Color Resistance

Chapter 123 The Cultist

Chapter 123 The Heretic

The dim moon is suspended in the sky, the night is dense, and there are very few pedestrians on the road, and only the sound of footsteps in front of you can be heard in the silence.

A pale girl staggered into an alley.

Behind her, two people followed silently.

These two people are Su Yun and Eve. He hugged each other and asked softly, "Eve, how do you feel?"

Little Lolita's eyes were shining with a weird glint, which looked very strange.

After hearing his question, she tilted her head and thought for a while and said, "Brother, I feel very hot. Is Eve sick?"

"It's hot? No, did you notice anything when you looked at her?"

Su Yun stretched out his hand to touch her forehead in doubt, and it felt warm and cool, not at all like a sign of fever.

"I saw a very cute little monster lying on her body." Eve nodded, then looked up into his eyes, and whispered, "Brother, I think that monster seems delicious. look. Brother, I don’t eat people, can I eat that monster?”

"What kind of monster?" Su Yun looked at the opponent's back again, but he didn't see any monster.

"There are four long paws, which look soft, like a puppy..."

From the other party's description, Su Yun didn't understand what it was.

Then, Eve tilted her head and thought for a while, then suddenly pointed at his eyes, two drops of blood spurted out from her fingertips, blending into his eyes with a strange gray light.

During this process, the mage's armor did not respond at all and was completely ignored by it!

"It seems that it is necessary to solidify the defensive spells that specifically resist energy and incorporeal creatures, such as spirit armor, shield, and energy damage protection." Su Yun's heart shuddered.

This is not the first time he has been ignored. The last time the Lord of Hell left his mark on him, he just ignored the Mage Armor.

The opponent is extremely powerful, so it is understandable to be able to do this, but the one in his arms is a little guy with no level at all, but he can also ignore the mage's armor!

In the final analysis, mage armor is best at defending against physical attacks. As for incorporeal creatures, it can also resist it, but it is extremely weak against incorporeal and energy attacks.

This thought flashed through his mind, Su Yun turned his eyes to the direction of the thin girl in front, and immediately saw the soft and cute monster like a puppy in Eve's mouth——

Nima, whose puppy is this!

I saw that it was an extremely ferocious and terrifying monster, like a toad, covered with dense dark brown bumps.

The tail is covered with bone spurs, and it looks like a terrible weapon with bone spurs and sharp blades.

The only thing that is related to a dog is its head, which looks a bit like it in general, but it is also covered with a layer of weird skin.

If this monster can be seen by ordinary people, it will definitely force people to accept a will test. If it fails, it will have nightmares at night!

The corners of Su Yun's mouth twitched, completely desperate for little loli's aesthetics.

Fortunately, he had also seen all kinds of hideous monsters, otherwise he would have been really taken aback.

"What is this, it doesn't seem to be seen in any records?" Su Yun's mind flashed a piece of information, but there was no record of the other party.

The specialty of photographic memory has been multiplied after his intelligence has been promoted to extraordinary attributes, allowing him to easily record a large amount of knowledge, and spent thousands of gold coins to read hundreds of books in Master Kane's library.

It includes all kinds of monsters, alien planes, gods and so on, but none of them record the existence similar to this monster.

Could it be that this is some kind of evil thing?

He couldn't see this thing at all before. It was obviously an incorporeal creature like a ghost, and its existence was very special. Most people didn't even have the qualifications to see it.

He called up the property panel and found that there was an additional state on it:

"Eye of evil energy: You can see incorporeal bodies and evil objects, lasting for 3 days."

This skill icon is a strange eye, which looks chaotic and very strange.

"Evil energy... is it really related to evil things?" Su Yun frowned, feeling that what he came into contact with now is becoming more and more unpredictable and full of unknowns.

While he was thinking, the girl in front of her had stopped and stood at the gate of a courtyard.


The wooden door opened, and a man came out of it, with messy hair as if he had just woken up, looking at him and whispering something.

The half-elf's racial talent allowed Su Yun to see everything clearly even in such a dim environment.

This person was wearing a brown robe, not very tall, and his hair was messy, but his face was indeed fanatical, like a devout fanatic.


Su Yun approached cautiously. The Cat's Elegance, the second-ring spell, had already been cast on him, making his footsteps light and soundless. Combined with invisibility, it was the best tracking method.

After getting closer, you can hear strange words in the man's mouth:

"Your life forms are nothing but the hypocritical calls of the gods. His telepathic communication will tell you the correct appearance of life. Humans, goblins—all life forms are nothing but his artistic creations. Humility Of us, we can only pray, and pray to be His last, most perfect, and most powerful creation..."

"He came and brought corrections, correcting this world distorted by the gods..."

The man is like a devout believer, praying to an unknown great existence and spreading the glory of the other party.

From his words, anyone could see that the other party's belief was definitely an evil existence, an evil existence that was expelled and hostile by the gods.

Banished by the gods? Create life? Bring about the end?

Fuck, it's really an ancient evil!

The symbol of the doomsday is exactly the symbol of the ancient evil!

Su Yun suddenly felt his scalp tingle, and realized that the other party was not talking nonsense, but the seemingly messy words actually contained amazing information.

At this time, the system prompt that appeared in his eyes convinced him even more:

"Discern the truth, knowledge · plane +1, knowledge · religion +1, knowledge · mystery +1."

From this hint, Su Yun can infer that this ancient evil definitely has a secret church, a group of believers lurking on the main material plane.

The person in front of him is one of them!

This world is so crazy that there are people who believe in ancient evils, this monster that destroys all life! ! !

At this moment, the man turned his head to look in his direction, still muttering strange words in his mouth: "Surrender, resistance will only bring greater pain. Let us pursue eternity together, correct this distorted world, and become Children of great mothers!"


The eyes of the terrifying monster lying on the back of the girl suddenly opened.

These eyes released brown light, and a strange thing took shape in an instant, turning into an oval thing with bulges on it and a long tail, rushing towards Su Yun.

——Scorching rays!

Su Yun raised his hand, and a blazing flame ray pierced through a distance of more than ten meters between the two, and one end was inserted into the brown weird thing.

But it was useless, the other party seemed to have life, and casually detoured to avoid the attack, and the speed increased instantly, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards Su Yun.

But someone is faster!

The little loli in his arms suddenly opened its mouth towards the brown thing.

This small cherry mouth seemed to have a terrifying attraction, so that the brown thing couldn't escape at all, and she swallowed it in one gulp!


Eve burped softly, squinted her eyes, looked happy, and said with a sweet smile, "Brother, this food is delicious!"

PS: Received the notice, July 13th, which is next Friday! After it is put on the shelves, it must be updated, please continue to support me!

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