[Wendy took Totoli's notebook and looked around for Totoli's figure.

Unsurprisingly, he found Totoli on the Taifu front and rushed here.

"Two minutes ago. The object passed over the European Observatory. A simulated flight trajectory is being simulated. "

"This is an optical image of the European observatory."

There is no Wendy on the screen, and the clouds seem to be pierced by some kind of object. A series of huge voids were formed. The instantaneously enriched clouds even produce an ionization effect.

"This is the speed of the Law of the Wind....."

Situ Jinghong, looking at the speed of Wendy's travel, went to ponder first.

"The flight trajectory calculation is complete, and the destination - the headquarters base of the center of the Taixian front."

"Estimated arrival time 2 hours, 15 minutes and 45 seconds later."

The Wind Law will arrive in two hours, and this time cannot be said much, only urgent.

Situ Jinghong's heart sank, and he immediately gave the order.

"In accordance with the F-254 Special Operations Order of the Central Government of China. Evacuate the entire area of the Taihu front, as well as all civilians in various countries within a 280-kilometer radius of the surrounding area. "

"Using D-45 Special Operations Authority, a total of 18,540 military units under the Requisition Regulations were used. Saturation fire containment of the Wind Lawyer along the way. "

No one doubts that this can be done with a full 280 kilometers in two hours, only that it must be done.

"No problem, six hours ago, we were coordinating with governments."

Phymilis brings good news, after all, these 280 kilometers involve other countries.

"All operational strongholds from A-A-001 to Z-Z-014, all combat units and all combat personnel, within 5 minutes enter the first level of combat deployment, ready to meet the Wind Law."

"Really, General?"

There was a little fear and hesitation on the soldier's face, after all, the object of the battle was the Wind Lawyer.

"Do not kill the Law of the Wind. Let the dead spots disappear, and there can be no future for mankind. "

"Even if there is a global connection."

Situ Jinghong's brows frowned and said sharply.

The soldier was stared at by Situ Jinghong's sharp eyes, his heart trembled, he took two deep breaths, and carried out the order.

"Level 1 Combat Deployment, Level 1 Combat Deployment"

Looking at the soldiers who released the news to the other personnel, Situ Jinghong, as if 15 had thought of something, added another instruction.

"Raise the internal security of the Taihu Lab to level three."

At the moment when the Wind Law arrived, all the alarms of the Tai Void Front were sounded.

"The Wind Lawyer battle is about to begin. All personnel in the laboratory are not allowed to go out without authorization. Repeat, too virtual all the people in the laboratory........"

The news that the Wind Law was about to go to war with the Tai Void Front reached every corner of the Tai Void Front.

After Teresa and the others arrived at the Taihu front, Teressa, who was seriously injured, was sent to the medical room for treatment.

The stigmata behind Teresa is strange, plus the injuries left by the previous battle with Wendy, it is impossible to recover in a second under the healing medicine developed by Totoli.

When Totoli heard the news, she was absent-minded and only said that she was going to work.

Obviously I just came, but I remember all the routes to the laboratory.

Phimilis couldn't help but feel that Totoli's brain was really different from ordinary people.

Teresa lay groggily on the hospital bed and watched Totoli's hurried back until the other disappeared from sight.

The two hours came quickly, and the Tai Void Front quickly turned around like a precision machine, preparing for the arrival of the Wind Lawyer, ready for everything they could do.

"Air Defense System No. 954.955, Air Defense System No. 956, Decomposition"

"Don't stop shooting. Even if only for a second more."

"Highest priority for the refuge of civilians"

The Wind Lawyer was menacing, and the soldiers looked at the incoming Wind Lawyer, and the weapons they had in their hands led to each other, and there was a rain of bullets.

Wendy looked at these soldiers who came out one after another, and a little annoyance flashed on her face, "Annoying." "

Wendy swept over the area. It's like being chopped by countless blades. Turns into large and small pieces.

"Don't give her time, keep shooting, keep shooting"

"The object is about to enter the territory of the Tai Void Front"

The soldier's body was swept by the wind blade, emitting a piercing mournful sound.

The wind is fierce, and the sky is full of fire.

"Boom, boom, boom, ——!"

"The ants are scattered, and it is quite troublesome to solve...."

Wendy's eyes saw the broken creatures on the ground, snorted coldly, commanded them, and issued an order to them.

"Kill them for me."

The Avalanche creatures roared, slaughtering with the human warriors.

"Report: Large Collapse Biological Cluster Land-Air Combination, Observable with the naked eye in a wedge formation close to the Chinese orientation, 7 to 10 o'clock direction"

"Don't panic, it's all expected."

Looking at the crushing beast on the ground, the commander's head was full of cold sweat.

But this is the battlefield, there is no time to marvel, thinking of the next plan, quickly shouted to the soldiers, "All personnel, equipped with auxiliary breathing devices!" "

"Ground defense battery, fire"

The dense artillery fire rushed straight into the sky, pressing towards the Law of the Wind, and the sound of artillery fire was deafening.

It doesn't matter if you can't hit it, direct carpet bombing! It doesn't matter if you are blocked, directly bombard with all your strength until the defense is broken!

From the moment the Wind Law chose to enter the Tai Void Front, she was already caught in the calculations of humans.

Wendy gritted her teeth and watched the shells that broke through her own attacks around her defenses, driving the storm through countless artillery fire.

The damage caused by the wind blade was simply unbelievably low, beyond her normal level.

"What, this is........"

"Why is my attack so powerful..."

Faced with the recognition of this moment, Wendy felt incredible.

"What the hell is this place..."

"Here.... Isn't it Earth.....?"

"It's like........ In space the same . . ."

Wendy thought back to her experience so far, and only when she chased the Moonlight Throne before was somewhat similar to the current situation.

"The collapse energy level of those who detected the Law of Wind decreases exponentially"

"The sacrifice of the Renhe fleet was not in vain."

"By analyzing the remaining combat data, we can see that the source of this guy's strength is the atmosphere. The lower the atmospheric concentration, the less able it is to exert its strength. "

Situ Jinghong looked at the battlefield in front of him, his eyes looking directly at the emerald green point of light in place, "Shut it up in the sky." "

"D-T-011 to J-Y-014 points, lock the target, prepare for interception."

"Collapse energy fission bomb filling complete!"

Situ Jinghong: "Launch!" "

Almost at the moment Situ Jinghong's command, the fully loaded Collapse Energy Fission Shell Battery launched the most violent attack so far!

To what extent can human beings pursue "firepower" and "industry"?

Destiny once used the fission bomb as one of the key weapons of the Annihilator.

And after the fall of Destiny . Its technical achievements are also shared by all countries, and high-speed production is achieved after reducing the equivalent. It is used as the most basic weapon against Honkai.

"It's the only atmospheric stabilization system in the world."

"In simple terms. It is the central air conditioning of the Taihu Mountain Range. "

"The Taihu Mountain Range is 3,560 kilometers long. The width is 560~780 kilometers, the average altitude is 7104.23 meters, and the highest altitude is 8945 meters. "

"In addition to the headquarters, a total of 8064 operational bases have been set up."

"Each stronghold is equipped with 15 180mm permeable anti-aircraft guns. Each minute can fire 14,500 rounds of Collapse Energy Fission. "

"The tracer bullet alone is enough to pave the sky white."

As far as Wendy could see, it was all obscured by white light.

In the space environment simulated by the Tai Void Front, Wendy's defensive power fell to the lowest level ever, and was unsurprisingly buried by the Avalanche Energy fission bomb that covered the sky.

"Capture object speech."

"Don't underestimate me, human—aaaaa

Situ Jinghong, everything is in the plan and is proceeding steadily.

However, looking at the continuous rumbling artillery fire in the sky, I couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

"The army of Shenzhou, there is only one thing that has been most feared since ancient times!"

"- that is the lack of firepower."

"Little lawyer, don't underestimate human beings."

With a bright smile on his face, Situ Jinghong, very proud to say the truth.

All fear comes from insufficient firepower! 】


Kiana looked at the continuous Avalanche Energy Fission Bombs on the Tai Void Front, her throat tightened, she remembered that a single Avalanche Energy Fission Bomb could kill the Void Lawyer.

Then this nearly 10,000 rounds per minute of Honkai energy fission projectile, the damage caused ..... Enough to redraw the map and plow the earth all over again, right?

It can only be said that Kiana is still too conservative.

In contrast, Bronia thinks a lot. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Although the Avalanche fission bombs are very powerful, we have to think not only about their power, but also about the money and materials needed to make them."

And Bronia can be sure that the number of these collapse fission bombs can bankrupt anti-entropy to bankruptcy and then bankruptcy I don't know how many times, and even drag down the country.

Fu Hua's hand holding the glasses was a little stiff, and the Tai Void Mountain in the other world was terrifying.

However, with such a large-scale use of this advanced weapon, aren't they worried that the power of Honkai is getting stronger and stronger!?

No, maybe it's strong enough.

Looking at the wanton wind lawyer Wendy, maybe it is because of the large-scale popularization of this high-tech weapon that the lawyer has become so powerful.

[The cannon fire was flying, and under the fierce bombardment, the damage caused by the adjustment device broke the defense of the Wind Lawyer, and the damage caused was intuitively reflected. ]

"15% of the ammunition breaks through the barrier of the Wind Lawyer. Direct hit. "

"Those who observe the Law of the Wind are falling."

Compared to the excited soldiers, Situ Qinghong was not carried away by this small victory, and was still calm, "She is not so easy to die but just wants to avoid our firepower." "

"The second phase of the operation, prepare the equipment for me."

"I will personally lead the fighters on the front line."

Situ Jinghong, as the apprentice and grandchild of the immortals, has a good force himself, and he pays attention to being a pioneer.

In the unknown location of the Tai Void Front, the Wind Law stopped falling and stabilized his figure in the low air.

"Ahem" Wendy spat out a mouthful of blood, her delicate face was a little pale, but more unpleasant.

"Damn, hit the human trap . . ."

"This is the home of humanity. Can't dwell for too long........"

"Gotta find the little bird quickly!"

Not far from Wendy, a blue figure appeared and observed her.

It was Fabella who came to the Tai Void Front with Teresa and the others.

Behind her was Teresa's Valkyrie troops and her Knights.

Fabei: "The one who found the wounded wind law." "

"Enter the designated area and the second phase of the operation begins."

"Everybody from the Knights of the Apocalypse. And the Valkyries. It's time for us to go. "

The Valkyries looked at each other a little hesitantly, because their commander was Teresa, not Fabella of the Knights of the Apocalypse.

"On the battlefield . Must absolutely obey my orders. "

Fabella looked at them, very serious.

The Valkyries snorted and nodded quickly.

After taking a look at them, Fabella rushed forward with the team members.

Wendy: "!? "How can there still be an ambush here!

Too virtual front laboratory, Totoli knows nothing.

"Serotonin levels. Hormone levels. Heart rate, brain waves.... All indicators are normal, in a sense, a sober person. "

"But he didn't wake up."

Totoli looked at Fu Hua in the nutrition jar, her face a little dazed.

"And why, I have a wonderful affinity for her?"

"Why..." Totoli's mind was blank.

"That image of the moon..."

"How long are we going to fight."

The more such a time comes, the easier it is for people to be cranky.

Staying here alone, there is only a sleeping immortal who makes his 807 feel close in front of him.

Suddenly alerted to the problem she was now, Totoli patted her cheek to sober herself up.

"You can't be so weak."

"Humanity will absolutely win."

"Victory . . ."

"Victory, and then ........"

"And then Wendy..."

Totoli lowered her head, her eyes covered in shadows, silent silence.

"Call in the imaging instrument for me, Femilis."


Fu Hua is like a statue floating in water.

In the huge laboratory, I can't hear a little movement of the battlefield——

It's as quiet as secluded secluded seclusion.

Femia, who used to arrive as soon as she shouted, did not hear the call.

"It's incredible."

Totoli stood in place in a daze, since Femilith was not there, there was only herself here, so it was okay to say some whispered words, right?

"It's obviously the first time I've seen an immortal..."

"But there's a sense of familiarity."

Totoli stood in front of the sleeping Fu Hua and confided.

"By what..."

"Sensible children have to endure more bad things....."

"I don't understand."

"But even if you say it, this feeling can be understood.........."

"It doesn't help."

"So I like to keep a diary."

"Write about the unhappy things that happen every day."

"Lonely every day."

Totoli was absent-minded, but had already made up her mind, and she lifted her feet and walked to the console.

"The internal structure of the Tai Void Lab is being cracked."

"(System tone) is getting the key."

Totoli's hands flew up and down, dexterously operating on the console.

"As a child..."

"In the beginning, follow the instructions of the adults completely."

"What I accepted was also the request of my uncle and aunt."

"It's not a request from mom and dad."

"Uncles and aunts are very nice and care about me."

"Every time my blood is drawn, he holds me."

"But when everyone can't fulfill the demand. The face is very bad. "

"The schedule was full of things, and I often slept in the middle of the night, and I was woken up by my uncle and aunt early the next morning."

"It's always been . . ."

"Because it's a project related to Avalanche Energy."

"So you can't go to the amusement park on weekends."

"My dream is to help others, and I heard that it has always been fulfilled."

"Mom and Dad are very proud of me."

"Lived in a big house."

"Aren't they a little cruel."

"And then........"

"And then..."

"Wendy took me around the world."

All Totoli had in mind was Wendy's figure, Wendy, who could laugh, make trouble, and be coquettish. 】

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for tickets, ask for rewards. The Eye of the Universe will come out next Friday and the final stage will really be over.

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