Come To the Second Element, Show Your True Skills

Chapter 48: Women only affect the speed of my painting

   After school in the afternoon, Azuru Toru and the two senior sisters were walking together.

  Kasumigaoka Shiba is closer to Toru Azumino than before, and Mai Sakurajima has not discovered this little detail except for Azuto Toru who has personally experienced it.

   Sakurajima Mai has a lot of smiles recently, unlike the time when Azu Toru first touched her, his face was always expressionless and sometimes looked melancholy. Smiles are still suitable for beautiful girls.

   I think I want to open it.

   Toru Azumi hasn't asked Mai Sakurajima about her temporary retirement from the show business. He actually remembered the reason.

   I remember that Mai Sakurajima was arranged by her mother to take a photo without her knowledge. Seeing the swimsuit prepared at the scene and having signed the contract, Mai Sakurajima could only finish the filming with a smile.

   She understood that her mother only used her as a tool for making money, and she was only a middle school student at that time, so she actually asked her to take pictures.

After the filming,    fell out with her mother, thinking of revenge against her mother, so she withdrew from the show business circle. But she was angry, because Mai Sakurajima likes acting, and she still wants to continue acting.

   An Tan Toru does not intend to persuade her to come back to acting now, and persuasion may not be useful now. His words will only be useful when Azuto Toru is more important in Mai Sakurajima's heart.

   Now, I'm slowly cultivating feelings.

   sent the two senior sisters to the tram stop, and after waving goodbye, An Tan went home.

   I will upload Pokemon Huang today, and then I will draw the second generation of Pokémon.

   But thinking about the book fans who found that the yellow version and the red version were different at first, but the result was the same, An Yun Che felt a little frustrated when he was angry because of being cheated.

   An Tan won't panic. After all, the enemy doesn't know his true identity, so it's impossible to cut along the network cable, right?

   After arriving home, Toru Ansun posted the yellow version of Pokemon to Twitter as soon as possible. The download link of the yellow version of the Pokemon on Twitter also attracted the attention of book fans.

  [Pokemon Yellow Version? What do you mean? ]

   [Don't worry about what you mean, just download it! ]

  [The money for a novel! Can't buy another missionary book! ]

   [Is it serious? ]

  [? ? ? You are not right! ]


  呦hoo, that’s good. Finally there is a sand sculpture comment. That's right, otherwise it will be boring to read a comment.

   Quit Twitter, Azu Toru started to draw the second generation of Pokémon. Chrysanthemum leaves, fireball rats, and small saw crocodiles, including their evolutionary forms.

   There are only one hundred Pokémon in the second generation. Toru Anzuo plans to paint nine of them every day, and he will finish painting them in more than ten days. Let them scold them during this period of time. As the prototype of Pokémon animation, the yellow version has to bear corresponding pressure.

   In the middle of the drawing, the phone rang, and An Tan took a look. It was a picture sent by Machida Yuanko.

   [I watched "Love Metronome" and it was pretty good, so I decided to sign it. ]

  Xia no Ooka Shiwa is just writing a novel, but she still has nothing to say about her writing style. Coupled with her meticulously portrayed heroine, she is sure to be recognized by Machida Sonko.

   An Tan Toru: [Well, you can decide. ]

   Machida Sonoko: [Written by your friend? ]

   An Tan Toru: [Well, a senior sister wrote it. ]

   Machida Sonoko: [Senior Sister~]

   An Tan Toru: [Yes, I won’t have a chance if you don’t do it right. ]

   Machida Sonoko: [Go, go, who wants to attack you, stop talking. I have to contact your senior sister. ]

   An Tan completely put his phone away, and continued to draw the hot beast. The fireball mouse is so cute, and the fiery beast that eventually evolved is so handsome. Especially the flame behind the neck, this is a man's romance.

   After drawing the hot beast, I started to draw the small saw crocodiles, but An Yun Che's cell phone rang again. An Tan Che took a look at the news about Shiyu Xiazhiqiu.


   An Tan Toru knows what is going on without guessing.

  Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: [An Yun, my "Love Metronome" has been fancy, and it's about to sign! ]

   knew this was the case.

   An Tan Toru: [Congratulations! ]

  Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: [Thanks to you for helping me, otherwise I might not have written it out now. ]

   An Tan Toru: [No, no, no, you rely on yourself. ]

   This is a fact, after all, without An Yun Che, Xia Shizi’s "Love Metronome" will definitely come out.

  Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: [Don’t be humble, I still know myself very well. ]


  彳庍口口! Thanks to me, I will not refuse.

  Xiazhiqiu Shiyu has sent a message.

  [You helped me this time, I promised to do something for you, do you need me to do something? ]

   An Tan Toru: [Anything is fine? ]

  Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: [Anything is fine! ]

Um? You are not right!

   The change in Shiyu's attitude in the past two days can still be seen by An Tan Toru. Although he still has confidence in his charm, it is not certain that An Tan Toru would not believe it before. One of the three illusions in life is that she likes me! so--

   [Then don't bother me anymore, I have something else. ]

   This news was posted, and An Yun Toru waited for a few minutes but did not receive a reply from Shiyu Kasumigaoka.

That's it! An Tantoru put the phone aside, and continued to draw the small saw alligator. Really, women don't have the scent of crocodiles.

   At this time, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was still looking at the words An Tan sent on the phone in a daze. She is suspicious of life.

   Is this human?

   What does it mean to stop disturbing him? Actually despise me! No, he must be trying to catch it and can't be Zhiqiu Shiyu took a deep breath, and she turned her hand off. After being silent for a while, he began to grin, and the sensual thighs began to shake.

   An Tan Toru, you wait for me!

   No interruption, Toru Anzuo quickly finished the final evolution of the last small sawed crocodile. Look at this strong body, hard and sharp teeth, this is what a man pursues.

   I want to do it, no way.

   It's almost time, An Yun Che went downstairs to cook. This time, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was deflated, and An Tan was a little happy, and the dinner was a lot richer.

   When Ying Riri and Kirisu Mate came back, they naturally asked why they did it so well. But Toru An Tan had already figured out the reason.

   Pokemon Yellow Edition made another big profit.

   But now the comments on Twitter are full of cursing. In the beginning, the primaries became Pikachu, and the players were looking forward to it. As a result, the plot behind it was the same as the red version.

   This wave of blood loss!

   Although they were all condemning An Tan Toru, they all laughed and scolded, and did not blame An Tan Toru. Some people even asked An Tan Che if he was short of money, and decided to buy more novels next time.

   This is a true book fan of Toru Azu.

   After dinner, An Tan Tetsu sent Ying Lili home. Now there is no need to take the initiative of An Tan Toru. Before arriving at Ying Li Li's house, Ying Li Li hugged An Tan Toru and kissed him.

   An Tan naturally doesn't hate active girls!

   After more than ten minutes of communication, Ying Lili couldn't help separating, panting. And An Tan Toru, nothing happened. After Ying Lili returned to normal, she talked to Azu Toru and ran back to her home after seeing each other. When Ying Lili entered the house, An Tan turned to go home.

   There is nothing to do today, and there is no need to get up early to make lunch tomorrow.

   can get a good night's sleep.

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