【Ready to transfer】

【Main Node (Constantinople) – Node 3 (Chaldea)]

Whoa –

Lu Chen took Xiao Hui, Gu Da Zi, and several entourage through the teleportation anchor point and landed in Chaldea in the hall.

It’s been a long time since I last saw him, and the place has become a little tidier and empty.

Chaldeas is still placed in the middle of the hall, emitting a faint blue light.

Lu Chen felt that this spherical body looked weird. It probably contained some secrets. It was definitely not a simple mechanical structure.

However, it is still in the stage of restoring human nature, so there is no need to get too entangled in this thing.

Doctor Roman and Leonardo da Vinci observed Lu Chen and his companions with somewhat curious eyes.

There are a lot more new faces.

The last time we met was when we discovered the second singularity, the Continuous Crazy Empire.

At that time, the Siren Experimental Agency and Dragon Girl had just been brought home, relying on the technology of the Gundam World.

They have never seen Mio, Xiao Hui and others who came this time.

The temperament of the ship girl has also undergone some changes. Da Vinci can’t recognize everyone.���Name, I just feel like they have become a lot stronger.

As for Gudazi…

Roman and Da Vinci can no longer understand her”Three two seven”

“Come, sit down, it’s been a while since we last met.”

The two invited Lu Chen and his party to sit down and exchange greetings.

“Fujimaru Ritsuka, how are you doing there? Have you studied magic well?”

Da Vinci took Gudazi’s hand and asked

“magic? At what age are you still learning traditional magic?”

The girl became energetic and counted the two of them with her fingers.

“I am now an elf master who can fly a Gundam”

“Skill points include but are not limited to elf magic, primary dragon magic, Gundam driving skills, and enchantment enhancement.……”

“In addition, I have a lot of krypton gold props, and I guess they also have the power to attack the army or the city.”

She took out a bunch of magic scrolls and equipment from her pocket and piled them on the table. Roman looked surprised. She picked up a few items and looked at them. The magic aura sealed on them was completely different from Chaldea, but there was no doubt that it was Powerful.

Super-level magic may not be as good as the Noble Phantasm of a powerful heroic spirit, but it is cheap and easy to use. It can be used in large quantities. As long as there are enough scrolls, you can throw them away casually.

“You… know quite a lot……”

Da Vinci originally wanted to complain, have you never learned any moon-type magic?!

After thinking about it, it doesn’t matter which world’s technology or magic can defeat the enemy.

It looks like Gudazi is having a lot of fun

“Mr. Lu, how is your civilization reconstruction work going?”

Roman asked again with a somewhat concerned expression.

He remembered that when the two sides first met, the civilization was completely destroyed and needed to be rebuilt from scratch.

In a sense, Lu Chen’s side was even worse. They were We really started rebuilding from scratch, brick by brick, house by house.

Chaldea only needs to fix the singularity and it will be done.


“Let me think about it, when we last met, I was expanding the capital?……”

Lu Chen recalled it

“We have recently completed the faster-than-light technology and are fully developing the solar system and surrounding star systems.”

“The farthest detection distance is about 3,000 light years, and there are about a dozen vassal worlds.”

He roughly told Roman and Da Vinci about the current situation of the Star Sea Empire.

Coupled with the holographic projection, the majestic star base and starships made the two of them grin from ear to ear.


“I couldn’t understand it, but I was shocked.”

Roman and Leonardo have the same feeling.

When you came here last time, weren’t you still studying how to expand the capital and open up more fields for farming?!

Why did you jump directly to the interstellar era this time?!

What the hell is super-light speed?!

The scope of its rule reaches the entire solar system and radiates to the civilizations of the surrounding star systems?!

Even if Chaldea rebuilds the human system, it can’t compare with the Star Sea Empire, okay?!


It took some time for Roman and Da Vinci to understand what Lu Chen had achieved.

The Star Sea Empire has grown into an interstellar empire with a population of tens of millions, a complete system, and extremely exaggerated productivity and technology.

Roman sighed after hearing what happened to Loli in the Black Bullet World.

When he learned that Lu Chen had given them a new home and that Loli had become the scientific research pillar of the Star Sea Empire, Da Vinci was a little impressed.

When they heard the information about the battle with the elves, they looked at the origin elves with a little more awe.

This girl named Mio’s abilities are outrageous, and even a ranked Heroic Spirit may not be as good as her.

As for Xiao Hui, Thor, and Eluma who were traveling with them…

Roman could only convince himself that the world was huge and full of wonders.

He could barely understand Long Niang, but the concept of nanobots was too avant-garde, and he couldn’t understand it even when he explained it.

Lu Chen was accompanied by a mixed force composed of powerful men from many worlds.


The two swore that based on their own knowledge and the many books in Chaldea, they had never recorded an interstellar civilization that spanned the universe or even the world.

Those famous emperors and rulers in human history have never achieved such exaggerated achievements as Lu Chen.

Alexander the Great, King of Macedon, earned the title of”King of Conquerors” simply by unifying Greece, conquering Egypt, and destroying Persia.

According to this standard… Roman felt that if Lu Chen became a heroic spirit in the future, he would be an extremely outrageous existence.

“The Great Emperor of the Star Sea Empire?”

“Can someone summon you during the Holy Grail War? What is your holy relic? Wannian Fengxue or Gundam?!

Gudazi thought for a moment and thought that unless the person who summoned Lu Chen was a beautiful girl, there was a high probability that he would be betrayed by Tiangang. Bang

Lu Chen gave him a knife.

“I die again���Drop it, where did the holy relic come from? And I don’t belong to the Heroic Spirit Seat Manager. Thank you.”



After getting to know each other’s current situation.

It took Roman and Leonardo a full half an hour to recover from the shock.

The partners who were once penniless are now so prosperous that they are hundreds of times stronger than Chaldea.

“Tell me, what is the mission this time? We will definitely help Chaldea get the singularity.”

Gudazi crossed his legs and said grandly


“Fujimaru Ritsuka, what do you mean by ‘we’ helping’ Chaldea?’?!”

Roman was confused and found that Gudazi completely regarded himself as a member of the Star Sea Empire0…

He calmed down and led everyone to Chaldeas.

Pointing to a singular point marked above

“The singular point this time was located in 1573 AD, in the endless sea. The location centered on the singular point has changed, and it is impossible to locate the specific location.”

“There are only a few islands in that sea area. I hope you can find out the reason as soon as possible.”

“Oceanus, I know him well.”

Lu Chen snapped his fingers.

This is a world in the Age of Discovery, and the plot is very simple.

Probably the Holy Grail created by Leif disrupted the seas of that world and turned the earth into a strange ocean planet. It needs to be recovered.

Different from the previous two singularities, the third singularity has two Holy Grails.

The real Holy Grail owned by Captain Drake who saved the world, and the Holy Grail brought by the outside world to disrupt the world.

Maybe you also need to fight the Demon Pillar.

“pirate? Drake? Um? Is there anyone with the same name as me? Is she also a great pirate in history?!”

Next to her, a ship girl with silver hair and golden eyes, wearing over-the-knee boots and a side ponytail, became energetic.

Drake, Royal Patrol.

Her name is exactly after the famous pirate Francis Drake in history. Name it. I heard that there is also a Drake in the third singularity. I have to follow him no matter what.

“A Drake from another world…ah, no, my current captain is only the commander.……”

Another ship girl with antlers on her head, black hair and blue eyes licked her lips.

Her appearance and voice are extremely charming, with a breathtaking charm.


Da Vinci seemed to see tentacles on the ship next to her.

“Who are you? ?!”

“Golden Deer.”

The black-haired shipgirl replied concisely and concisely. 1.4


“Are you Captain Drake’s flagship?!”

Dr. Roman and Da Vinci were stunned.

After thinking for a moment, they clarified the relationship.

Drake is a famous pirate in history, and her flagship is called the Golden Deer.

The family is neatly organized.

“No, I am the commander’s flagship~” the Golden Deer corrected their statement.


They discovered that Lu Chen could always bring some strange ship girls to brush up on singularities.

The last time was Joan of Arc vs. Joan of Arc, five consecutive 533mm torpedoes. I am so angry.

This time it’s the Golden Hart + Drake vs. Francis Drake.

I don’t know how that heroic spirit feels when he knows that his flagship has become a ship girl, and that he is also a ship girl in another world.

Everything can be transformed into a girl.jpg

“Don’t worry about these details and wait for our good news.”

Lu Chen laughed and led everyone to the spirit transfer device.

“Come on, let’s go be Chaldean pirates”………

(The picture shows the Golden Deer, can you live with it?)

(Her CV is very good……).

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