"What? new evidence of the Count of Monte Cristo's real existence?" said March Seven's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but be a little excited.

Unexpectedly, the first time she joined the book club of "The Count of Monte Cristo", she found a new clue.

"Hey, looks like I'm going in the right direction!"

March Seven crossed his waist and said:

"Waiting for the stars and a few of them to come back from the snow ruins, the two of us may have found the ~ treasure of Monte Cristo!"

The corners of Pera's mouth, hidden under the mask, smiled helplessly,

March 7's optimistic words made her mind swell a little,

"If only it were that simple. Pera shook her head: "Information that can directly point to the treasures of Monte Cristo will not be easily shared." "

As she spoke, Pera glanced at the watch on her wrist,

With the jolt of the mechanical gears, the hands on the watch moved towards twelve o'clock.

"Let's go, March 7...... Well, you'd better think of a code name now. "

As she spoke, Pera walked to the house a dozen paces away, where orange-red lights had been lit.

March 7 followed and came to the door of the house.

Knock knock, knock knock, knock...

Pera knocked on the door in a rhythmic manner that staggered long and short.

After waiting for a few seconds, the door was slowly opened, and there was a man dressed in black inside the house.

"Drum Playing Little Round Face? Is this the new member you want to introduce?"

The person inside the door looked at March Seven, although he was hidden in black, March Seven could still feel the other party's curious scrutiny.

"Yes, Lady Detective, this is ......" Pera looked at March Seven.

"Uh..... I'm a galaxy beautiful girl. March 7 hurriedly made up a code name.

The ......one who was called the "easy chair detective" was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "It seems that you are very confident in your appearance, huh?"

"It's a pity that the principle of the book club is to ask about your real identity, otherwise I would really like to see what you look like. "

"Ahh Ahaha, next time, next time, next time. March 7 said that this code name was come up with by her at random, without much consideration.

The "easy chair detective" smiled slightly, turned sideways, and made way for the two of them to get out of the door: "Please come in, you two." "

Pera nodded lightly and walked into the porch with March 7,

Inside the porch is a small and warm living room, with an orange-yellow rush carpet on the floor and four tapestries woven from wool on the walls.

They depict "Edmond Dantès the Sailor", "Edmond Dantès escaping from prison", "The Count of Monte Cristo who completed his revenge", and "Dontès, who ...... elevated to the status of the Star God of Hope". "

Beneath the tapestry is a raging fireplace, in which orange-yellow flames leap.

Sitting by the fireplace, a blue-haired man dressed in black and wearing a blue mask took out a packet of metal powder from his bosom and sprinkled it into the fire.

Under the effect of the smoke reaction, the fireplace erupted with a burst of colorful tongues of fire.

"This is His Excellency the Blue Enchantress, the honorary vice president of the Book Club. "

Pera pointed to the blue-haired man and whispered:

"He brought back a lot of historical information about the Count of Monte Cristo, which he contributed greatly to the book club. "

"Huh...... His mask seemed to have changed. "

The "Blue Enchantress", who noticed Pera's gaze, slowly got up and walked in front of the two with light steps.

His gaze swept over the masked March 7 and smiled: "Oh, oops, there's a newcomer again." "

"Welcome to our little book club, this ..... Milky Way Pretty Girl Lady. "

As she spoke, the "Blue Enchantress" bowed slightly to March 7.

"There's a new person? A newcomer to the galaxy girl?" Pera raised an eyebrow.

"That's nature..... Come, you see that there is a newcomer to the new dimension pig pig shovel officer, who is said to be quite rich. "

"Blue Enchantress" said to the woman in the corner of the small living room, surrounded by several people.

The woman was wearing a fluttering mask inlaid with a gold coin.

"And the one who is silent..... Count Loulouhong. As he spoke, he pointed to the silent man in the other corner.

The man had red hair and a simple mask.

"Count three..... There are actually three newcomers in the galaxy beautiful girl.,It's really rare.。 Pera said with some surprise.

Hearing this, the "Blue Enchantress" smiled: "Obviously, everyone is here for new evidence." "

"Aren't you two the same lady with a round face who plays drums?"

"Blue Enchantress" clapped her hands, "In addition to you and the two newcomers, our dear Lady Easy Chair Detective and Mr. Luxury Rolls are also eager to try. "

"What do you mean?" asked Pera, puzzled.

"Blue Enchantress" waved her hand: "Of course it's an auction, the book friend who has the new evidence plans to use the auction to sell the evidence." "

"This ......," Pera frowned slightly.

"Blue Enchantress" smiled and said, "Get ready, I'll preside over the auction later." "

With that, the Blue Enchantress turned around and sat back down on the chair by the fire......

"Sambo, don't go yet. March 7, who had been staring at the "Blue Enchantress", suddenly spoke.

The "Blue Enchantress" stumbled on her feet and hurriedly looked around to make sure that no one had heard March Seven's words.

"What...... What Sambo, that Beloberg's most intelligent wanted criminal, how could I be him!"

"I knew it was you, Sambo!" March Seven stared at the Blue Enchantress and let out a cool *hum*.

"Hey, the seventh lady of March ......" Sambo, who was exposed, showed a bitter expression, "You old man be quiet, leave some face for Sambo." "

"The rules of our book club, but they don't care about their real identity. "

With that, Sambo hurriedly led the two to the corner, for fear that the other members of the book club would hear the conversation.

"Are you Sambo?" Pera stared at Sambo with a mask, and was in a slight trance, "No!" (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The rules of the book club are not above the law!" Pera glared at Sambo, "You're breaking the law!

"Hey, Miss Pera. Sambo didn't hesitate, and then revealed Pera's identity, "You're not Master Jepard, can't you open up to old Sambo?"

"Besides, if old Sambo is arrested, don't you think today's party will fail?"

"The clue to the treasure of Monte Cristo is gone. "

Sambo giggled as he revealed the information to Pera.

"The clue to the treasure of Monte Cristo, which evidence is related to the clue to the treasure of Monte Cristo?" Pera's eyes widened slightly.

"Yes, Ms. Pera..... I'm just going to tell you about one person. "

Sambo's expression you know:

"Look, can you be more flexible for the time being? "

"After all, you don't want to give up this lead, do you?"

Pera hesitated slightly, and looked at March Seven.

March 7 scratched his head, indicating that what this guy said seemed to make sense.

"Okay, I'll spare you this time. Pera said with a sigh.

"Thank you so much, Ms. Pera, I'll go and prepare for the auction first, you two play. With that, Sambo walked back to the fire.

March 7 watched Sambo sit back on the chair, and couldn't help but grit his teeth slightly, "It's actually an auction." "

"Did you bring any money?" asked March Seven bitterly.

"I did, but I didn't have much savings. Pera said with some distress.

"I'm afraid it's too late to apply for funding from Bronya. March 7 gritted his teeth: "Let's take a step and see a step." "

"Really, I was actually stumped by money, so I knew that I would follow them to the snow field. "

"Wolves!Alilo-VI has no wolves!" Ling Ke shouted as he was pressed on the shoulder.

Xing ran wildly and complained at the same time: "Then there must be a space husky behind us!"

Several pale snow wolves, one and a half tall in height, chased after the three of them, step by step,

They have twisted, sharp fangs, and their eyes are bloodshot red, revealing a terrifying wildness.

The most striking thing is their claws, which are strong claws encompassed by muscles and silver wires, apparently made for running in the snow.

Compared to the legs of the primates of the three people, it is obviously much more efficient,

It didn't take long for the pale snow wolves to catch up with the three of them.

"It's an icewolf!, but Beloberg's icewolf has long been wiped out!" Lingke shouted waving her arms.

"How did this come out of nowhere, where the hell did these guys come from?!"

"Or do you cherish animals?" the corner of the star's eyes twitched, "Do you have an animal protection organization in Beloberg?"

“...... What's that?" A question mark popped up in Ling Ke's head.

"No, right? In that case...... Xingyi put Ling Ke on the snow, and the bat in his hand suddenly burst into the air.

Dan Heng also stopped, and the spear "Hitting the Clouds" forged by the Xianzhou Engineering Division in his hand was also aimed at the ice wolves.

"Come on, Danheng!"

"Let the name of the cold-faced little green dragon also achieve a certain status in the animal world!"

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