
It is a wooded area covered with countless greenery and tall trees.

Although Shennongjia is open to the public as a scenic spot, it is actually only a small part of it.

Slightly deeper areas are classified as off-limits by the state.

Because various mysterious phenomena often appear in the depths of Shennongjia, they still cannot be answered.

Now, Jiang Rui is walking in the slightly deeper area of Shennongjia.

The environment here is like a pristine uncultivated forest, full of ancient atmosphere.

From time to time, Jiang Rui can also see white squirrels, white monkeys, white snakes and even white bears.

Everything seems out of place with the outside world.

And as Jiang Rui went deeper, he discovered a strange phenomenon.

The surrounding sounds are gone!

From the chirping of insects and birds and the rustling of leaves at the beginning to the silence now, even Jiang Rui's cultivation didn't notice when the sound disappeared!

The whole forest became a little gloomy.

Jiang Rui looked around, but he didn't find anything unusual except for silence.

Moving on, the aura in the air was indeed much richer than that of the outside world, making Jiang Rui involuntarily open the pores of his body to absorb the aura.

Suddenly, Jiang Rui sensed that something was wrong.

He always feels like he's being watched!

Jiang Rui let go of his divine thoughts and wanted to find out, but found that his divine thoughts could only probe the situation within one kilometer.

The divine thoughts that I am proud of are actually cut off!

This Shennongjia is really weird!

Jiang Rui had no choice but to continue walking.

There was a fog ahead.

Jiang Rui didn't hesitate much, and walked directly towards the mist.

As I walked, the scenery around me suddenly changed.

The original tall trees were gone, and Jiang Rui came to a clearing.

There are dozens of small dirt bags of various sizes in the clearing.

"Is this...?"

Jiang Rui thinks these little dirt bags are a bit like something?

"Someone came in again..."

"Hehe, that's good..."

"It seems that the outside world is not as unbearable as imagined..."

An eerie voice came into Jiang Rui's ears.

Jiang Rui looked around, but he didn't find any figures.

"Who's talking?"

Jiang Rui asked.

"Boy, you can't see us..."

"If you really want to know us, come down to us..."

"I'm afraid you won't dare..."

Ground floor?

Jiang Rui instantly understood.

These small mounds are the most common mounds in the countryside.

"Pretending to be a ghost!"

Jiang Rui sneered, and his whole body shone violently.

At the same time, a powerful aura began to leak out.


"This breath is..."

"How is this possible!?"

Jiang Rui's aura enveloped the clearing, and at the same time, his divine thoughts kept scanning back and forth.

It is true that there are a few faint traces of the breath of an ordinary person inhabiting the earth, but this may just be an unclean thing in people's mouths.

Jiang Rui didn't pay attention to it, because what he was looking for was not these things.

"Young man, what are you looking for?"

A bell-like voice appeared.

Compared to those eerie voices just now, this voice was more like a big living person with a lot of energy.

What's even stranger is that when this voice appeared, the other ghostly voices disappeared.

Then, a figure appeared in front of Jiang Rui.


Jiang Rui asked tentatively.

The figure gradually revealed its true face, an old man with white hair but full of energy.

The old man looked at Jiang Rui with interest.

"Young man, you're very different."

Jiang Rui didn't know what to do, so he could only keep his mouth shut.

"Is there still a practice like you in the outside world now?"

"Can you see my practice?"

"Of course, the old man has been here for more than 800 years, and he hasn't seen anything!"

The old man's words seemed to be full of pride.

Jiang Rui was upright and bowed respectfully to the old man.

"Then I would like to ask what kind of place this is?"

"You don't know what this place is?"

The old man looked at Jiang Rui with a strange expression.

Jiang Rui shook his head.

"This is the place of the dead."

The Land of the Dead?

"It is also known as the last pure land of cultivators."

"It's a pity..."

"What's going on here?"

"Also, can you ask your seniors about your name?"

The old man glanced at Jiang Rui and replied leisurely.

"The old man is empty, his body has long turned into a handful of loess, and now he is just a remnant soul."

"The number of people who have inadvertently broken into this place in such a year, not a hundred, but eighty, let me also know the general situation of the development of the outside world now."

"But, young man, you make me feel as if something different is happening in the outside world!"

"Senior, are you a cultivator?"

"I was alive."

"Then what happened to the cultivators in the world later?"

"Why did they all disappear all at once?"

"Hehe, you're not the first person to ask, but you're the one most qualified to ask."


"Before you, there were many people here, but they were just martial arts practitioners in the outside world, and they were not qualified to ask about the cultivation realm at all."

"But you're different, you're the only cultivator I've seen since the end of the Dharma era who is still in the outside world!"

"Young man, tell me where your cultivation lineage came from."

Jiang Rui was dumbfounded.

He can't tell the old man in front of him that all this is given by the system.

"I have my own cultivation path, but as my predecessors said, is there really no cultivator in the outside world?"

The old man looked at Jiang Rui meaningfully.

"If you know what happened before the end of the Dharma era, you will know why there are no cultivators in the outside world now."

"I want to hear about it!"

"Before that..."

"I still want to know why you can survive so well in the outside world where there is a lack of spiritual energy!"

Before the words fell, the old man turned into a cloud of green smoke and rushed towards Jiang Rui.

Jiang Rui didn't expect that the seniors who had been kind to Yan Yuese one moment ago would turn their faces without hesitation the next moment, and they were stunned for a while.

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