I know, after the war, many nobles fled from Alterac. Most of the nobles left in Alterac are now hiding in their mansions, ordering private soldiers to protect themselves behind closed doors.

The robbers in the capital who would riot every night made them overwhelmed, not to mention resisting the ogres and orcs outside. "

In fact, Li De is leaving a little dignity for the nobles. After all, many of the kings here are from nobles themselves, and the syndicates within Alterac are likely to be controlled by some nobles!

Li De's words reminded Terenas, who had heard it from Fao before.

"Lord Prestor, I heard that there are still orcs in Alterac. What do you think about this? Do you need the Alliance to send troops to assist?"

Where did Deathwing know all these details? Why did he really care about Alterac?

"This may be just a small number of orcs who have wandered in the past, and it is not a climate."

Presto tried to prevaricate, but Li De spoke in a straightforward manner.

"According to the Orc language, their race calls themselves 'orc', the basic unit is a formation of 100 people, and a centenary is also called '1orh'; 5 'orh' are 500 people, also called 'orga', have their own small flag;

5 'orga' is an Overseer with 2500, called 'ork' in Orc language, and has its own Overseer flag; 5 'ork' is a clan, also known as 'orgu', with a clan banner on which the clan is painted the totem;

All the clans united together is the tribe 'orc', and the tribal banner was successfully captured by us in the decisive battle of Blackrock Mountain. "

What Li De said was clear to those who had fought with the tribe in his heart. At this time, the leaders were more concerned about Li De's following.

"In Alterac, some people say that they have seen the Orc Warlord's flag, which means that they are at least organized. What's more terrifying is that some people say that they have seen a blue wolf-head flag!

This probably means that there is a clan of orcs hiding in Alterac! Or a clan of orcs we've never met before! "

According to the establishment of the orcs, a full clan can have 12,500 people! The destructive power of orcs with more than 10,000 people is clear in the hearts of everyone present, and everyone's expressions suddenly became solemn.

"Lord Prestor, why didn't you mention such an important matter before?"

Terenas was already a little unhappy with Prestor.

Deathwing was still trying to make amends.

"Heh, Grand Duke Li De also said that it's all just 'someone has seen it' and 'heard someone say it'. This kind of chasing words is unbelievable. Commoners always like to exaggerate."

What Li De said just now was the Frostwolf clan living in seclusion in Alterac. This clan does not pose much threat to the local area at present. Of course, it was originally just to create explosive points. The next thing is his trump card.

"The orcs may be chasing the shadows, but I have seen the ogres there with my own eyes. Just north of Alterac, there are more than 2,000 ogres! Constantly impacting the city of Alterac.

Alterac does have a responsible nobleman, his name is Duke Ravenholdt, but he has only a few hundred people, stationed at Broken Hill Castle, and is in danger of being attacked by ogres at any time!

I don't think Alterac can handle such a threat internally.

Lord Prestor, you say that the nobles of Alterac are trustworthy, then let's assume, of course, just assume If we elect you to be king, how many private soldiers does your family have? Can resist 2000 ogres? "

All illusions are fragile before real problems. Deathwing does have an army, and he has his Black Dragonflight in Northrend. But after he went mad in ancient times, the Black Dragon Legion no longer recognized him, and only blood relatives and dragon soldiers still followed him.

The fighting strength of the dragonmen under him is not bad, but does he dare to pull it out for everyone to see?

Li De did not wait for the other party to answer this question.

"The problem of Alterac really needs to be solved urgently, because if it is not solved, it will be captured by ogres! But Alterac will be in ruins!

The entire central and northern parts of the continent will be cut off from the moment, and it will be extremely difficult to communicate from then on! Stromgarde in the east may even become an Alliance island! "



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