257 episodes. The price of running without fear.

That evening.

He gave him a day to find Umberto, the guild leader of the Lucia Guild, so he did not return to the Myongjin Shelter, but settled in the place provided by the guild leader Oliveira.

Because this is much faster than going back and forth again.

And in the late hours of the dawn, I received a visit from Director Seok In-soo, who was seated in the next room.

I knew he was going to come first, so I opened my mouth to Seok In-soo, the head of the office.

“Is the story good?”

"Yes. I have decided to accept this offer. And this is the gift of return.”

Director Seok In-su handed a paper envelope with the answer and immediately received it, opened the envelope and checked the documents inside.

After that.

“It’s still true.”

"Is that so?"


There were quite a few things written on the papers.

The guild leader of the Lucia Guild, which Oliveira did not tell, from her abilities to the characteristics of the guild leader, was quite detailed.

And it wasn't just that.

as soon as.

[Day 4 of observation.

- Lucia Guild Leader Umberto ordered the gathering of his subordinate forces.

-The target of the attack is predicted to be the Myeongjin shelter where Hong Jooyoung is absent. 70% chance.]

[The 7th day of observation.

-Confirmed that Hong Jooyoung was not present at Myungjin Shelter.

-It seems that it is okay to increase the probability that the attack target is Myongjin Shelter to 99%.]

According to this document, the guild leader Oliveira had known for 10 days before that the guild leader Umberto of the Lucia Guild was going to attack the Myeongjin Shelter.


[Future response direction.

-Do not intervene in the downfall of Myeongjin.

However, the pursuit of the guild leader Umberto of the Lucia Guild, who was weakened by the battle with Myeongjin, continues.

And after returning to Earth, Hong Jooyoung, who is engulfed in anger, is pleased by providing Umberto's hideout.]

Of course, the anger didn't just erupt.

Because I kind of expected it.

So I calmly finished checking the documents and handed it directly to Seok In-soo, the head of the office.

at the same time.

“Come back to Myungjin Shelter tomorrow morning.”


“I’ll finish it later.”

"...all right."

He said that because he didn't have to accompany him, and after that, he rested as if he knew nothing.

next day.

With exactly 24 hours to an hour and a half remaining, the guild leader Oliveira came to me.

And then.

“Greenland. I have confirmed that Umberto, the guild leader of the Lucia Guild, is currently in Greenland.”

“Do you know the location?”


“Then go.”

“I’ll get it ready in ten minutes.”

I could go alone.

Obviously, Greenland is the largest island on Earth, but that doesn't mean you can't find it.

Moreover, if you know the approximate location, there is no problem at all.

But I spit out the words to go together.

Because that's the price I got the paperwork from yesterday.

a few hours later.

Nuuk, the capital of Greenland.

So, after arriving in Greenland, he quickly moved through the land of ice created in a natural state without a break.And only after moving quickly for about 30 minutes or more, I found a brown hut built on a land of white ice.

“It is right there.”

First of all, he moved towards the hut without answering the words of the guild leader Oliveira.

After that, the hut and about thirty steps left.


The door of the hut opened with a sound from the characteristic old wooden door.

At the same time, a man with the face he had been looking for all along appeared.

The guild leader of the Lucia Guild.

“It was later than I thought. I guess Hong Jooyoung's threats were just as good for them."

“Well… it seems like it.”

At first, as soon as I saw his face, I thought I would be angry.

Of course, ice breath is a bonus.

But it wasn't as outrageous as I thought it would be.

Of course, at first glance, he seemed to know why.

It's like giving up and giving up on everything.

To be honest, I felt like I was calming down, as if waiting for me, as if I had no intention of escaping.

Even revenge has to be right, because if you don't have a sword like that, you lose strength even from the standpoint of revenge.

I have no intention of looking at it that way.

First of all, I responded with a blunt answer to the blunt guy's words.


“Come inside. Hong Jooyoung Unlike you, I hate cold and ice.”

"okay? It's surprising that a place like that was used as a hideout."

“Let’s call it consideration for the guests who will come.”

The guild leader of the Lucia Guild, Umberto, went into the hut after saying those words.

Seeing that, I followed him into the hut.


At that time, far away from the hut, the Antaragos guild members and the guild leader Oliveira were located.


"Damn it. If you find him as if you are going to kill him, you will kill him immediately.

Guildmaster Oliveira saw Hong Jooyoung following Lucia Guild leader Umberto into the hut into the hut, got nervous and struck the ground with her feet.

Because the guild leader Oliveira had an acquaintance with the guild leader Umbert of the Lucia guild.

No, it wasn't just an acquaintance, it was a relationship.

For Umberto, who was looking for someone with special abilities or a strong person to fill in the chains of the Lucia Guild, the Antaragos Information Guild, which had only one information power, was essential.

Crucially, Hong Jooyoung, who was in the midst of raising the stock price to Umberto, the guild leader of the Lucia Guild, was actually selling information at the time when he was active under the name of Ashirante.

So, seeing the appearance of the two of them, the guild leader of Oliveira had no choice but to be anxious.

“Don't worry too much. After all, the two can never be together. It won't be a very in-depth conversation.”

"Damn it!"

Even at the words of Brandon, the second son who had followed her, the impression of Oliveira's guild leader did not spread.

However, she had no way of dealing with it, so the guild leader Oliveira just stared at the hut like that.

Hoping Hong Jooyoung kills Umberto quickly.

Because the dead don't talk.


inside the hut.

She naturally followed him into the hut, but she said it wasn't because of her negligence.

Of course, contrary to her casual appearance, she was ready to attack at any time.

Currently, there is only the limited skill ‘Excellent’, but everything, including 5 stacks of Ice Breath, was already usable.

That was enough.

But really strong.

According to the documents I checked yesterday morning, I can assure you, the second strongest person on the planet after me was a person named Umberto right in front of me.

There was even an expression written to Umberto that he was the last line of the earth.

And in fact, he attacked Myungjin with just over a hundred men and showed the ability to destroy Myungjin if it were not for the roots.

So he was a little curious.

Why would he do such a stupid thing when he has that kind of ability.

But now I have more questions than that, so I asked that first.

“Why didn’t you run away?”

He wasn't surprised, let alone bewildered, as if he knew I was coming.

Rather, I even invited them to come in like this.

“Huh. As long as you can't escape this earth, there's nowhere to run from your palms, right? And since I had already hit Myungjin, I foresaw this situation.”

“You made that riot, knowing you were going to die?”

“Kukk. Hong Jooyoung Because you're so strong that there's no way you can handle it. Then he must change direction. By shaking it around.”

“Why are you doing that?”

I wondered that.

Compared to me, he was a huge underdog, but compared to me, that's because he's a hugely strong person on average.

Even if he was chosen as the 2nd strongest person on Earth, it would not be inferior.

Moreover, I restrained myself.

In other words, I did not oppress, persecute, or exploit because I was weaker than myself.

At first, it was the reason that the sticking nail was calling me, but it was still the same now that I no longer had the chisel to weigh me down.

Because I have no intention of making the world that is hell anyway more hell by taking and extorting it.

Also, I had no intention of becoming the ruler of the earth that others say.

It's a good thing to say, because you're a ruler, and in the end, you have some responsibility.

So, the Mitsuya Guild of Japan that suddenly attacked without a declaration of war within ‘Revival Legend’ in order to usurp Myung-jin’s prerogative, and President Kim Ki-jung, who was aiming for the lives of me and my family, also saved my life.

Sure, you can kill it by pressing it with one finger, but it was clear that many people who were under their control or protection would be in chaos.

To be honest, I've grown so huge that I don't even care about all of that.

Of course, when I asked for help directly, I ate quite a bit because I wasn't a philanthropist myself and the person who asked for help was obviously generous.

But I didn't ask for more.

Anyway, I moved with the thought that there was no need to make enemies on purpose, and I actually did so, so I asked ‘why?’ questions.


“Because you took my place, Hong Jooyoung.”

“Your seat?”

"okay. my seat! Currently, Hong Jooyoung All the spotlight on you had to be mine. The sound of the earth's hope or lamp had to be mine too. Furthermore, all the words that you are the owner of the earth!”

Until then, the guild leader of the Lucia Guild, who was like a rotten eye color.

But when he uttered his last words, his eyes, which had the same color as those of rotten Dongtae, shone brightly.

But the light did not last long.

By going straight back to the first rotten dynamic eye color.

But there was something about it.

Just the sameness.

Because I hoped and hoped.

May you be the hero of the world.

Of course, I know that it is impossible, but there was something I made with such hope.

My ID ‘lumen’ means light, brilliance and hope.

"Right. That was it.”

“Kukk. right. Yes it was."

The guild leader of the Lucia Guild, Umberto, bursts out laughing at what makes me so happy.

at the same time.

“Ice Breath.”


homogeneity? The guy's pity?

Anxiety about it?

there wasn't at all

there's no need to do that.

Because I am and he is a boy.

Moreover, the question of why he was so obsessed with me was resolved.

In other words, all that was left was his death.

So I immediately used Ice Breath.

It also has 5 stacks of Ice Breath.

And that alone.

wave. wave. Pavabak.

As if he was not a strong man for nothing, he was able to withstand 5 stacks of Ice Breath for a bit.However, it was soon swept away by the Ice Breath, ripped to pieces, shattered, and shattered to pieces without a trace.


All that remains is one trace of a giant ice breath.

bum bum.

Without looking back, he immediately turned around.

I've never killed one or two people, and in the end, the guild leader of the Lucia Guild, Umberto, was just one of them.

First, I just walked out of the hut that had been completely destroyed by the influence of Ice Breath.

And slowly moved to the place where the Antaragos guild members and the Oliveira guild leader were.


"I don't know if this is a celebration, but I'm glad you got your revenge..."



At the guild leader Oliveira, who shuddered at me, I unleashed the 15-enhanced Ice Emperor's Guardian Sword.


For a moment, she opened her mouth to the guild leader Oliveira, who opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Honestly, I don't care if you lied. But, knowing that the Guild Leader of the Lucia Guild, Umberto, will attack Myungjin, it is a sin to hide it!”

With those words, he pulled out the 15-enhanced Ice Emperor's Guardian Sword and again.

hooked. hooked.

As it was, he headed towards the guild leader of Oliveira.


"Umberto... he..."

The guild leader Oliveira fell down, blaming Umberto like that.

And now all that's left is the dead Antaragos guild members.

Under normal circumstances, they would have jumped straight at me.





Far from running at me, not a single person made a surprised expression or spit swear words at me.

I expected it too.

So, I opened my mouth to them bluntly.

“Who is Brandon?”

Then one of them stepped forward and opened his mouth.

“I am Brandon.”

"great. Then, with this, the Antaragos Information Guild and I will forget about the bad ties.”

"thank you."

The dead leader of the guild, Oliveira, was suspicious of Umberto, but in fact, it was the second person in Antaragos named Brandon who negotiated the whole story in front of him.

And then a man named Brandon opened his mouth to me.

“The Antaragos Information Guild wants to go beyond Myungjin and enter Hong Jooyoung’s realm. It will never hurt Hong Jooyoung or Myung-jin.”

Brandon said that he would bring the entire Antaragos Information Guild under me.

It was definitely a daunting proposition.

Because it's not the best information guild on Earth for nothing.


"Come under me... You're going to eat it raw."

It's a bit embarrassing to say this, but there are a huge number of individuals, guilds, or groups who want to come under Myungjin and me.

Especially since it was revealed that the owners of Kuhana's Royal District and the Major, Regular, and Rookie Districts were revealed by those who returned to Earth as a result of the 'Startup' event, and that the global average did not even reach the Rookie District.

On the contrary, Brandon speaks cleverly with a condescending tone.

He pointed that out and said.


“Prove that you are a necessary existence for Myeongjin once and for all. Then I will accept it.”

He finished his speech by pointing out who exactly was Ga-go-eul.

To be honest, it's a coveted existence.

After all, everything was done, so she immediately started using Fly to move to Blink with a zero cooldown.


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