After most of the ship girls watching the excitement dispersed, Lu Chen, as well as Richelieu, Yixian and other accompanying ship girls, sat in front of Siren Lady

“Come on, tell me about you”.

Lu Chen leaned on the chair and asked bluntly

“We all have been in Minato for so long, so we can be considered comrades-in-arms.”

“You can ask me if you have any needs, and I will try my best to do whatever I can.”

He looked at a few siren girls.

They had been enemies with the ship girls for a while, but after a few years of getting along, the sirens helped the base a lot in scientific research.

Whether it was super-light speed technology or falling star sky They are behind spears and all kinds of new weapons.

The ship girls have long considered the sirens as friends.

However, because the sirens have always been reclusive, no one really knows much about them.

Now the builder helped Lu Chen build A navigator said a bunch of strange things.

Apparently he wanted to ask for something.


The observer and Big-Eyed Meng looked at each other and considered what to say.

“Commander, the mission of the experimental agency is observation and experiment, can you understand?”

“Did I tell you that when we first met?”

Lu Chen nodded.

One of the important reasons why the little Lolita Observer was abducted was that she felt that observing the multiverse and different civilizations was more interesting than staying in the world of Azur Lane and competing with ship girls every day.

“The port area is also one of the experimental sites, numbered as the β universe.”

The builder said word for word

“Our mission is to observe the situation of the ship girl there, and if necessary, test some technologies related to the Intelligent Cube”


Hearing that they used to live in an experimental field, Richelieu, Yixian, Zhenhai and other ship girls were a little uneasy.

“Wait, if Siren is conducting experiments in a parallel universe, doesn’t it mean that there are countless port areas in the Azur Lane world?”

“Can I meet a ship girl with the same name, appearance, and strength as me?”

Zhenhai asked with a frown.

“It worked before, but not now〃‖ ”

The observer shakes his head

“When the commander appeared in the port area, all experimental sites collapsed into ‘the only one’”

“In countless observation experiments, you are the only variable, the commander from another world.’”

She looked at Lu Chen.

A commander from another world directly led the development of the port area to an unimagined path.

At first, the Gundam technology was still within their understanding, but then it surged all the way.

Various magics and new technologies emerged one after another, and even the ship girl was abducted by Lu Chen to another world.

This is something that has never happened before in the entire history of siren observations.

——How can any observation target be separated from the original world?!

To use an analogy, Minato was originally like a guinea pig in a box, being observed by Siren from a higher level.

One day, the little white mouse suddenly opened the dimensional portal and ran away.

In the eyes of Siren, Lu Chen’s ability to penetrate various worlds was even more outrageous than their experiments in parallel universes.

After all, no matter how many parallel universes the Sirens create, they can’t open their own channels to play with weird guys like Transformers and Deep Sea Fleet.


The ship girls were thoughtful.

The arrival of Lu Chen indeed brought a completely different development trajectory to the port area.

“So what does Siren do with so many experimental sites?”

Yixian asked

“According to the records of the Arbitration Organization, the Siren tried a space experiment a long time ago, but was attacked by a suspected advanced civilization, or a high-latitude existence.”

“It is extremely powerful and has caused a devastating blow to us who have just stepped into space.”

“Since then, our technological level has been limited to the pre-space age, and we have never reached the stars again.”

“We hope to use the power of the Mind Cube to the greatest extent through observation and experiments to find a way to fight this unknown enemy.”

The builder projected some information.

Most of them were Siren’s internal documents, which recorded the situation in detail.

“Oh, no wonder, you are a bit similar to the Sea Mist Fleet.”

Lu Chen touched his chin.

The Sirens and the Sea Mist Fleet, purely in terms of technological level, have undoubtedly reached the space age.

One’s space technology is very advanced and can create and observe parallel worlds, while the other is basically wearing a The starship is covered with battleship skin.

The Sea Mist Fleet is affected by the Naval Code and cannot leave the sea.

The Siren is blocked and cannot fly into the sky.

“After observing the Commander, we completely lost contact with the Arbitration Agency and the Dream Weavers, and were unable to report on the situation here.”

“Maybe they were lost in a parallel universe when the experimental field collapsed.”

Through the narrations of the builders and observers, Lu Chen and the ship girl roughly understood the situation.

Several siren girls from the experimental institution came with them, firstly to continue to perform their duties of observation and scientific research.

Secondly, to find a solution Contacted the siren girl of the arbitration agency.

Unfortunately, no clues have been found so far.

The Star Sea Empire has gone very far in space technology, far beyond the imagination of the siren.

The space technology of traveling through parallel universes is temporarily blank, and the stars There is no such thing in the technology tree

“¨「 Um……”

“It seems that we need to find a way to use some space technology to get the arbitration agency back?”

Lu Chen wrote down a to-do item in a small notebook.

Is this thing difficult to say or easy to say? In addition to technological means, if necessary, you can use some magic.

“Be careful, if you are in trouble with the enemy, the Arbitration Authority calls it‘X’”

Observers are reminded

“This is a small problem.”

Lu Chen cleared his throat.

“There are many ways to deal with powerful enemies in the world. If you can’t beat them for a while, just grow them for a while. Sooner or later, you will be able to deal with them.”

“There are no enemies on the earth here, not even aliens. You can travel to outer space and other universes at will.”

“If the arbitration agency wants to come, they can move directly. As long as they abide by the regulations, I can take care of them.”


Several sirens looked at each other.

It was the first time they heard that someone wanted to support the entire arbitration (haha, Lihao) organization.

Simple and crude solution.

No matter how strong the enemies in the other world are, the worst they can do is run away collectively.

At the rate of growth of the Star Sea Empire, if you go to a few more worlds, you can crush enemies you couldn’t defeat like ants.

This is indeed a good place

“Thank you, I will try my best to do my job well.”

The builder nodded slightly in greeting.

“You’re welcome”

“Speaking of which… I haven’t seen the Siren Arbiters yet. Do they look like lolita like you? I like the bigger ones.”

Lu Chen looked at the little Lolita Observer and rubbed her head.


“Commander, don’t you even spare the sirens? boast!”

The little loli opened her mouth and bit it.

“Just kidding, when the time comes for Wannian Yin… Fengxue will be changed to the Master, and the positions above will be reserved for you, okay?!”………

(Pictured is the Dream Weaver).

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