Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid

Chapter 424: Time Magic and Gravity

Chapter 424 Time Magic and Gravity

Azeroth Civilization: Beginning of the Great Pyramid Text Volume Chapter 424 Time Magic and Gravity "Hey! How are you!"

Jack, who was fighting the projections, noticed Kel'Thuzad's discomfort, and asked loudly after defeating the third wave of projections.

Kel'Thuzad just shook his head.

"Take care of yourself first! Look ahead!"

Jack, who was reminded, looked back, and the brand new fourth wave projection appeared again.

"Bastard! Endless!"

Eternal Dragon looked at the weak Kel'Thuzad and the tired Jack, holding back a little complacency.

"Oh, it seems that I will win easily. I don't need to do it myself to get rid of you two. Let's see how long you can persist."

Even though the guy's facial features were blocked by the cloak, Kel'Thuzad could still imagine what kind of face he had. He refused to admit defeat and took out two bottles of mixture potion from the storage bag.

"Jack! Go on!"

Throwing a bottle to Jack, he bit off the cork of the remaining bottle and gulped it down.

"Forcing me to give up elegance, I will spend with you all the time today! Anyway, you have already stretched the time, I have plenty of time to persevere!"

The Eternal Dragon smiled contemptuously. In his opinion, Kel'Thuzad was completely drinking poison to quench his thirst.

"Okay, since this is the case, you can die gracefully."

A more vast flow of time than before swept directly towards Kel'Thuzad himself, and Kel'Thuzad was also frantically injecting power into the staff of Nozdormu. The hourglass on the top of the staff rotated rapidly and emitted a dazzling light at the same time. .

While the two were competing in time magic, Jack was also fighting hard against the projections that kept appearing. This was the seventh time he had defeated his own projections, and he shouted to Kel'Thuzad out of breath.

"Isn't it alright?! The projection made by this **** is getting closer and closer to the entity. If I can't disintegrate this time domain, I'm afraid I won't be exhausted."

The power of the projection is getting stronger and stronger, and the image is getting clearer and clearer. After repeated battles, Jack is a little worried that he will be defeated.

Kel'Thuzad was blindly outputting mana, and only replied Jack with eight words:

"Keep fighting, there is a way!"

At this time, Jack couldn't verify whether Kel'Thuzad was fooling himself, and there was really no other way but to bite the bullet and fight on.

At this time, the Eternal Dragon laughed exaggeratedly, and said to Kel'Thuzad.

"I think you should give up your resistance, it might be a bit more decent to die like this.

I was moved to see you fighting with all your strength, but your resistance was clearly so weak.

My spell is still so stable, not only there is no gap, but it looks stronger than before. are you an idiot? What are you doing? "

Kel'Thuzad didn't directly answer the Eternal Dragon's question, but the surprise attack posed a question.

"You have been hiding in Gadgetzan for so long, have you found the time anchor? At this point in time, it shouldn't be far from the time anchor that determines the future, right?"

Eternal Dragon was taken aback, and looked at Kel'Thuzad in surprise.

"Unexpectedly, you even know the concept of time anchor point. You don't have to be smart anymore. The more you know, the faster you will die. I won't let you leave here alive. Get rid of you two, then It should be the time anchor when it comes down."

Hearing what the other party said, Kel'Thuzad finally felt relieved.

"So, you haven't found the time anchor yet."

Kel'Thuzad's attitude made Eternal Dragon a little annoyed.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

This is the magister showing a treacherous smile.

"Didn't you ask me what I was doing before? Of course I know that I can't beat you with my magic level, so I gave up confrontation and changed my mana to confrontation to join you. By the way, I did you a little favor."

An ominous premonition arose in Eternal Dragon's heart.

"what have you done?!"

The rhythm was in the hands of Kel'Thuzad, he said slowly.

"Actually, I really like the story you told at the beginning, the eternal second, it sounds very romantic.

It’s just that you are too conservative when extending the time in this time domain. You didn’t show us the real second of eternity, but you just lengthened one second by sixty times. "

Eternal Dragon's sense of crisis was even worse, he questioned almost hysterically.

"What the **** did you do!"

" quiet, I'm just doing a little bit of work to gently double the time for you."

For a moment, the heartbeat of the black mist hider accelerated a little, but after hearing Kel'Thuzad's words clearly, he still couldn't help but feel relieved in his heart.

'It's a good thing he just doubled the time, and things can be fixed. '

Kel'Thuzad seemed to have the ability to read minds, and asked an impossible question.

"Mr. Eternal Dragon, do you know about exponential explosion?"

With Long's erudition, how could he not know about exponential explosion? The black mist hider just thought about it for a while, and knew that something was wrong.

Kel'Thuzad explained it very patiently.

"In the material world, all material entities can have an effect on time. The greater the gravitational force, the slower time will be. Based on yours, I have extended time twice.

At the same time, in order to solve Jack, you keep pulling projections from other time points, that is to say, you are continuously adding qualitative entities to the time domain...

Magic is really a convenient thing. Before we know it, we already have an incomparably huge gravitational force here.

ha! Jack, don't let the fighting stop! Remember, your existence itself is function! "

Kel'Thuzad yelled at Jack for the last sentence.

Jack brutally knocked down two projections in a row, and the sweat all over his body turned into white steam, he responded with a rough voice.

"Stop talking nonsense! Isn't it just fighting? Continue!"

The two sang together, but Eternal Dragon trembled all over.


The black mist concealer did not expect that it would cost such a high price just to eliminate these two pawns!

In a period of time, the anchor point that determines which direction the history should develop plays a role in stabilizing this period of time, and itself has absolute gravity in this period of time, that is, infinite.

Because I was not aware of it for a while, I created a time field with such a huge gravitational force without dismantling the anchor point in this timeline. This behavior can be defined as: looking for death.


There was a crack in the time domain, and the Eternal Dragon suddenly fell into a panic. He gritted his teeth and said to Kel'Thuzad.

"Damn mortal, you have planned to defeat me from the beginning, and you will die with me."

Kel'Thuzad still had a warm smile on his face.

"That's right, this coward's game, do you dare to continue playing with me?"

Eternal Dragon has no chance to hesitate, the cracks in the time domain are getting bigger and bigger, if this continues, several people in the domain will be crushed and crushed.

Reluctantly, the Eternal Dragon had to forcibly release the time domain, and doing so also caused the black mist hider to suffer a heavy magical backlash.

The scene in front of the three of them flickered, and they returned to the street before dawn. Eternal Dragon spat out a mouthful of blood in pain, and his blood fell on the ground, shining with crystal magic light.

Kel'Thuzad, who was half kneeling on the ground and panting heavily, was also uncomfortable, but he still didn't forget to continue to sarcastically after seeing this scene.

"Dragon blood, an extremely precious magic material, I thought your blood also turned black with the fall."

After all, Kel'Thuzad will have to pay the price for his poisonous tongue, and the Eternal Dragon, who has been backlashed by huge magic, will launch a final attack even as his injuries worsen!

The Eternal Dragon drew his weapon and delivered Kel'Thuzad a final blow with all his might. The weak mage was already out of strength at this time, and there was no time to dodge!

At this moment, Jack, who was also extremely weak, rushed over. With his arms weak, he abandoned his weapon and knocked Kel'Thuzad away with his body.


The sharp blade pierced through Jack's shoulder, and Eternal Dragon and Kel'Thuzad were both The magister spread out on the ground, and under his agitation, he shaped an ice pick in his palm and shot Eternal Dragon's abdomen.


Eternal Dragon snorted, pulled the sharp blade out of Jack, stepped back a few steps, turned around and disappeared into the shadows.

Kel'Thuzad and Jack looked at each other, and they both saw the fear in each other's eyes. It was really lucky to be able to escape from death this time.

" are you doing?"

At this moment, Buck led a team of soldiers to arrive. Seeing that both of them were injured to varying degrees, he hurriedly gave them emergency treatment.

In the operation to lock the target tonight, although Kel'Thuzad and Jack rushed to the front to investigate, in fact, the special operations team and the alliance army behind were ready at any time.

Buck saw the agreed rendezvous time, so he rushed to meet them with his soldiers, but he didn't expect to see both of them lying injured on the street.

"What's going on here? You fought the Faceless? Didn't you say to send us a signal when you act?"

Buck asked strangely, Kel'Thuzad shook his head and said.

"Captain, the target has been locked, and we haven't been alarmed yet. We have encountered the Eternal Dragon."

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Buck's heart just let go, but the second half made his heart lift up again. The eternal dragon is more troublesome than the faceless man. Thinking of this, Buck sighed.

"Let's go back and talk about it."

Kel'Thuzad continued to shake his head.

"We won't go back. We have to go back to the school immediately. The Eternal Dragon attacked us, which means that their allies, the Faceless, have also been alarmed. We must prepare for the worst."

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