To show Chaldea’s sincerity.

Roman took Lu Chen to a room that looked like the engineering department.

A girl wearing a red and blue dress with long black hair received them

“Hello, I am Leonardo da Vinci, Chaldea’s technical advisor. I have already heard from Dr. Roman about your matters.”

“You need some information about magic in this world, right?”

Da Vinci said hello to the group.

Before he finished speaking, a question mark appeared from the ship girl behind Lu Chen:

“da Vinci?! How could Leonardo da Vinci be such a cute girl? ?!”

Looking at the beautiful young girl with black hair and green eyes in front of them, everyone really couldn’t equate her with the world-renowned great artist in their minds.

“The moon world is magical, right?”

“Let me tell you another secret: King Arthur is a cute girl, and Nero is also a cute girl. They both look pretty much the same.”

Lu Chen didn’t hesitate and asked directly:

“I need a system of great magic, oh, and a magic circle for summoning heroic spirits.”

“As for magic information, there are some scattered documents here. Others will take time to organize and collect. After you solve the singularity, they will be handed over to you.”

Da Vinci thought for a while and handed Lu Chen a few old books.

“The method of summoning the heroic spirit is relatively simple. What we actually summon is not the heroic spirit’s body, but their clone Servant.”

“Just draw the magic circle, recite the mantra, and follow the corresponding steps.”

“However, the focus of the summoning is on the holy relics. You must hold the items they had during their lifetime. In addition, the heroic spirits also need to actively respond to your summons.”

Lu Chen glanced at it. The magic circle is not difficult. It should be easy to do it by copying a cat and a tiger.

As for the holy relics… Although Chaldea doesn’t have them, he thinks he can think of ways to do it from other worlds.

“Servants need the master’s magic power to power them. If you don’t have a magic circuit, it may be difficult for the summoned heroic spirit to maintain its existence.……”

Fujimaru Ritsuka kindly reminded

“It doesn’t matter, I have a Rubik’s Cube, and I hope the heroic spirits can be compatible with it. If it doesn’t work, we can fix the magic.”

Lu Chen is full of confidence

“ah? To mend magic? What?”

Gudazi looked confused.


After getting a few magic books and information on summoning heroic spirits as a”deposit”.

Lu Chen began to help Chaldea deal with the problem.

Everyone went down and returned to a small room.

A glowing blue earth is being restrained by a force field and suspended in mid-air.

On the world map above, there are several places that are emitting white spots of light.

“This is the ‘Simulated Earth Environment Model Chaldeas’, which is also one of Chaldea’s most important devices.”

“Through this device, we can observe the future of the earth and use it as a map of human history.”

Roman said while pointing to several locations on the earth.

“This human incineration event produced a total of seven singular points, each of which is a crucial position for human beings.”

“We are currently able to locate one of them, probably in France in 1431.”

Roman introduced the situation to everyone.

“After traveling to this world, recovering the Great Holy Grail and correcting the wrong history will return this singularity to normal.”

“The Evil Dragon’s Hundred Years’ War, I’m familiar with it.”

Lu Chen smiled.

“Joan of Arc and Joan of Arc? I will try to bring them back together”

“How are we going to get there? asked Kewei

“Spirit transfer.”

Roman led everyone to a huge machine.

“This is a spirit child calculation device that can change the master’s form into a spirit child, thereby projecting them into various eras.”

“This technology is so dangerous that it may even be used as a time machine, so every use must be approved by the United Nations.”

“Of course, humanity has been destroyed now, so no one needs to approve it.”


“How awesome… I heard that the Sirens are researching something to create a parallel world, but I haven’t seen the actual thing.”

Richelieu sincerely admired.

Being able to travel through time is a top-notch technology no matter in which world it is.

“So…if you don’t have any other questions, just prepare, I will project you to the singularity point……”

“I will support your operations at the singularity.”

Roman was preparing to count the number of people.


“Can you give me a copy of the manufacturing drawing of this machine? I can exchange resources for it, be it gold, silver or other things.”

Lu Chen asked, staring at the spirit transfer device.

“ah? It shouldn’t be possible originally, but since you’re from another world, it shouldn’t matter.……”

“After the matter is resolved, I will try to find a copy for you.”

Roman thought for a while.

“Do you also want to use it to change history?”

“No, no, no, I have no plans for the moment.”

Lu Chen shook his head

“It’s just that I can do a lot of things with it”


Seeing that everyone was confused, he explained a few words:

“After ordinary people use spirit transfer to travel to the past, if they want to come back, they can only use the spirit device to recall them, and they cannot take away anything from that era.”

“But I am different. I have the power to open time and space channels. That is to say, after I am transported to a certain era, I can open the channel and come back by myself.”

“In this way, not only can you make up for a lot of regrets, but you can even solve some very difficult problems.”

“For example, the Origin Elf that has been on the task list for a long time, and the bastard Matou Zangyan”..

(Pictured is Da Vinci)

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