Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid

Chapter 199: "Monsters" that fight orcs

Li De is very interested in the collision of different power systems and philosophical systems, but now is obviously not the time.

After Drek'Thar woke up, he learned that it was the Holy Light of Benedictus who saved him, and expressed his gratitude very seriously.

But after that, he said with a serious face.

"That's not the way of fighting for orcs!"

Although the orcs knew that Kargath was an old pervert with a grimacing face, the fact that the artillery was attached to his arm was beyond Drek'Thar's comprehension.

But soon after that, when the Alliance advanced, it was discovered that the enemy had changed far more than Drek'Thar had described.

On the jungle battlefield of the swampy wetlands, a "talking tree" appeared, that is, the orcs have mastered a new weapon, a fast-loading musket!

Relying on these weapons, the orcs can use camouflage to shoot cold shots without getting close to the Union soldiers!

The special combat environment, orcs suitable for small groups of combat, and powerful muskets, all of a sudden made the tribe's difficulty level up a notch.

"These weapons are definitely sold by goblins to orcs!"

Looking at the muskets on the table and the dismantled modified artillery, Lothar said angrily.

It is these few things that have been seized, and the Alliance has paid a considerable price for advancing.

"Marshal, are we going to declare war on the goblins?"

When the adjutant Galavender, who followed Lothar southward, asked this question, Lothar did not answer directly, but looked at Li De who was sitting on the side.

"Li De, you are more familiar with goblins than we are, and I would like to hear your opinion."

At this time, Li De was picking up the weapon on the table and observing, and when he heard Lothar say this, he put down the thing in his hand and said.

"The goblins are also divided into multiple forces. Take the goblins who built warships for the orcs in the Second World War as an example. They are the goblins in Booty Bay, and they belong to the Hot Sand Consortium in terms of power.

The goblins of the entire southern part of the kingdom, namely Booty Bay, have the ability to spread their influence here.

However, when it comes to fighting a goblin force with a highly advanced technology, even suspicion needs to find evidence.

There are no signs on these weapons, and the design style has not been seen before, so it is difficult to judge which goblin force is from. "

After Li De finished speaking, Lothar agreed.

"I also think so. It is better to be cautious when going to war with a race, so we must quickly find out the origin of these weapons.

We can take this opportunity to mobilize our troops and prepare for battle.

At the same time, you can also send messengers to Booty Bay to ask the goblins for accountability, which can also confuse the goblins, misleading them into thinking that the alliance will only talk and dare not do it. "

Lothar made a quick order, and the messenger of Stormwind Kingdom went to Booty Bay on behalf of the Alliance, and after meeting Rivigaz, asked them why they sold weapons and supplies to the orcs.

"Sorry, we goblins are neutral about business ethics.

We don't care whether the customer is fighting a war or not, the businessman's duty is to provide the market with demand, and the one with the highest price will get it, which is more reasonable.

Taking a step back, why does the Alliance think that I am selling weapons and supplies to the orcs?

Even a powerful alliance can't bully goblins without proof. "

Li De can guess Li De Neng's way of dealing with the rogue. He has asked Lothar to take over from the first division to advance and become the vanguard and fight against the Horde.

Only during this process, Kel'Thuzad, who was also present at the battle meeting, said with a smile.

"Let me see, why is it so troublesome? Since the Guardian Dragon is eager to capture Deathwing, we need to coordinate control of the Dark Portal.

Why don't you ask the guardian dragons to form a few flying teams first, and make a big bombardment in the Swamp of Sorrows, burning all the vegetation here.

If the orcs don't have trees to hide in, it will be easier to deal with them, or burn all the orcs to death once and for all. "

Hearing Kel'Thuzad's relaxed tone, Li De explained to him with a wry smile.

"With such a large area of ​​​​the Swamp of Sorrows, it is too difficult to operate in a full-scale bombardment.

And this plan to burn all vegetation, not to mention others, the Green Dragon Queen will definitely not agree to such a battle plan. "

Lady Ysera, Queen of the Green Dragon, is inextricably linked with the Druid sect.

Ysera, like the druids, is extremely fond of the forest, and the Queen of the Green Dragon will never allow the entire Swamp of Sorrows to burn down in order to fight.

In fact, there is no need for a green dragon, and Krasus just stared at Kel'Thuzad in dissatisfaction.

What a huge living system is a swamp wetland, and how many lives will be killed by burning all the trees? A wizard who is only obsessed with arcane magic will not understand how important life is to Azeroth, nor what it means to be guarded by the red dragon.

Feeling the coldness of his words and the dissatisfaction of some people, Kel'Thuzad spread his hands.

"Then I have no choice but to fight the orcs in the woods, the combat thinking of our first division is not a problem at all.

But it is not so easy to find the arsenal where the goblins provide weapons to the orcs. The jungle here is a natural hidden place. "

Everything is developing according to Kel'Thuzad's assertion. After the first division replaced the advance troops, the speed of occupying the orc stronghold was also much faster.

This is all because the first division uses a ten-man squad as its basic combat unit, and the core of a squad is the elite soldiers of the Protector of the Ocean.

Some of the soldiers who were scattered from the reinforcement camp were hunters who were proficient in survival, some could use shamanic spells, some were good at engineering, and some were simply elite warriors with strong absolute strength.

In the previous period of the renovation of Yeshi Town, what Li De hated the most was the team fighting, asking them to be familiar with each other internally and to cooperate tacitly.

A team like this has a strong survivability on the battlefield of Swamp of Sorrows, and often three or five teams work together properly. Even against the Orc Centurion, there is no problem at all.

But as Kel'Thuzad said, finding a goblin's arsenal to produce weapons for the orcs became a big problem.

Deathwing won't give the Alliance and the dragon too much time to destroy the arsenal, and the war will be harder and harder to fight with more and more orcs equipped with muskets and engineering weapons.

However, on the third day after the first division was replaced, things turned around.

At that time, the first division had already punched in many directions, pulling out a dozen orc strongholds and connecting them together, facing the tribes in the east by a river bend.

In this case, the griffin knight in charge of the investigation reported to Li De that a group of monsters was found 50 kilometers behind the orc camp,

"Monster, aren't these orcs just monsters? Don't you see it wrong? Think of the orcs as other monsters."

During the ongoing military meeting, Bolvar said casually, which attracted Brad, who was Li De's clerk, to look up twice.

"We're not seeing orcs! Those monsters are fighting orcs! They're more unacceptable than orcs:

Medium height, purple-grey body, loose skin, hooves under his feet, and a stupid, disgusting face.

We also took pictures, if you don't believe me, I developed them to see. "

The Griffin Knights hurriedly figured it out, and it was no wonder that Bolvar questioned, because the orcs possessed firearms, and the investigation of the Griffin Knights became more and more difficult.

Under the hasty investigation, it is also possible to see dazzling eyes.

Li De did not have the authenticity of what the pregnant griffin knights said. When it comes to the "monsters" in their mouths, they are really a group of poor people.


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