Magtur sensed the emotional changes of the crowd. He didn't say anything but seemed very depressed. Because of the lack of memory, he lost part of his logical ability, and he didn't know how to explain it.

But at this moment, Li De spoke.

"This is a tragedy, a tragedy among Azeroth, the draenei, and the orcs, all because of the persecution of the Burning Legion.

In the war, the orcs have serious harm to Azeroth and the draenei, so the orcs must be treated differently.

But Azeroth and the draenei are pure victims. Shouldn't the victims be united against the perpetrators and blame the other victims instead?

Wouldn't the Burning Legion have plotted against Azeroth without what happened to the draenei? As early as 10,000 years ago, the Burning Legion invaded Azeroth! And don't forget Medivh! "

Li De's words were deafening and shocking, and everyone was shocked. After reacting, they were all ashamed.

Magtur was deeply moved, and Li De's words convinced him that the decision to help the human race was correct.

Li De said these words, not all for the Broken, because he knew very well that if he didn't clarify this pot-sharing conference, it would be very detrimental to the unity of the United Front.

After the original source was cleared, Magtur made it clear.

"We also noticed about the conflict between the Lost and the Orcs. And we also noticed that during this conflict, the Lost was sent out in droves, which is very abnormal, and it must have appeared in the farmland shelter occupied by the Lost. problem."

Magtur's words were very illogical, but Li De keenly noticed the key information.

"Where is the farmland shelter, can you point us to the exact location?"

As he spoke, Li De asked someone to bring a map, but unfortunately, the broken person's thinking has been damaged to the point where he does not even have the ability to recognize maps.

"The Farmland Refuge is hidden in a dense jungle. I can't find its exact location on the map, but we can find our way back, and in the draenei crystals, we can find our way back."

In order to return to the Farmland Refuge, not only have to overcome the harsh swamp environment, but also need to pass through the range of orcs and the Lost One, so investigating the Farmland Refuge has become an extremely difficult task.

In the face of this task, Danas volunteered. As a defeated general, he has a strong sense of guilt. At this time, he only hopes to act as a **** under Li De, one is to make up for the losses caused by the increase to the alliance, and the other is to fulfill the original offer in front of Hertaz. The next rant.

Hurtaz was the Zandalar military observer who set off with Danas at that time, and he did record this in his diary: 'If the war situation is out of control in his hands, Danas will judge carefully Li De served as a servant of Ma Bian. ’

The private conversations that were originally recorded in the diary are unknown. But Hurtaz is a big mouth. When he rushed back to the north to report the situation, Hurtaz told everyone about this matter, and even took the initiative to ask people to read his diary.

In fact, Li De, a leader with no combat experience in the Corps, was nominated to succeed the commander-in-chief because his keen judgment before the war was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Of course, Hurtaz's behavior made Li De even more convinced: "Whoever writes a diary is a serious person."

Later, after Danas disappeared, everyone felt that the person was dead, and no one mentioned this gossip to show respect for the deceased, but this incident became a big stone in Danas' heart.

There is no need to hit the drum with a heavy hammer. Danas is ashamed and brave. Li De will definitely give him a chance. He specially assigned Ashkandi as his deputy, and carefully selected a dozen hunters and hunters with strong survivability. The shaman, meanwhile, dispatched twenty gryphon knights to accompany the Broken to investigate the Farmland Refuge.

"Be careful, there are dangers behind enemy lines."

Before leaving, Li De asked again, but instead it aroused the sadness of Danas.

"I have already learned a lesson, because I underestimated the enemy and ruined the entire former army, even General Turalyan and the others did not escape..."

"General Turalyon and the others are still alive, and Mage Khadgar has taken his troops to search for their whereabouts."

Hearing Li De say this, Danas' eyes brightened a bit, and he felt better in his heart. After reassurance, he officially set off.

Just after Danas and the others set off, Li De gave instructions again.

"In order for the investigation force to successfully complete its mission, we must provide sufficient support on the frontal battlefield. Not only us, but Marshal Lothar personally said:

With the 1st Division as the vanguard, all the armies formed a front and arrow formation and moved forward.

The flight formation was supported by low-altitude firepower. The First Division and the Frostwolf Orcs cooperated to pull the nails and advance to keep up with the stable basics.

Signed: Reed Victory. "

This time, Li De took the first division back to the front line, and Lothar gave Li De the highest command, that is, even his own advance army had to obey Li De's command.

And when Lothar got Li De's warrant, he first laughed in front of Drek'Thar and the others.

"This Li De is really a big one. He started ordering me as soon as he took office. Well, who is the command authority that I personally sent out, reply to the commander-in-chief, and march forward to execute the order."

Having said that, Lothar looked at Drek'Thar again.

"Shaman chief, how is your body?"

The old shaman also replied with a smile.

"I have been trained for a long time, and the Holy Light and the elements healed my wounds together. I feel that I am a dozen years younger! I am looking forward to working with this commander-in-chief.

And I also admire Marshal Lothar's audacity. He was so willing to hand over power to his younger generation. Ner'zhul couldn't keep up with this skill. "

Lothar did not accept Drek'Thar's flattery.

"Ten years ago, I would never have been able to do such a thing. Times have changed, and the old thinking is no longer applicable to today's battlefield."


In the tribal tent, looking at the battle reports from the front line, Fenris felt that he could not understand.

"What does the alliance mean? Their troops have no obvious advantage over us, why do they have to pay such a high price to force an attack?

We lost a few camps, but they also suffered huge casualties... If this goes on, their forces will be exhausted sooner or later? "

While Fenris was fighting against the battle report, Talon Gorefiend entered the tent.

"Have the weapons been shipped?"

Hearing Fenris' pompous question, Talon Gorefiend laughed in his heart, but his posture was very low.

"This batch of weapons and ammunition has been shipped in, and a thousand people can be equipped! It won't take long for us to go on like this, and we will be able to equip the entire army with goblin firearms!"

Talon Gorefiend was excited, but Fenris was calm.

"There is no need for the entire army to be equipped with engineering firearms. The terrain of the Swamp of Sorrows is limited. Even if the entire army is deployed, it will not be able to spread out on the battlefield. It is enough to have eight thousand people equipped with firearms. Compared with weapons The most important thing is actually the ammunition.

Without ammunition, these muskets are rubbish, not as good as daggers. Therefore, we must ensure a stable supply of ammunition at the arsenal. "

Talon Gorefiend was secretly shocked. He came to Azeroth from the first year of the Dark Portal. It took several years to figure out how to use firearms reasonably in war. How long did Fenris use firearms? ?

If it weren't for Fenris' unruly and untamed ambitions, and for his talent, Talon Gorefiend would really want to say that Ner'zhul would bring Fenris with It would be good to open up territory in other planes in the future. helper.

But these are all fantasies. In order for the plan to be implemented, Fenris must remain in Azeroth as a target.

"Don't worry, this time the Great Chief sent me not only to be responsible for the transportation of weapons, but also to create a group of death knights to help you expand your results."

Hearing Talon Gorefiend mention the death knight, Fenris frowned under the wolf-head mask. He was extremely disgusted with the death knight, but for the victory of the war, he could only tolerate such a monster to coexist with him.

But Fenris had begun to think about destroying these monsters that should not exist in the world after the victory of the war.

Unconsciously, Fenris fell into the same rut that Orgrim had at the time, and he also agreed with the death knight to enter the army under the daze.

It seems that he has decided that the scale of victory is tilted in his side.

"Ensure the safety of the arsenal! Maintain the existing advantages! Victory will definitely belong to the tribe!"


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