Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 443: The sin is unforgivable!

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The ancestor stood up.

In an instant, he was like a god, full of majesty from above.

His muddy eyes became sharp and cold at this moment.

The unusually obvious twilight qi on his body also disappeared in an instant.

Instead, there is an unimaginable sense of oppression.

The old ancestor seemed to have changed someone.

From a rusty sickle, to a sharp knife that blows and breaks hair.

Seeing the appearance of the old ancestor, Chu Yun was not surprised. Instead, he stared at him meaningfully. A smile is not a smile.

"Er Hong." Chu Yun suddenly turned his head and glanced at Er Ye Hong. "Do you know that your big brother has such a tyrannical strength?"

Chu Yun seemed to have guessed the strength of the ancestors a long time ago.

But judging from the horrified expression of Hong Erye, he probably didn't know.

He didn't even think about it, his eldest brother, who gets along day and night, possesses such terrifying strength!

Then why has he kept hiding it to this day?

Why didn't even his own brother ever reveal half of the score?

But at this moment, the Hong family should unanimously go outside.

And Chu Yun was this foreign enemy.

"Do I know that it has nothing to do with you." Hong Erye said blankly. "As my elder brother said, you want to behave in the Hong family. You have to first weigh whether you have this ability."


Chu Yun was not irritated by Hong Erye.

Instead, he clapped his palms and said: "Then I won't instigate discord."

His applause just fell.

Several figures entered the door and stood behind Chu Yun.

"Introduce the two elders. Before the two elders enter the coffin, they will stare at you for 24 hours. Even if they just urinate and go out for a walk, they will be like your shadows, constantly watching. Everything about you." After Chu Yun said, his words changed. "Of course, you can use all means to destroy them. Either let them evaporate from the world, or kill them yourself. This is the right of your two elders."

"But I have to declare. They will resist, they will fight back, they will kill people like hell."

Chu Yun stood with his hands behind, his eyes gloomy.

"Protect your children and grandchildren. Remember what I said, Chu Yun."

"I will begin to take revenge. All that has to do with my parents back then."

"I won't let it go!"

Talk about it.

Chu Yun glanced at the second elder of the Hong family, then turned and walked out of the door.

And the few people that Chu Yun recruited also followed. But their breath surrounds the Hong family compound. Haunted the Hong family like a ghost!

They are the old ghosts that Chen Sheng said.

A group of murderous, but extremely professional top masters.

Each of them has the strength of one enemy and one hundred. Maybe they can't reach the height of the strong. But to kill the descendants of the Hong family such as Hong Xiaoquan. For this group of old ghosts, it's easy. It can be done in just a few clicks.

Chu Yun left.

The old ghosts are gone.

Only the two old men of the Hong family looked at each other.

Erye Hong could feel the strength of the group of people that Chu Yun called.

Very strong. Maybe not reach the peak strength. But every one of them is a very tricky guy.

And now, they are hidden away from Hong's house.

As Chu Yun said, as long as they don't enter the coffin, those old ghosts will stare at them to death! Monitor their every move all the time!

"It seems that he really wants to retaliate." Hong Erye let out a foul breath.

Chu Yun had already revealed his hole cards.

Even these tricky old ghosts moved out and stared at the Hong family to death.

This is enough to prove Chu Yun's sincerity.

How should the Hong family respond?

In this war, the future head of the Hong family, Hong Shisan, whom the ancestors regarded as the hope of the Hong family, has been defeated. No one can predict the future development trend.

"He may not even be able to fight Thirteen. Why are you so nervous?" The ancestor said calmly.

Hong Erye frowned and said, "Chu Yun's ability to come to the backyard proves that Thirteen could not stop him."

Immediately, he sighed lightly: "Facts have proved that after this battle, Chu Yun is about to step into the strength of the powerful."

"Who is not a strong man with a broken mirror?"

The old ancestor said domineeringly, "Do you think I really have been moldy in this yard all these years, waiting to die?"

Hearing the words, Hong Erye gave a thud in his heart.

The strength that the eldest brother suddenly showed, really horrified the second master Hong.

They have been together for many years, and he never expected that his eldest brother would hide his strength so far.

The moment the ancestor revealed his strength, Hong Erye could basically judge. It's not a year or two since Big Brother has been among the strongest in the broken mirror!

"In a little while. Even you will be among the strong with the broken mirror. Our Hong family, there are three strong with the broken mirror!" The ancestor said with arrogance. "Even the Chu Zhongtang, who is known as the number one person in the world, may not dare to be disrespectful to the Hong family!"

"A mere Chu Yun scared you like this?" The ancestor said contemptuously. "Second brother. It's disappointing that you haven't made any progress over the years!"

Hong Erye's expression changed slightly, and he was quite frustrated and said, "I haven't stepped through this hurdle after all."

"In the days to come, you don't have to worry about anything. Retreat with peace of mind." The ancestor said lightly.

"The Hong family--" Hong Erye asked in confusion.

Hong Shisan's mentality burst.

Hong Xiaoquan has long been abolished.

Now, even Hong Xiaoshu has broken an arm.

Apart from him, who is in charge of the Hong family?

This is Hong Erye's concern.

"From today, I will go out in person." The old ancestor categorically cut the railway.

In the originally turbid eyes, everything was revealed!

Hong Erye's heart trembled.

Does this mean that the Hong family will usher in the second reign of the eldest brother?

All the people who made great contributions to the Hong family will stand aside?

If so. The so-called future head of the Hong family is just a joke at all!

The ancestors had never been willing to delegate power, and never thought of handing over the Hong family to anyone.

The so-called future master is nothing more than drawing a big pie for future generations. It can be seen and even smelled, but no one can really eat it.


Including his second master Hong, was deceived by his ancestors!

Erye Hong glanced at his eldest brother with a complicated expression, pursing his lips and said, "Yes, I understand. I will practice in retreat and strive to become the strongest person in the mirror."

"The Hong family has always belonged to our two the ancestor said in a flat tone. "But whether it is me in power, or in the future you will be in power. Without absolute strength, let alone outsiders, even the descendants will not convince you. Will want to kick you away. "

"That Hong Xiaoquan, who is full of bad water, has already begun planning?" A cold light flashed in the ancestor's eyes. "After solving this matter, you will retreat again."

Hong Erye's expression trembled. Looking at the eldest brother incredulously: "How do you want me to solve it?"

"He wants to fight against me. Against the Hong family." The ancestors categorically cut the railway. "For this kind of white-eyed wolf who eats inside and out. How do you solve it?"

Hong Erye's expression trembled. Hesitatingly said: "He is the Hong family after all."

"More inexcusable!"

The old ancestor said with a cold voice: "Be nice. Let Hong Xiaoquan's parents have nothing to say. Let Hong family have nothing to say!"

"I see."

Hong Erye's eyes were complicated, and a layer of cold sweat was inexplicably oozing from his back.

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