Whoa— when the fleet returned, there was a nanorobot in the Wannian Fengxue’s hull.

There was no space war as imagined. Gray Feng only hesitated for a moment before decisively joining the group and getting close to Lu Chen in a familiar manner.

After she was trapped in the L star cluster for countless epochs, she was unfamiliar with everything in the outside world.

“It was great to see organisms again, where I was left to play with myself”

“However, the species diversity here is very high.……”

Xiao Hui thought about the people staying in Lu Chen’s bridge.

Humans, ship girls, elves, dragon girls, demons… just like a palette

“I am the commander here and the leader of the entire empire. Welcome to join the Star Sea Empire family.”

Lu Chen held a grand and formal welcome ceremony for Xiao Hui on the Wannian Fengxue. He also arranged for Brie to give her a real uniform.


Xiao Hui changed into a black and red uniform and was very satisfied with this small gift.

Richelieu took on the role of commentator���, tell her about the situation and rules in the base

“We are currently a civilization that has just completed super-light speed technology, with a population of about 20 million.……”

“The main members of the capital include Kanji, Bree, the children from the dark world, and the Almighty Angel……”

“The situation in the vassal world is probably like this……”

With the information on the holographic interface, the more he listened, the more surprised Xiao Hui’s expression became.

She felt that the structure of Lu Chen’s civilization was very magical.

“So, is your empire composed of 3 million Loli scientists, 17 million Bris and Almighty Angels, and a handful of elites?”

“Part of your resources come from the development of this world, and part of them comes from tribute from the vassal world.”

“By exploiting the sustainability of the vassal world, has the world been unified in the main world?!”

“At the same time, your scientific research results are actually a collection of various worlds, including not only technological things, but also inexplicable occult stuff?”

The nanorobot’s logical thinking ability is very strong. Relying on the information and the narration of the ship girls, he quickly understood the situation in a short time.

Lu Chen reacted for a while and nodded. He slightly corrected her statement.

“To be precise, the number of scientists has not reached 3 million, and most lolita are still learning.”

“Children who have the ability to learn all conventional courses and the most cutting-edge theories in a few years are only geniuses among a few geniuses.”


Xiao Hui looked at the ship girl and the omnipotent angels and pondered for a long time.

“I feel that observing the form of your civilization is a very interesting thing, and it will never be boring.”

“What are your plans when you live here?”

Beifa asked Xiao Hui politely.

“In the Star Sea Empire, everyone does their best”

“Bree and Universal Angel are responsible for construction, ship girls, dragon girls, elves, etc. are responsible for combat, and Loli scientists are responsible for researching new technologies.……”

“Please tell me, what kind of work can you, or are you willing to do, on ‘Gray Storm’?”

The head maid asked seriously. She was really curious about what this nano-robot would do.

Pfft –

Xiao Hui laughed out loud.

“I also can”

“All types of work can be left to me”

“I can help you manage the planet or a subsidiary world. I am interested in the social structure of organisms.”

“If you are engaged in scientific research… Well, I have been in the L star cluster for too long and have no idea of the extent of current technological development. You have to give me some time to understand the technological level of your country.”

The learning ability of nanorobots is equally exaggerated, and photographic memory is only a basic operation for artificial intelligence.

Her data analysis and induction capabilities far exceed all current AIs.

In other words, as an aggregate of civilizations, No AI can match Gray Wind

“Then can you become a gray goo fleet? How many ships can be transformed at most?”

Bismarck is more concerned about Xiao Hui’s combat ability.

“Wait a moment!”

Hui Feng shook his head

“Let me explain in advance, in most cases I will only use the form of a single individual to fight, which is the spaceship you just saw.”

“I can do things like splitting into fleets if necessary, but the duration cannot be too long. I cannot maintain a unified ‘personality’ and consciousness over that distance.”

Xiao Hui’s body is composed of countless nano-robots. Splitting an entire fleet is equivalent to dividing his body into countless parts. In the short term, it is fine, but if the split form is maintained for a long time, the consciousness of the body will be will be interfered with and lose control of the fleet.

“You can freely switch between the human form and the ship body. You and the ship girl are also very similar.……”

“No, you still have a Gundam form that can fight on land? Is he just a replica of the commander?!”

Qianju Natsuyo held her chin and looked at this beautiful girl nanorobot.

Sure enough, the commander talked about her for a reason.


Xiao Hui drawled a long note and observed Lu Chen.

“Commander, you also have three forms of transformation? It seems that we are very destined, right?”



After returning to the solar system.

Lu Chen took Xiao Hui around the earth and star bases.

Introduce her companions to each other.

It took the nanobots two days to learn the basics.

Her achievements in science and technology astonished Chiju Natsuki and other scientific research lolita.

In the scientific research building.

Xiao Hui looked at the research of the scientific research lolita at a dizzying speed, nodding or shaking his head from time to time.

“Hmm…research on jump engines based on hyperspace technology, no problem”

“Neutron annihilation? Falling Star Spear?! Oh, the weapons you are researching are very wild, I like them”

“Tachyon light spear? Your parameter configuration is wrong, and there is also a problem with the power design. I suggest you understand the concept of tachyons first before studying military applications.……”

Without relying on any auxiliary devices, Xiao Hui could calculate at a glance the results that would take the AI several days to simulate and deduce.

For her, billions of data processing only takes a moment.

“Speaking of which, are you still studying the hull modification for the commander?”

Xiao Hui noticed the scientific research projects of the lolita.

After pointing out the super-light speed technology, Lu Chen and the ship girls naturally had to redesign the hull.

Previously, when the L Star Gate was discovered, something unexpected happened, and only the basics were carried out. The modification has started.

As for the subsequent expansion plan, the lolita are still continuing to study it.

“Well, we want to convert the Wannian Fengxue into a Titan next, but the hull and corresponding weapons are still being designed.”

Qianju Xiashi replied

“No need to bother, I already have it in my database.”

Little Gray Point opened the holographic interface and transferred some data to the computer in the main control room.

The amount was so large that it almost brought down the entire server.


Loli and the ship girls opened it and saw all kinds of spaceship designs.

Their shapes have a unique sense of strangeness unique to alien civilizations, ranging from frigates to colossi.

The information is detailed, not only the drawings, Even the various parameters, process requirements, etc. are clearly marked, so there is no problem in taking them directly to Buri for manufacturing.

——The only small drawback is that the text above is some kind of alien text that no one can understand and needs to be translated again.

In addition, there are some sporadic weapon technologies.

Such as giga-level kinetic energy artillery, gamma lasers, material crackers, etc.

“This is?……”

The eyes of the scientific research loli shine when she sees it, it is no less than the discovery of a treasure

“This is some information left by the Creator. You should be able to use it.”

“It can be regarded as a trophy left behind when the two sides fought tens of millions of years ago.”

Xiao Hui hugged his chest and yawned.

“But the internal design needs to be changed. After all, your species are completely different. They are much larger than you and have several more heads, joints and tails.”


For the time being, no one could imagine what a strange creature the civilization that created nanorobots was.

Fortunately, with Xiao Hui’s support, the research speed will increase a lot in the future.

The technology of the world of stars cannot stop her


Qianju Natsuyo searched through a bunch of design plans to see if there was any suitable modification plan for the Wannian Fengxue.


Suddenly, in the vast sea of starship design materials, she discovered something incredible.

The number of structural drawings alone was several times more than that of Qingtian Castle. Taking into account the craftsmanship and supporting equipment, it can be said to be the largest number of all. The most complicated model information.

Titan is just a small thing in front of it.


This giant structure is both a ship and a space station. It is made up of multiple combat modules and star ports. Its size is far larger than that of all conventional starships.

The Juggernaut is equipped with enough firepower to single-handedly wipe out an entire fleet, and can build and repair ships on the front lines, often serving as a forward base during offensive campaigns.

“A mobile space fortress?!”

The scientific research loli was startled.

“Commander, I have a bold idea——”.

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