Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid

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'They're all dead...I don't have the face to live alone...'

Chen Storm Liquor roared in his heart with tears and blood, his mentality had reached extremes, the word "reasonable" had nothing to do with him at the moment, and there was only one thought in his mind, that is to keep Kill all enemies here!

Knowing that Chen Storm Spirits couldn't be held back, Ashkandi naturally wouldn't go against his ideas. Every second now is life-threatening, and he can't help wasting time.

Lao Chen and the soldiers formed a huge arrow to attract the enemy's firepower as much as possible and protect the civilians on the road. Although the mountain road made by Leiblatt is no more than a meter wide, it is just a thin line to the entire mountain range, which corresponds to the words "a line of life".

The steep mountain road made the residents walk very slowly. In the process of resisting the attack of the insect swarm, soldiers around Lao Chen kept falling down and disappearing into the sea of ​​insects.

Every time an additional soldier disappeared from sight, the blood redness in Lao Chen's eyes became more intense. Finally, after dozens of casualties, all the residents walked up the mountain road and moved slowly upwards.

"You also go up the mountain one by one!"

Lao Chen shouted to the soldiers that his bravery and fearlessness in battle had completely convinced them. At this time, no one questioned them. They didn't stop, and no one who stayed felt that they were going to die.

They understand that evacuation and post-disconnection are to execute the orders of their superiors, and their life or death is for one thing, so that more people can survive!

Lao Chen kept telling the soldiers to evacuate, but never mentioned himself. In this way, we fought and retreated, and after paying more than 20 casualties, finally all the survivors except Lao Chen stepped onto the stone steps.

After looking around to make sure that he was the only one left, Lao Chen took a step back and stood on the stone steps with his feet stretched out to block the intersection. With his tall stature, even if the mountain road was no more than one meter wide, he still sealed him off. Reality.

It's nothing more than one man's duty and ten thousand men's disobedience!


Chen Storm Spirits breathed heavily, and every time he swung his knife, he would spit out a mouthful of thick white air. Although his body was at his limit, he could still fight with the support of his faith. No matter how many alien scorpions there were, he would never No benefit!

But soon Chen Stormstout realized that something was wrong. These bugs seemed to be quite different from the information he had obtained in the past. They were not low-level creatures with only instinct but no thinking. At the very least, they knew how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages and bully the weak.

If they couldn't overcome Lao Chen's difficulty, they no longer insisted on only sending troops to this congested narrow road, but opened up another road outside the road.

Just on both sides of the road, the insects have no emotion, no pain, and are crowded and trampled mechanically. Even though it is unknown how many insects will be crushed in this crowd, they are still repeating tirelessly, and finally let them walk along the mountain. After stepping on a worm kick, more worms stepped on the bodies of the same race up the mountain, chasing down the civilians who climbed the mountain slowly.

The team did not walk fast on the steep mountain roads. The trolls who are used to living in the desert have wide soles that are not suitable for mountain climbing, and the short goblins are also not suitable for mountain climbing. The human race with the most coordinated limbs is not as physically strong as the trolls. After climbing for a while supporting each other, they all began to feel tired. As a result, even with such a rough pursuit method, the swarm is constantly shortening the distance!

Ashcandi led his soldiers to fight the alien scorpions that were chasing up. Although they knocked down a few bugs that were chasing down the mountain, it was still a drop in the bucket for the chasing swarm.

Chen Storm Spirits' beard and hair were all stretched out, and he let out a lion's roar.

"Shaman! Change the terrain and widen the path in front of me!"

Leiblatt's heart has long been devoted to Chen Storm Spirits, but he hesitates in the face of Lao Chen's request.

"But you..."

"Don't worry about it!"

It was still a rough interruption, and Lao Chen didn't think about the way out for himself, someone had to sacrifice.

Ashkandi sighed.

"Do as he says, and don't let Master Chen down."

"I understand, everyone don't move, hold on to each other and stand firm!"

Rebrat Earthshatter reminded everyone loudly that when he and his companions activated the elements again, the mountain trembled and shook, and all the insect swarms that were attached to the mountain were shaken off. The terrain under his feet was transformed again, and the road in front of Lao Chen opened up a trumpet mouth with a width of more than ten meters. At the same time, a row of sharp stone pillars pierced the mountains on both sides of Lao Chen.

This kind of terrain did save the swarm from worrying about climbing the mountain again, but it also meant that all the pressure of the swarm's attack was on Chen Stormstout!

Right now, under the dark bottomless sinkhole, a pair of icy compound eyes were watching all of this. Chen Storm Spirits' decision surprised him, but soon a cry came from this guy's mouth. ridicule.

"Heh, what a stupid mortal. He is really so arrogant that he thinks that he can fight against our army? Well, well, since I want to die, why should I not satisfy you?"

Attacking a trumpet-shaped road more than ten meters wide is much easier than attacking a narrow road five meters wide. Hula, countless bugs swarmed in an instant, and the pressure on Lao Chen was ten times greater than before. More than double!


Even if there was only one person, Lao Chen still uttered a thunderous battle cry. He was like a stubborn rock on the seashore. Pushing and cutting, in the midst of turbulent waves, he still showed the arrogance of hitting the water in the middle of the current!

Chen Stormstout could hardly see. He didn't know whether it was the black swarms of insects blocking the light, or the excessive exhaustion and blood loss made him blind. This time he really reached the limit!

But when he thought of the slowly climbing team behind him, he had to go beyond the limit!


The originally heavy eyes suddenly opened again, and the divine light was like two bright lamps illuminating the night sky. Chen Storm Spirits' beard and hair were all stretched out, and the long and slender hair all over his body was motionless without wind, and the white gas was like a boiler in Gadgetzan The same sprayed out along the pores of the whole body, making Chen Storm Spirits seem to be in auspicious clouds and mist.

"Wow! How happy is life, why bother to die! Sajia Chen Kuifeng! Wait for Xiaoxiao to die!"

The Tuduo monk Chen Kuifeng held a snowflake iron ring knife as fast as a knife, wrapped around his head and fanned his head, chopping and chopping. The silver light all over his body made him look like a mountain of knives, but it was like a silver rose blooming at the entrance of the mountain. Seeing this knife light, without exception, it turned into meat sauce!

The most indispensable thing for the swarm is cannon fodder, but even if the swarm was killed by Chen Storm Spirits, the mastermind behind the pit that day couldn't help but feel distressed. Reason tells it that it is the wisest choice to stop in time under such a heavy loss, but unfortunately it is destined to be difficult to handle more complex thinking activities with its wisdom, and it will only repeat the attack before receiving instructions from higher levels instructions.

At this moment, Lao Chen felt extremely cool in his mind, and his eyes and ears were unprecedentedly sharp. Every knife he cut was a mystery that he could not use with all his efforts in his life before. A feeling of floating.

This cheerful mood made Old Chen couldn't help but burst out laughing. The echoing laughter reminded him of his hometown, just like the sound of the leaves rustling when the wind blows through the Misty Forest on the Wandering Island. This feeling is like drinking the cool spring of Qi Han Winery.

When this feeling of relaxation gradually faded away, the body became even heavier instead, and the arms seemed to be filled with lead, and it was extremely strenuous to just lift them up. Seeing that Chen Stormstout slowed down, the swarm finally seized another chance to attack.

Chen Storm Spirits found that he wanted to fight back but was unable to fight back, so he simply gave up everything and decided to let himself leave calmly. He let go of his strength and let himself fall backwards, and in the process of falling, he vaguely saw that the team had already reached the top of the mountain.

"The way down is up to you, I'm going to die after all..."

The whole team has climbed to the top of the mountain at this moment, and then they can march towards Zul'Farrak along the mountain road, but everyone stands on the top platform and refuses to leave, watching Chen Storm who is slowly falling The eye sockets of spirits are red.

Ashkandi clenched his fists tightly, his fingernails cut his palms and blood flowed out.

"Watch off Master Chen for a ride, and then don't stay, we must return to Zul'Farrak before the swarm catches up."

Just when Chen Storm Spirits was about to be overwhelmed by the swarm, several flames fell from the sky, directly burning all the alien scorpions in the front row to ashes!

"Hold on! We're here to help!"

The sound of breaking through the sky, four huge crimson figures flapped their huge wings and flew from the south with abundant magical It was the Red Dragon Troop led by Buck Romworth, They swooped down to the low altitude, and the pillars of fire that spewed out of their mouths were like four plowshares rolling over the swarm of insects, and the place they passed was a mess.

At this moment, the controller in the tiankeng also received an order from his superiors in due course: retreat.

The operator rattled his mouthparts, and a strange vibration frequency instantly spread throughout the swarm, and the overwhelming scorpions receded like a tide.

Over there, Bakromwaz also flew to the mountain crossing, grabbed Chen Storm Spirits in an instant, and turned into a human form above the heads of the people above the 109 heights, holding Lao Chen and falling in the middle of the team.

People immediately gathered around to check, and Buck's opening made many people cry.

"He is going to die."

(end of this chapter)

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