Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid

Chapter 411: Faceless men attack the venue

The latest website: at the entrance of Gadgetzan Elementary School in the college area, the aunt who sells breakfast is in a good mood.

Some time ago, due to the shortage of war materials, the school also gave the students a holiday, so she didn't work for a long time.

This time, through the joint meeting of all ethnic groups, the school organized students to join the welcome team, and then took this opportunity to resume school.

The aunt who sells breakfast has thus regained her livelihood.

Auntie is not the only one who resumes work. The breakfast stall belongs to a stationery store, which is also open today.

Seeing the door of the stationery store open, the aunt first expressed her apology.

"Ah, Boss Wu Jingren, long time no see. I'm sorry, I don't know if you are open today, do you need me to move your seat?"

The owner of the stationery store is a middle-aged troll with a very easy-going face.

"It's okay, auntie, it's good that you're here, don't hinder me."

Wu Jingren's words warmed the aunt's heart, and she was a little embarrassed to think that she had feared this troll once.

Since she was occupying other people's space, the aunt could not be too indifferent, so she chatted a few more words.

"You should have opened the door early today. Many children who bought breakfast all morning asked me why you didn't open the door. I heard from the children that the little illustrations you sell are very interesting."

"Ah, I can continue to sell from today. The situation was tense some time ago. I went back to my hometown of Zuldak to hide for a few days. I didn't come back early this morning."

"Hey, your luck is really good. Some time ago, the big monster threw a fire into the sky, and several people I know had accidents. You are really lucky not to be in Gadgetzan.

Thanks to that giant of light, who helped us kill that nasty monster. It's a pity that the giant of light flew away afterwards, and we didn't have time to thank him. "

"Heh...heh... is it, what a pity."

"Boss Wu Jingren, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah, I just drove too far, and I'm a little tired."

"It's really a long way. You should take a rest first. It's not too late to open the door after the students leave school at noon."

"Yes Yes."

Wu Jingren returned to her stationery store with a smile, but immediately changed a ruthless expression after closing the door.

It wasn't because of the words of the breakfast aunt, but a sudden sharp pain in his shoulder, followed by a strong sense of crisis.

"Auntie, bring me two sandwiches, and put the milk tea in my water bag."

"Okay, Jack, you wait."

The breakfast lady greeted Jack enthusiastically. In the battle against the monster insects, the distant hero, the Giant of Light, appeared, but the friendly hero, Jack, also appeared. His deeds in the old city had already spread throughout Gadgetzan.

The aunt swiftly wrapped the patties in oiled paper, and forcibly gave Jack two sausages, and chatted while making milk tea.

"Tell me that these two sausages are given by me. To fight those monsters, you must eat enough to have strength."

Jack smiled helplessly. It was a confidential matter. He didn't know how to explain to his aunt that he was no longer on the front line of the frontal battlefield.

"Don't worry, we will definitely destroy all monsters!"

Jack took the water bag, and when he left, he turned his head to look at the stationery store, and Wu Jingren, who was peeping inside the door, hurriedly avoided him.

After all, nothing unusual was found, Jack waved goodbye to the aunt, and he was about to report to his new post.

After seeing Jack leave, Wu Jingren showed a thoughtful expression:

‘This guy has an aura that I hate! My wound will aggravate the pain when he gets close! What is his relationship with that giant of light? !

I can't delay any longer! born quickly...'

Soon it was time for the children to leave school at noon, and as the aunt said, the children had spare pocket money and rushed to buy Wu Jingren's interesting illustrations.

With a kind smile, Wu Jingren showed the illustrations to the children, but there was another terrifying face inside.

' can watch it to your heart's content...Only if you all become loyal believers and nourishment, Hazaks can be born as soon as possible...'

From the fourth day onwards, representatives of all parties in the joint conference put forward interest demands one after another.

And at noon on the fifth day, the meeting on the distribution of benefits also reached the middle game, and various conflicts of interest were also exposed:

The division of sea areas of several major maritime powers, the pricing of international trade, the territorial ownership of bordering countries...

Just when the intensity of various debates was about to reach its peak, an accident interrupted the meeting.

Just at the front line of Qingquan Plain, a guy twice the size of Sentiros appeared!

This guy can no longer be described as a monster, it has the characteristics of both arthropods and molluscs, it is simply a monster!

The large monster flew over the front line, attacking in the direction of Gadgetzan.

However, with the experience of fighting against Sentiros last time, the Alliance Army quickly responded, and all blocking forces were assigned Holy Light combat units.

Buck Romworth, who had just been discharged from the hospital, led the Knicks and the flying troops, carrying the paladin troops to attack the enemy.

(After being injured last time, the Red Dragon Troops are all receiving treatment in the Ivo Sanatorium.

Only Krasus and Anachronus enjoyed special treatment, and were specially treated by Nogfogg, who recovered quickly.

Among the Red Dragon Troops, Buck was the most seriously injured, so he was the last to be discharged from the hospital)

"Captain Buck, don't worry! After the lesson from last time, I have rebuilt the power system!

Although the magic iron material is good, it consumes too much energy, and the energy of the Kaya crystal is unstable, so I asked the magister to use a magic circuit to convert the fel energy into a stable arcane, and now the power system is foolproof. "

Speaking of this, Nix couldn't help but think that doing so is really superfluous. Why not abandon the Kaya crystal and directly use the arcane crystal as power?

But soon he himself overturned this idea. In terms of acting as a mechanical power, the Kaya crystal still has an irreplaceable advantage.

And more importantly, the arcane crystals are completely controlled by Dalaran, the price has been raised to an outrageous level, and the Guardian of the Vast Sea can't afford it.

Hazaks' intention was very obvious, that is to destroy the joint assembly, and flew directly to Gadgetzan without attacking any targets along the way.

Hazaks' speed was extremely fast, even though Buck and the others had already reacted quite quickly, by the time they attacked, the opponent had already arrived outside Gadgetzan City!

It has the head and feet of an octopus, and when it stretches out its tentacles, it rolls up several houses on the outskirts of the city, and then throws them into the urban area!

If it weren't for the residents in the vicinity who had evacuated in advance, I'm afraid the people in the house would have turned into meatloaf.

Seeing this situation, Buck immediately asked Nix to activate the armor.

When it came time to practice, the Knicks still lacked confidence, but now they have to bite the bullet and get it.

The red dragon put on the armor again, and after being improved, it was really full of power. Even in the face of Hazaks, who was stronger than Sentiros, Buck could fight back and forth with it.

In the meeting place of the joint meeting, the meeting had to be suspended due to the surprise attack of the big monster.

Mogul Razdunk raised his binoculars and yelled, completely in the mood of watching a show.

"Wonderful! The Iron Demon God of Riddorfons is nothing more than that? If he sees this armored dragon, he will die of envy."

Hearing Mogul's vulgar speech, the four dragon representatives frowned displeasedly, and Isarios and Kalecgos even questioned Li De, whether they wanted to learn from the orcs to enslave the dragon.

Li De gave Moguer a hard look, and quickly explained to everyone.

"We have a deep friendship with the Red Dragon Army, and the 'Dragon Enhancement Plan' was approved by Prince Krasus.

The biggest difference between intelligent life and beasts is the use of tools.

The dragon is the most intelligent race in the huge life of Azeroth. The combination of this armor and Buck can inspire the most powerful force from each other.

The original Dragonmaw clan stole the power of the dragon to abuse the weak. And we are cooperating with the dragon to face the stronger one. "

After hearing such an explanation, Isarios and Kalecgos calmed down.

Isarios then raised his own concerns.

"I think Buck Romworth and the others still don't seem to be opponents of monsters. Shall we help them?"

The only one who can really block Hazaks on the battlefield is the armored Buck. The holy light of the paladins can bring damage to Hazaks, but it cannot restrict its actions. As for Knicks, Flying Golems and other flying troops, it is almost impossible to bring effective damage to monsters.

Judging from the current situation, it would be very difficult for Buck to defeat Hazaks before the energy of the armor was exhausted.

"I think that's the way it should be. Go for reinforcements! In this case, we should let go of our identities without hesitation. Aren't we gathering together for the safety of the world?!"

As the undisputed strongest present, Malfurion stood up.

"The arch druid is right, it's time for us to act."

The people below him, Krasus, Kael'thas, Antonidas, Fandral Staghelmet, etc. also immediately stood up to respond.

With the call of several strong men, Benedictus, Mun, Drek'Thar, Danas Trollbane, Talanji and others in the first tier of ordinary heroes are also all The fighting spirit is high.

Li De bowed to everyone gratefully.

"Thank you for your generosity, letting monsters disturb the venue is our negligence at work..."

Malfurion motioned Reed not to continue.

"On the surface, the Zerg and monsters are just the enemies of your country, but the shadow manipulators behind them, the ancient gods, are the enemies of the whole This statement has been agreed by most people, but there are also people like People like Blackmoore muttered inwardly.

'What kind of shadow, what kind of ancient god, I have never heard of it, and what can threaten us across a continent? If it wasn't for making gold, ghosts would be willing to come to such a wild place. '

In any case, although there were noises, the representatives were unanimously willing to fight Hazaks. However, at this moment, the venue suddenly fell into darkness, and then everyone heard a gloomy voice.

"Representatives of all countries, you didn't expect it? Right here, you will be wiped out by me! My great Lord God, come down!"

With the blessing of the gloomy voice, a huge eyeball image appeared in the center of the great hall.

[Stupid mortals! Is it that you want to fight against the omnipotent ancient god? ! Under my whisper, perish...]

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