“..... Huh?" a big question mark popped up on March 7's head.

She really hasn't thought about this matter carefully,

Why is the name of the Hope Star God called Dantes.

But now Rei Ke gave her an answer,

It was Edmond Dantès, Count of Monte Cristo, who was promoted to the title of "Star God of Hope" in Beloberg.

What Ling Ke said was so true, but it made March 71 unable to find a logical loophole.

"No! No!" March Seven hurriedly shook his head, "I almost got caught up in you!"

"The premise of your theory is that Edmond Dantès really exists. "

"But he's just a character in the novel~!"

Ling Ke's eyebrows jumped slightly: "What kind of logic are you?"

"Is it true that the person who is written in the novel becomes a fake?"

"As far as I know, there are a lot of people in Beloberg who have written about you in their novels. "

"Aren't you real? are you just characters from fiction?"

Ling Ke stared at March 7, so that March 71 was speechless.

Moreover...... in the book "The Count of Monte Cristo", the priest of the Count of Monte Cristo is taught to share the name with the traveler from the Star Space. "

"Is this a coincidence? As far as I know..... [Hope Star God] was cultivated to a certain extent by a traveler from the Star Space. "

Ling Ke immediately clenched her hands,

"I guess this may be a metaphor for Mr. Zhou Xuan's process of cultivating [Hope Star God Dantès]. "

"No, no, no, this is all speculation, right?"

Even she had some faith in Lingke's statement.

"If that's all there is, of course it's probably speculation. Ling Ke nodded, agreeing with March Seven's rebuttal.

"But..... But what would you think if I told you that Edmond Dantès was active in the days of the Third Great Guardian?"

"No, no, even according to the setting in the novel, Edmond Dantès is not a character from 700 years ago, right?"

March 7 obviously read the book "The Count of Monte Cristo" carefully, and clearly stated the premise of the book,

"He must have been a figure a year ago before Beloberg founded the city, right?"

"I don't know why the Count could have appeared after a thousand years when he should have died. "

Ling Ke honestly replied:

"Maybe it was some kind of power that belonged to the star gods, maybe it was the effect of the treasure of Monte Cristo, or maybe maybe the Count of Monte Cristo at that time was just a fragment that echoed in the Rift..... It's like a ghost. "

But at the time, he was indeed called a vengeful ghost from hell and even the embodiment of justice and hope. "

Ling Ke's answer made March Qi's eyes widen a little, "The embodiment of justice and hope?"

"Hmm. Ling Ke nodded slightly, "Do you know that there used to be nobles who ruled the people in Beloberg. "

"Actually, Landaus was one of them, but we always stuck to the bottom line. "

"During the reign of the Third Great Guardian, Beloberg prospered and the power of the nobility reached its peak. "

"The Great Guardian at that time was more akin to scholars, good at building prosperous times, but unable to suppress the aristocracy. "

The nobility, having lost its restraints, gradually indulged in extravagant pleasures and even began to oppress Beloberg's people. "

"If anyone dares to stand up and resist, their entity will be on the streets tomorrow by the nobles. "

"For a time, everyone was in danger, full of anger and hatred for the nobles. "

"The three most brutal of these nobles were the Tanglas, Fernand, and Villefort. "

Ling Ke slowly recounted the history of seven hundred years ago,

But one late one night, at a lavish feast at the Donglas house, the flames of vengeance were ignited. "

"At that time, the Tanglas family loved to use candles to water the maiden, suffocating the maiden alive and using them as candles. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But when the extravagant evening feast was over, it was found that all the members of the Douglas family had been watered into a candle, and their wailing faces were clearly visible on the candles. "

"The candle burns slowly in the dawn, and under the candle is a note that says that death may be a punishment, but it is not an atonement. "

That is a line from "The Count of Monte Cristo", so the folklore says that the Count is punishing sinners and avenging the people. "

After this, the Fernand and Villefort families also died in the night, and were found to be miserable before dawn. "

"Before their dead bodies, there is a line from The Count of Monte Cristo. "

In the years that followed, nobles were punished by the earl. "

Rumors spread among the populace, and some even said that they had seen the Count in the night. "

The aristocrats suppressed the discussion of the people in fear, and even burned all the relevant records. "

"But records can be burned, words can be suppressed, and the fire of vengeance still burns, and legends will not stop. "

Ling Ke paused and continued:

"Every nobleman's oppressed people burns with a flame of wrath, and this fire will always summon the Count as an Avenger. "

Then the Count would offer them a deal, perhaps just for dinner, or perhaps for all his wealth, or even for his life. "

"Either way, if the price is paid, the fire of vengeance will kill the evil nobles and bring justice to the world. "

"There is no official record of this history in Beloberg, after all, the aristocracy of the time was too humiliating. "

Ling Ke waved her hand, as if she was very sure of the story she was telling.

March 7 was attracted by this story, and his eyes shone with curiosity,

But when Ling Ke finished speaking, March 7 still couldn't help but have some doubts,

"It sounds a bit like an urban legend. "[]

"And you said that the nobles of the time burned all the relevant records. "

"Isn't that a death without proof?"

March Seven scratched his head and asked.

Ling Ke nodded in acknowledging March Qi's question: "What you said makes sense. "

"But you forgot one thing, Daoist Lang was also one of the powerful nobles at that time. "

"It's just that I stuck to the bottom line and wasn't punished by the earl. "

"The folk records were burned, but the Landau family has always had records about this period of history in private. "。

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