Not me, but us?

The Lawyer is not an apostle of Honkai, but a cheap by-product of Honkai?!

The ruler of the will is not Honkai, but another cosmic civilization that is one with Honkai?!

The final lawyer is the self-division of the will ruler into the collapse universe, and the power of the saint is also given by the will ruler!

Even the Avalanche Energy was spread to the Honji World by the Ruler of Will!

Fighting Honkai with Honkai will only accelerate the coincidence of the two universes.

And the root of all this is because they want to make the two universes coincide and then expand their dominance!

These messages, no matter which one they are, are enough to plunge those in the other world who are fighting the collapse to death into despair.

Everything he did not save anyone, but made the end of the world come more quickly.

"Another world ... It's too desperate....."

Kiana converted herself a little into the world of Honji, all in all, she was desperate.

The lawyer who sets the core of the lawyer, whether artificial or original, will be forcibly controlled by the ruler of the will.

And the power they use will only accelerate the overlap of the world the more they use, leading to the demise of mankind.

"It's simply unsolvable, using Honkai to accelerate destruction, without Avalanche, there is no power to protect the world."

"I really don't know what they have to do in another world to win this war."

Kiana felt her head itchy, making her feel like she was about to open her head.

As a fighter who relies on intuition and luck when he is bored, Kiana said that this kind of problem should be left to professionals.

The professional, Lord Bishop Otto, said that he did not want to think.

After all, this is a matter of another world, and he only wants to resurrect Kalien, anyway, after he dies, even if the world is destroyed, it is none of his business.

At best, it is just a mockery of the other world's own arrogance and the bad taste of the ruler of will.

However, what Otto did not expect was that the former civilization Dr. Mebius was so bold and ran directly into the body of the final lawyer.

This is something that Otovan never expected.

【The world needs a savior】

[Collapse Three Worlds, Redeemer: Kevin Kaslanna]

[Collapsed Two World, Savior of Light: Penglai Temple Jiuxiao]

"Oh, Kevin, say it's you!"

Alicia's eyes lit up, and she immediately looked at Kevin next to Sue.

Kevin's cold blue eyes were calm, and he only retorted, "He said the real Kevin, not me." "

The real Kevin Kaslanna, the master of the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor who spent a long fifty thousand years, Mei's lover.

"Does it matter? Anyway, you are also Kevin 850. "

Alicia smiled disapprovingly, and then said, "I don't know what Kevin is busy with, and he hasn't come in to see me once." "

Alicia muttered softly, saying how to tease the other party after Kevin outside entered the promised land of the past world.

Kevin, who was far away in the Quantum Sea, sneezed.

Rubbing his nose, Kevin had a sense of foreboding.

"It's weird."

At this point for him, how can he still catch a cold?

Someone must have said something bad about him, Kevin thought to himself.

Kevin stared at his own image on the screen, his mind coming alive.

His life is about to be revealed in front of everyone, and although Kevin is not afraid, he is a little worried about the top-secret plans of the former civilization.

Before the final showdown, Kevin didn't want anything to go wrong.

Worried in his heart, Kevin had to take two deep breaths and tell himself to calm down.

In addition to some of his own things, Kevin was also a little curious about the other person on the screen.

Penglai Temple Jiuxiao, the savior of another world.

In the information about the other world shown before, Kevin can clearly and clearly know that the collapse of the other world is definitely not a small trouble of the current civilization, and its danger is not even comparable to the previous civilization.

To be able to become a savior in such a dangerous world, the person who obtains this title must be a strong and resilient person.

"I don't know, how many hardships and hardships her life is full of, and how many blood and tears she has stepped on the road of salvation."

Kevin's heart was heavy.

"Kevin Kaslanna, the ancestor of the Kaslana clan, is a fusion warrior who has lived from the previous civilization to the present."

Einstein explained to Tesla.

"Fourteen years ago, Siegfried had communicated with him in the information revealed by Soulsteel."

"Fifty thousand years of fusion warriors, this is simply more alive than that bastard of Otto, how can the two of them be outrageous than the other."

Dr. Tesla was a little unbalanced, and at the same time had some admiration for Kevin, and Otto's guy had already started to go crazy after living for five hundred years.

And Kevin has lived for a full 50,000 years, looking at this introduction, either in the fight against Honkai or on the way to fight Honkai, this determination, this perseverance, simply make her feel ashamed of herself.

And at the same time to the little man Otoza in his heart!

Look at people, look at you again!

[He, the ancestor of the Kaslana family, is the Prince Charming of the former civilization Senwa Academy, the hero of the former civilization Fire Moth, and the savior of the former civilization. ] 】

Saving the world is never easy, and sometimes we can't even save one person. 】

[Spanning 50,000 years, there is only one belief in his heart. 】

[No matter how much it costs, mankind will definitely defeat Honkai! ] 】

As the picture slowly unfolded, many people were a little strained.

Uh-huh, savior, what a good title, it is very tall when you hear it.

But who can tell them who is the male protagonist of this campus idol drama who is very humble at the sight?!

Kiana blinked, her head a little unresponsive.

What's the matter, Lord Ancestor, how can your painting style be so different!

Kiana was still confused, but Alicia, who was in the promised land of the past, was already laughing.

"Poof~ Ahem, Kevin, dear Lord Prince, it turns out that this is how you got this title in the first place."

With a smile on her face, Alicia looked at Kevin, who was playing handsome on the basketball court, with a strange expression.

On the opposite side of Alicia, although Kevin still looks cold, Su, who is familiar with Kevin, has seen the other party's helpless and loveless eyes.

Similar to black history being exposed?

"Alicia... There's nothing funny about that...."

Kevin tried to stop the laughing Alicia from laughing.

"Oh, don't be shy, come, let me see, what else is there to see!"

Alicia looked at Kevin on the screen with interest, and when she saw that Kevin directly rejected a group of suitors and instead pursued Mei, who was silent as a student, Alicia's eyes lit up.

Grace, who was drawing next to him, seemed to have found a feeling, and his pen was like a god.

Kosmo looked at the contents of the canvas, his head blank.

It was the scene of Dr. Kevin Wall.

By the way, Grace wrote a line of words, black and white, clearly written.

"Woman, you have caught my attention!"

Kosmo held his forehead with one hand, and brainstorming had begun in his mind, probably thinking about who had taught Grace badly.

At the Mandate Headquarters, Otto looked at the incomparably young Kevin, revealing a look of reminiscence.

Young and beautiful first love, who has not had this kind of time.

An intellectual fool, a veteran in the love field, feelings began with you?

Then Otto's train of thought changed direction.

If he really married Karen back then, then ask, how should he, Otto Apocalis, be called Kevin, the ancestor of the Kaslanna family?

Bishop Otto fell into deep thought.

[(Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

Under Kevin's persistent pursuit, Mei, who was still a student, finally softened her attitude.

Under the starry night sky, the white-haired boy and the black ponytailed girl sat on a bench, looking at the starry river.

"I remember it very well.... At that night, I happened to walk to the window and looked up at the starry sky. "

"I suddenly had a wonderful feeling as if I was not looking up at the stars, but the stars were looking down on me."

"Under the vast galaxy, I am so small, and human beings are so small."

"Everything around becomes trivial in that instant."

"At that time, I immediately had the idea that I believe that every star in the sky is our enemy."

Kevin sat aside, his clear blue eyes gradually filled with confusion with Mei's words.

Kevin wondered, "....... Every star is an enemy?"

The white-haired young man's face was confused, and the black-haired girl looked affirmative.

Under Kevin's gaze, May answered him affirmatively, as if to give him an answer, May explained, "Yes, in the physics textbook, there is a picture of the Earth taken by a space probe from 64 kilometers away. "

Scratching his hair, Kevin finally remembered a little of the content of the book, and quickly echoed, "Ah, I (ajbb) remember that there was nothing in that picture, and I looked for a long time before I saw a small blue dot." "

May told Kevin, "That's Earth. The planet that we were born and raised, the planet that has existed for 4.6 billion years, is just a small point of light in the grand universe. "

"Thousands of years of human history, billions of lives, countless knowledge and culture, are not worth mentioning from the scale of the universe."

"I often wonder, how much can a person mean to such a vast universe?"

May didn't expect Kevin to answer this almost philosophical reflection of hers, after all, you can't count on a scumbag on such an academic issue, right?

After a moment of silence, the teenager laughed.

Mei frowned, her ears filled with Kevin's laughter, she was a little puzzled, "What are you laughing at?"

Kevin coughed twice and narrowed his smile under Mei's gaze, "No, no, I just feel very novel." "

"In the past, I dated other girls, and when it came to the stars, the next thing I would talk about was constellations, blood types and so on."

"It's the first time I've seen a girl who talks about the universe and humanity from the starry sky, and it's worthy of you."

"........." May looked at Kevin's eyes gradually strange, she didn't quite understand, in front of her current girlfriend, Kevin, as a boyfriend, discussed the meaning of many ex-girlfriends.

Does it mean that her question doesn't quite fit the topic among girls?

Under Mei's gaze, Kevin seemed to understand that what he said was a little ambiguous, and quickly waved his hand to explain, "I mean, you are unique and different." "

"Please go on. The topic just now is quite interesting, and I still want to hear it. "

Mei frowned, with some dissatisfaction in her eyes, "I'm already finished, you haven't answered my question yet." "

"Oh, yes. ....... I want to think. Looking up, Kevin struggled to spin his not-so-smart brain.

Then after serious consideration, Kevin tried to answer, "Like you said, the universe is big and the earth is too small." "

"Probably... For this starry sky, we....... And everything we care about is meaningless. "

Mei: "Exactly. "

"What a heavy conclusion."

But despite this, I, you, and everyone in the world are living "meaningfully." "

"We live, we exist, we make every choice in life, we grasp every moment of the moment."

"Human beings have no meaning, but we give us meaning."

Kevin: "Now you're a philosopher again. "

Mei: "On the question of the nature of the universe, science and philosophy have something in common. "

After a long silence, May returned her gaze to Kevin, and meeting Kevin's gaze, May said, "I'm curious about one thing. "

Kevin: "What's wrong?"

Mei: "You don't seem like someone who is interested in this topic at all, but what I say, you -- you hear right now.

"Do you really find this conversation valuable? I hope you can tell me honestly. "

Choked by May's question, Kevin answered truthfully, "....... You ask me if it's valuable, and I can't answer. "

With clear eyes, Kevin said seriously, "Because of these things you said, I estimate that I can only understand half of them, maybe less than half." "

"But ahh The way you seriously say these things really attracts me. So... I want to keep listening. "

Mei tilted her head suspiciously, very puzzled, "Just because of this reason?"


Kevin nodded and replied in the affirmative.


"I don't know, rather, I want to know too." May's successive questions overloaded Kevin's brain.

Meeting Mei's gaze, Kevin's handsome face was full of sincerity. "I will learn from you and try to think about the answer to this question."

"Huh.." Laughed at Kevin's answer.

Mei, a fool who falls asleep when he sees a book, says that he will try to think of an answer to this whims question, and Mei feels a little joy in her heart.

Looking at the smile on Mei's face, Kevin's eyes lit up, "You finally smiled, you look good when you laugh." "

With a smile on her face, Mei looked at the sky again.

"This summer, I will go to Mu Continent to attend an academic symposium, and many famous physics professors and scholars will be present. I plan to talk to them and discuss my ideas. "

"It may sound a little proud, but I want to meet people who can change the world, and I want to be one of them."

"I want to see how far I can go under this starry sky."

Kevin is always supportive of May's dreams.

"Come on, I believe that one day, you will realize everything you said today."

Mei: "What about you?" Kevin, do you have any plans for the future?"

"No, not at all." Shaking his head, Kevin really hadn't thought about such a tall thing.

Kevin glanced up at the starry sky, "I don't have such lofty ideals as you. Changing the world or something, it's too far away for me. ""

"I just want to live the life in front of me, cherish every friend, and enjoy every "now". Have fun and live comfortably. "

Mei: "You don't think about the future at all?"

Kevin: "Don't want to think about it. The world is so big, there is always a place to welcome me, there is always something waiting for me to do. "

"But if I just look ahead, I will miss the people standing next to me."

"After all, I am still a high school student, I live a naïve and happy life, just like me."

Kevin's answer made May laugh.

Mei: "........ What a frivolous person. However, I wish you to achieve your wishes. "

Kevin: "Well, hopefully our wishes will come true. "

As if thinking of something, Kevin proposed to May.

"Ah, by the way, it's better to go to the Mu continent with you this summer." 】

"Fortunately, fortunately, Bud Yi is not interested in this at all."

Kiana looked pleased, "If Nha Yi is not interested in cooking, my stomach will suffer." "

Bronia rolled her eyes, helpless at Kiana's focus, just pointed to Dr. Mei's face on the screen and said, "Don't you think Kevin's girlfriend is similar to Bud?" "

"It's just that there are more glasses, forget about the rest, how can you not recognize Kiana!"

Bronia expressed a strong condemnation of Kiana, the ultimate bud single-pusher.

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