Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid

Chapter 355: General Reserve, not moving

"Three shamans, let's get started."

Li De said it indifferently, making Muen almost think he heard it wrong.

"what did you say?"

"I said let's start, not just jumping into the magma, I believe in your abilities."

Drektal still has concerns.

"But we're not sure..."

Li De cut him off decisively.

"Chief Drek'Thar, everyone, I have never considered myself special, nor have I considered myself more noble than you. It's fair that everyone is betting on their own lives.

Don't be too guilty, Muun shaman. Even if we don't enter the ancient city of Petra, the little Rag will still occupy it.

If we don't come in, after this guy's conspiracy succeeds, there is no chance of defeating him.

Therefore, whether it is outside or on the side, betting or not, the result waiting for us is death. If so, what's there to worry about? Since death is everywhere, I don't have the habit of waiting for death. "

Li De smiled and calmed the hearts of the shamans with his words, but it was Soul Walker who responded first. He patted his big head with his hands and laughed, which sounded silly.

"Haha, this familiar feeling is back. I still remember that when I first visited Duhu Hanhai, I had a debate with Master Chen. At that time Duhu Li De was so calm."

Li De just nodded lightly, in response to Soul Walker's compliment.

Drek'Thar and Munn both let out a long breath.

"We understand, let's gamble with you!"

Li De immediately laughed heartily.

"Okay! It's long overdue! Sometimes I really think it's time to learn from them! They didn't give up in this desperate situation, why should we care too much?"

As he spoke, Li De pointed his finger at the 500 soldiers including Captain Fang who were still fighting, and kicked the fire element that was rushing towards him.

"Oh? Are you ants still going to struggle? Until I completely control this body and kill you with my own hands, just these servants of mine are enough to crush you."

Li De's words from Little Rag were just ignored, and the Rune Warblade cut off the three-headed fire element at will.

"Crush like this?"

"Hmph, these are just the most insignificant and useless servants. The truly powerful subordinates are still being conceived, and you will see them."

Li De heard that it didn't seem like he was bluffing, and he tilted his head slightly and looked into the magma under the crypt. It seemed that a back was exposed from it, and it was scary just by looking at his body shape.

"Okay, don't wait for them to come up, I'll take the initiative to visit later!"

Just as Li De and Xiao Lager were fighting each other, the shamans were finally ready, and the three surrounded Li De in the center.

Immediately after the three shamans, Muun lit up with a khaki light, Drek'Thar lit up with a pale blue light, and Soul Walker lit up with an off-white light.

The three of them raised their left hands and sent their elemental power to the person on the left, so that the three of them formed a cycle.

Then the three of them raised their right hands, pulled out a transparent pearl-colored light from their foreheads, and placed it on top of Li De's head.

In this way, the three shamans established a connection with Li De's soul while forming a cycle of elemental power.

"Are you ready?"

Muen asked softly, but then he knew that it was nonsense. Only after the soul had established a connection did he know how firm Li De's will was.

Li De didn't answer, just looked at the warriors who were still fighting.

"Please hold on until we return victoriously."

After speaking, Li De and the three shamans jumped into the magma without hesitation!

"Hahaha! Stupid! You will all be incinerated in that lava!"

Little Lager, who was watching all this, laughed wildly, but soon he couldn't laugh anymore, because he found that Li De and the others were unscathed after entering the magma!

The three shamans each use the power of earth, water, and wind elements, which is complementary to the fire element to establish a cycle!

And then Little Rag was even more shocked to discover that the three shamans were not satisfied with forming a cycle with his fire elemental power, but wanted to assimilate his fire elemental power through this cycle!

Now he finally understood that these shamans were trying to interfere with his control over the ancient city of Petra. But after grasping this, little Rager does not think they will succeed.

"Stupid mortals are delusional! Whose power do you think you are stealing? The power of the elemental lords!"

"Hehe, of course we know it's a call to the power of the elemental lords, and that's why we're venturing into your energy core."

To the horror of little Lager, the voices of the shamans sounded in his soul world!

The lantern of Soul Walker, which is always at hand, has been released and suspended above the heads of everyone. The elemental power of the three shamans is amplified by this lantern, and the assimilation of the power of fire element begins. Several people also successfully invaded the small town. Rag's Soul World!


"How did you get in?!"

Little Lager looked at the three shamans who appeared in his soul world and questioned sternly, it was about whether he could leave the body or not, and he would never allow this to go wrong.

None of the three shamans answered his question, but curiously observed the little Rag's soul world. This guy's soul world is not big, at most the size of a stadium, all made of dark rocks.

What's even more strange is that the rock is closed up, down, left and right here. It looks like Little Rag is locked in a box. Maybe this means that Little Rag is only part of the soul of the Balrog, and he is still under the control of the body. .

"I'm asking you guys! How did you get in?!"

Little Rag's voice became even more angrier, but what was exchanged was a disdainful taunt from Drek'Thar.

"Hehe, no comment!"

"Arrogant ants! I'm going to crush you!"

Little Lager smashed the three shamans with the Balrog's hammer, but he soon discovered that it was not an easy task to solve these three shamans in a state of soul.


The three shamans are fighting against the little Rag's soul, while Li De's situation is much worse.

Another magical world that is completely parallel to the little Rag soul plane, Li De's soul is in a sea of ​​magma, which means that most of the ancient city of Petra has been infected by the power of fire.

In the center of this magma sea is an island, and the ancient city of Petra stands on the island, but this ancient city has begun to take on the outline of a living body after being shaped by a small lager.

Even in the state of nothingness, swimming through this magma sea still made Li De extremely painful, but he knew that he would swim to the island no matter what and regain control of the ancient city of Petra.


On the battlefield outside, Khadgar, Chen Stormstout, Dathohan, Fandral Stormpike, Benedictus, Kurdran, Buck Romworth, Bronze Guard Anachronos... Many high-end combat forces are fighting against the ancient city of Petra.

Everyone's spells hit the ancient city of Petra, but they couldn't cause any effective damage to this huge head. On the contrary, every time the head roared, it would spit out a scorching shock wave, and its power was unbearable even for an adult dragon!

"You can't stop my coming!"

In the slow but continuous transformation of the ancient city of Petra, the shape of the little Rag's head has begun to take shape.

With the shaking of the head, the trembling clods fell to the ground and turned into fire elemental lifeforms, which continued to be thrown into the battlefield to fight against the coalition forces.

At this time, the little Lager's strength can be said to be terrifying to the extreme, fighting against many enemies at the same time on multiple battlefields on different planes.

At this moment, Lothar noticed that the shamans of the Ring of Earth silently took off the totem pole behind them, and walked towards the fierce battlefield with their arms around them. ..

Lothar ran over quickly, and asked Raybratt Earthshatter, the highest-ranking man besides Muun and Soulwalker.

"Shamans! What are you going to do?!"

The Ring of Earth is a very special existence in the coalition army. They are not directly under the jurisdiction of the coalition army. They mainly play an auxiliary role in this team, and no one will force them to go to the battlefield.

Reblatt slowly twisted his neck and said in a sullen voice.

"The soul of the great Munn Earthfury is immortal, even if he really sacrifices, the soul will be with us, and the Ring of Earth will inherit his to find the element balance!"

Lothar was silent for a while, then said solemnly.

"I am moved by your Sacred Heart, may all spirits be with you."

Everyone is faced with the choice of life and death. Lothar can only give his own blessings, but also respect the beliefs of the shamans, and does not say "May the light be with you" as he does to others.

The shamans accepted Lothar's blessing and stepped into the battlefield without hesitation. Just as he returned to command, Magni suddenly suggested to him.

"There are more and more enemies now, and the troops we put in at the beginning can no longer be supported. I think we should send the general reserve team to the battlefield?"

Magni's suggestion was pertinent, and Lothar began to consider the feasibility of the matter. Of the five commanders of the Supreme Command, only the two of them are in actual command now, which means that where this coalition army will go, it is all in their minds.

"Don't hesitate any longer, Krasus went to the Cave of Time to seek help, but he still doesn't know when he will be able to come back. All the divisions on the battlefield are about to be unable to support him. The appearance of that big monster has already dealt a huge blow to morale.

In this case, if any part cannot hold on, it is likely to lead to the collapse of the whole line. "

Hearing Magni say this, Lothar, who was hesitating, nodded hesitantly.

With Lothar's approval, Magni immediately picked up the battlefield walkie-talkie developed by the goblin from the table. The opposite side of this machine is the wind rider troop of the Huanhai Protector. Only when the situation is the most critical, will he pass through him. Contact, use the fastest speed to pass on the commander's will.

"Wind rider, let me know, the general reserve team..."

Just as Magni said this, Lothar stretched out his hand suddenly and turned off the switch on the walkie-talkie.

"The general reserve team, don't move!"


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