Vivaro is silent, save for frozen soil, ice, and crooked and wind-eroded buildings.

The facades of those 700-year-old buildings have been eroded by the cold wind over time, and the facades have been filled with honeycomb hollows.

Star stared at the hollows, feeling like they were staring at her, staring at them.

Hoshi picked up the kettle at his waist and took a sip of it, moistening his throat, which was somewhat dry from the cold wind.

Xing and Dan Heng took a moment to explain to Ling Ke what the Doomsday Beast was,

A star-to-astral weapon forged by the Antimatter Legion from the "Crurge of War" based on the fragments of the Dusk Beast.

Although it has the shell of a dragon, it is a beast powered by a dark matter engine and born to destroy all beings.

"I can only say that Beloberg was lucky at the time. "

Dan Heng looked at the Doomsday Beast that stood in the center of the city and was frozen into ice~ and commented:

"If this Doombeast reaches Beloberg, it will be difficult to reach even the high walls that contain the power of storage. "

The Doomsday Beast was frozen in the moment before it was about to flapp its wings and soar, and the wings of hatred that stretched out from its waist had already bloomed.

If the cold wave had come a little longer, perhaps it would have tore apart the walls of Beloberg with the scorching fire of the plague.

It was because of the danger of this Doomsday Beast that Danheng and Xing decided to investigate its situation.

"The cold wave of 700 years is a long time, but it may not kill the Doomsday Beast. Dan Heng shook his head and explained.

The three of them walked between a silent city,

The twisted buildings around it resembled a treacherous forest of concrete and steel, frost moss crawling all over its outer layer, and frozen flowers on the iron treetops.

"Maybe the average pawn will die in the freeze, but Doommon has an engine powered by dark matter in its body. "

"If that engine hadn't gone out, the Doomon would probably still have some activity. "

"If the temperature rises, there is a possibility that the Doomsday Beast will also be resurrected. "

Danheng added.

They have gradually entered the bustling area of the city,

The entire city is built around a hill, low on either side and high in the middle.

As far as the stars could see, they could see frozen mansions, gazebos, barns, and taverns, one after another.

Even after a hundred years of wind erosion, you can still feel the prosperity of this place in the past,

The star listened, and the Buddha heard the cries of the bazaar, the cheers of the taverns, and the whispers of lovers in the gazebo.

Beneath the buildings was a winding street where they were striding and lined with towering street trees.

The trees had long since died under the cold wave, and only the frozen trunks were left alone.

As far as the eye can see, it is like a thin dead man's fingers, pointing to the sky.

All of this is a dilapidated castle perched high on a hill.

"It was the Fort of Yalilo, a fortress named after the god of spring. Ling Ke explained: "The equivalent of Vivalo's Kripperburg. "

"Vivalo is a unique city, and even though it is aware of the existence of the star god, its belief in the god of spring is still strong. "

It is said that the castle once had seven towers made of glass that jutted into the sky. "

Ling Ke was like a tour guide in this dead city, and introduced the two of them softly:

"At the time of the spring equinox, the sun passes through the seven towers in turn, shining on the altar beneath them. "

"The maiden on the altar who is enshrined as the wife of the god of spring, Ariro, is shrouded in sunlight reflected by the seven glass towers, as if favored by the gods. "

Star blinked, looking at the ruined castle in front of him,

Of the seven towers, only the base of the tower, covered with melted glass, remains,

Even the base of the tower, made of heavy rock, melted slightly, turning into a twisted and hideous shape.

You don't have to think about it to know who burned down this fortress named after the god of spring, Yalilo.

The star looked at the terrifying shadow that stood in front of him,

The frozen Doomsday Beast is still the same as it was seven hundred years ago, spreading its wings entangled with calamity, covering the sky and casting shadows. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This place, which was once used to worship the god of spring, is now the mausoleum of the Doomsday Beast.

The seven towers, melted and twisted, became its sacrifices.

"What......" Ling Ke looked at the Doomsday Beast from afar, but her eyebrows couldn't help but furrow.

"Huh, what's wrong?"

0 for flowers0

"The ice on the Doommon is much thinner than the last time I came......

There was a hint of worry in Ling Ke's tone:

"It was covered in so much ice that I couldn't even see what it looked like. "

"But now ......"

Now there was only a not-so-heavy layer of frost on it.

Needless to say, Xing also saw the problem.

"This thing isn't really going to come back to life, is it?" said Star, a little worried.

"No....... It can't be such a coincidence, right?" Ling Ke said with a twitch of the corners of her mouth.

Dan Heng had an expression that this home was about to collapse again

Xing scratched his head: "Danheng, don't be like this, we don't crows every time————"

Bang ——————

A thunderous explosion exploded, the ground kept shaking, and Xing's words were interrupted before he could finish speaking.

Blazing sparks erupted from the fortress, and the frost-frozen body of the Doommon shuddered a few times.

Xing's eyes widened, his expression distorted a few times, and finally a thousand words turned into two words and spit out: "Am I super?"

“...... Hey....." Dan Heng held his head and sighed slightly, feeling quite helpless.

"What the hell is going on?" Xing looked at Dan Heng and Ling Ke.

The popping sound just now seems to be the sound of some kind of explosives bursting,

It's so weird, could it be that someone is helping Doommon thaw it?

The three of them glanced at each other and nodded in unison.

Xing Chao picked up the bat, Ling Ke clenched the hoe in his hand, and Dan Heng lifted his spear to hit the clouds.

The three of them cautiously walked into the ruins of the fortress.

I saw that at the feet of the frozen Doomsday Beast, there were two figures standing.

After seeing the two of them clearly, Xing's eyes suddenly widened, "Ahhhhhhhh

(Diarrhea, stomach hurts, people are numb...... I'll update the next chapter as soon as possible..... pharyngeal breath)

(In addition, the protagonist is really about to appear, and the title of the chapter where the protagonist appears is probably called [... The fire has been lit], and you will know that the protagonist is there when you see the title. towels).

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