Collectively One

Chapter 9 - His side of the story

Bardock P.O.V

I woke up and look around at the unfomiliar location I'm in, wondering how I ended up here. Then the memories come rushing back to me, and I can't help but yell in outrage.

"Frieza you bastard how dare you try to destroy my planet and everything I love. I'll get you for this, king Vegeta won't let you live after this. Count your day you evil midget."

Back to kest POV

The magnet release has to be one of the easiest releases to master. I thought it would be harder than what it was. Currently the method I'm using for training it is 3 things.

1. Having it rise and fall with my breathing as I slowly turn more earth around me into sand. I'm doing this in order to synchronize the sand with me and use it as a extension of myself. Also to collect sand to put in my inventory. Currently my sandy domain stretches out to about 10 feet, but it's only 1 foot deep.

2. Imitating the greatest earth bender to ever walk the world of avatar. Punches, kicks, and stomps, hopefully by doing this I'll be able to incorporate sand into future martial arts. I say hopefully because currently it's just a shot in the dark, I don't know any martial arts.

3. Copying the kazekage family members I saw in the anime. Both rasa and garaa could easily control their sand with movements that could only be compared to water bending.

That's the only training I could think off for it synchronization an imitation. I was gonna continue spending the day training until I heard bardock a distinct voice. Yelling as though he's a religious fanatic denouncing anything that's not his religion. I guess that's the end of my training for the day.

I get up of the sandy grass and make my way toward the cave to see bardock struggling to get up and go to only god knows where.

Kestrel: "excuse me sir your wounds haven't healed yet I don't think you should be trying to leave, let alone walk"


He try's to lung at me to kill me, thank god for those wounds. I should probably try to clear up some misunderstandings.

Kestrel: dude you got it all wrong, I don't know this Frieza guy but he sounds like a jerk. I serve the great and mighty lord chilled Cold,( some bootl.i.c.k.i.n.g never hurt) and Iv been born on and never left this plant planet.

Bardock: you filthy lizard sc.u.m don't try to lie to me. You think your smart, everyone knows that planet plant was captured 3000 years ago and then given to us Saiyans to rule over.

Kestrel: if by saiyans you mean people like you, then your surly mistaken. In none of my days or In none of the reports does it mention any other intelligent being that's not tiny and green. And even you don't look like you hail from this planet. Seeing as a red portal thingy spit you out.

Bardock started to look a lot more shocked as he put the pieces together. Then his memory clicked.

Bardock POV

"I remember now when he said he was going to destroy the planet we All went to attach him. But we were wrong that we could even put a scratch on him. We were nothing but a joke in his eyes, monkeys dancing in the palm of his hands. He created that giant sun and through it on us. It was like using a flood to clean a car, it hurt so bad and we couldn't stop it at all. The sheer energy from it managed to open a crack in space and suck me in. Last thing I saw was the planet becoming nothing but a big firework for him. Now I know that it must of been a space time crack for it to through me some 3000 odd years back."

Kestrel just stared at him with wide eyes and a slightly ajar mouth. He always watched the story from the screen and assumed that was exactly how it must of happened. He never had to think "what if this information was false?" He just thought they were wild story's that someone created making them the god of the story.

But now seeing this bardock on the verge of tears, he finally realize something. In his old world the people there actually had a special ability. It was the ability to look into the cracks in their dimensions and gather event of other dimensions to create story's. But it was all just a hypothetical thought he was having but there was still a chance it was true. He'd have to study the inaccuracies more.

But what he did know was that he had a more real hatred for Frieza, than he had before .

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