"How about it, Kamisaka-kun, are you satisfied with the Moon Festival?"

At this moment, Senzaemon and Kamisaka Yuuto were sitting in a reception room. The only people in the same room were Erina and Hisako, two people who knew Kamisaka Yuuto.

Tolkona and Glass sat obediently in Kamisaka Yuuto's side.

Just after Shokugeki ended, Senzaemon invited Kamisaka Yuuto to come here.

At that time, many teachers and students were surprised when they saw that Senzaemon knew Kamisaka Yuuto, and they also understood Why did Erina take the initiative to go to Thor?

Sure enough, they knew each other beforehand! The ten heroes also had different expressions on their faces.

It was as if they had discussed it in advance in secret.

They stood up in unison, and then made a unified appearance. Senzaemon and Kamisaka Yuuto walked in the direction they left.

Their target was not difficult to guess....

The first thing Senzaemon said after he sat down was not to ask about Shokiji just now, but to ask about Kamisaka Yuuto's impression of the Tsukiyoshi Festival.

He looked at Kamisaka Yuuto with a smile on his face, and he looked quite proud.

Kamisaka Yuuto chuckled and nodded.

"Surprisingly satisfying, I've been to many food festivals but nowhere like this."

This is the truth. This is really the first time for Kamisaka Yuuto to see an event of this scale focusing on food.

"Hahahaha, did that make Kamisaka-kun think of coming here as a teacher?"

"Mr. Nakiri is joking,"

Yuuto Kamisaka said with a smile and waved his hand.

Erina, who was opposite him, looked at Yuuto Kamisaka with some resentment.

"Didn't you promise to call me when you get to Yuanyue?"

After she finished speaking, she sighed helplessly.

Kamisaka Yuuto smiled sheepishly.

Erina didn't dwell on this issue anymore.

"By the way, Kamisaka-kun hasn’t eaten in the Rinzan area yet."

At this time, Senzaemon suddenly spoke.

The Linshan area he was talking about was the third area of ​​the Tsukiyoshi Festival.

It is a place where only the real distinguished guests of Totsuki can come.

In that area, there are ten heroes. Their cooking place.

Kamisaka Yuuto nodded.

Senzaemon curled his lips when he saw this.

"Kamisaka-kun can’t miss it, so why not let Erina take Kamisaka-kun there for a walk? It happens to be noon now, which happens to be lunch time."

He said with a smile.

When Erina heard her grandfather say this, her eyes froze subconsciously.

Kamisaka Yuuto's eyes lit up slightly.

Tasting delicious food is the instinct of any chef.

The dishes of the Totsuki Ten Masters, he I’m really curious.

Different types of cuisine bring a variety of spiritual feelings to people.

This kind of feeling cannot be determined simply by the level of cooking.

Just like Erina, although she can’t compare to Kamisaka in terms of the taste of her cooking Yuuto, but the gorgeous feeling of her own cooking is not found in Yuuto Kanzaka's cuisine.

Even if the same dish is given to Erina and Yuuto Kanzaka to make at the same time.

In the end, it gives people a The feeling of going there will also be different.

This is the personal characteristic of the chef.

The improvement of cooking also lies in the integration and breakthrough after tasting hundreds of dishes.

This is how Yuuto Kamisaka grew up while"tasting"

"That...Erina, is that okay?"

He asked Erina with a chuckle.

The girl's face blushed a little unnaturally, but she still tried her best to remain calm and nodded.


Senzaemon smiled when he saw this.

"So without further ado, let’s go now."

He waved his hand, with a feeling of driving people away.

Erina turned her head and glared at her grandfather, then stood up and walked towards the door.

Seeing this, Kanzako Yuuto also stood up and followed.

In addition, Thor and the others were also the same. Following Yuuto Kamisaka.


Erina was stunned as soon as she opened the door of the reception room.

At the door, there were actually ten heroes in a circle.

"Seniors, this is..."

Erina just said a few words and understood in her heart.

They all came to see Yuuto Kamisaka. as expected.

Ever since Erina opened the door, the eyes of these top ten heroes have been staring at Yuuto Kamisaka behind the girl.

"What's wrong?"

Kamisaka Yuuto walked to the door. He looked at the people in front of him and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He saw Kuga Teruki among this group of people, and he looked very quiet.

Then the identity of this group of people, Kamisaka Yuuto can probably guess a little. The only thing that can make one Ten Elites quiet is another Ten Elites.

In other words, the group of people in front of them are the so-called Totsuki Ten Elites!

"Eh--it looks even more handsome when you look at it up close. I didn't expect that such a guy is not from our school. What a pity."

Rentan Kobayashi curled her hair with her fingers and said with a pity tone.

But her eyes were always staring at Yuuto Kamisaka.

Si Yingshi, who was standing at the front of the ten heroes, just looked at Yuu Kamisaka. He didn't speak.

But his eyes were burning with curiosity and excitement for Kamisaka Yuuto.

"Dear seniors, we plan to go to Linshan area....Seniors, do you want it?...."

"oh? Is Erina going to take her to the Linshan area?"

Erina was interrupted by Kobayashi Ritsou before she could finish her words.

Erina was not angry because she knew that the other person had such a character.


The girl nodded.

"So, do you want to try our food?"

Rentan Kobayashi asked with a smile.

Her words confirmed what Yuuto Kamisaka was thinking.

They are indeed the top ten.

"If possible, I hope to taste the dishes of each of the top ten."

Kamisaka Yuuto responded with a chuckle.

The faces of the ten heroes changed a little because of these words.

They were either frowning, excited, or solemn, but Si Yingshi remained calm.

"Okay, then I also hope to try your cooking."

Si Yingshi finally spoke.

He was trembling a little as he spoke. He didn't sound as mature as he looked on the outside.

It felt like a person with stage fright pretending to be steady on purpose.

But it was also a little eloquent. excitement

"If it's just about exchanging cooking skills, I'd still be happy to, but if it's about eating halberds, forget it."

Kamisaka Yuuto replied with a smile.

He rejected Shokugeki, but he never ruled out the exchange of cooking skills.

He was very happy to do this.

Progress and innovation in cooking are mostly born through exchanges.

If a chef brings some sense of superiority and inferiority to the exchange of cooking skills, then the chef will not be able to go far.

This is something a master once taught him.

The expressions on the faces of the ten heroes were because of Kamisaka Yuuto's words became much better.

Everyone formed a team and walked to the Linshan area.

Along the way, Kanzaki Yuuto talked with the ten heroes, and he also learned a lot of information.

From their names to They all know their respective seats and so on.

Kangna and Glass are also loved by the women among the top ten.

After all, they are cute~

They went all the way to the Linshan area.

The service staff here turned pale when they saw this group of people. They were shocked.

Kamisaka Yuuto and the ten heroes soon arrived at Siyingshi's restaurant.

The tasting starts here.

Kamisaka Yuuto and the ten heroes sat down, and Siyingshi went to the kitchen to cook.

Wait. When he came up again, he already had a dish in his hand


Kamisaka Yuuto took a bite of his food.

He raised his eyebrows slightly.

The taste and feeling are much better than Erina's food.

No wonder he is the chief

"Very good, tastes good."

Kamisaka Yuuto said cheerfully.

This made the faces of the surrounding ten heroes look a little weird.

As the top ten, the comments they have always heard are extremely gorgeous and full of praise.

It's good to be like Kamisaka Yuuto. , tastes good'....It’s true that it’s rare....

"Then it will be me."

Kamisaka Yuuto stood up with a smile.

He looked at Siyingshi, who nodded slightly and took Kamisaka Yuuto to the kitchen.

The ten heroes also followed curiously.

Erina and Hisako Not that she went there.

After all, the two of them had seen Yuuto Kamisaka cooking a lot.

Not least this time~

In the kitchen, after Yuuto Kamisaka prepared the food, Siyingshi's face became alarmed after he took a bite..

When Kanzaki Yuuto and Kuga Teruki Shokuki were together, he felt that there was something 'something' in Kanzaka Yuuto that was beyond his current self.

Now he tasted Kanzaka Yuuto's cooking.

He confirmed his idea again!

The other party's cooking did indeed contain the extremely important 'thing' that he was currently lacking!

Kamisaka Yuuto's cooking vaguely pointed him in the direction.

He vaguely knew that he should go to In which direction are you working hard?...

"How about it? Si, why don't you say anything, let me have a taste."

Xiaolin Gentian couldn't wait to stretch out his chopsticks and taste it.Kuchigami Saka Yuuto's cuisine.

She was greedy for the food halberd just now, but it was a food halberd, and she was too embarrassed to ask for it directly.

Now that she had a chance, she naturally couldn't hold back.

After taking one bite, she understood why Si Yingshi was so dumbfounded that he didn't speak.

This is indeed a dish that requires patience to taste.....

Next, Kamisaka Yuuto tasted the dishes of the ten heroes one by one.

He was quite satisfied.

He is worthy of being one of the ten heroes of Yuanyue, with a skill.

The ten heroes were also impressed by Kamisaka Yuuto's cooking.

When they looked at Kanzako Yuuto, they showed a little more respect for the strong.

It was already past one in the afternoon when we finished communicating with the top ten heroes.

Most of the ten heroes returned to their restaurants to continue business.

Kamisaka Yuuto and Erina arrived at a high point in Totsuki.

From here, you can see most of the distant moon, which is spectacular.

Kamisaka Yuuto couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

People will always feel emotional when seeing a spectacular scene.

Erina smiled softly and gently twirled her hair with her fingers

"It's spectacular." she said with a smile

"Yes, it is indeed spectacular."

Kamisaka Yuuto nodded.

"Then should Kamisaka-kun reconsider coming to Totsuki to serve? Just take classes for two hours a day, and it won’t affect the opening of the store at night"

"Hahaha, let's stop this matter. I won't come. The small shop is enough for me to keep busy now, and I don't have the heart to do other things."

Kamisaka Yuuto laughed a few times and said.

Erina didn't show any disappointment, she just exhaled.

"Sure enough you would still say that?"

"Since you know, you still want to ask"

"You have to make sure."

Erina spread her hands helplessly.

Kamisaka Yuuto looked at her and smiled faintly.

"By the way, take me to find Teruki Kuaga again."

"Eh? Is there anything else Kamisaka-kun should do?"

"No, I just want to say a few words to him."....

Erina took Kanzako Yuuto to find Kuga Teruki.

Kuga Teruki's face looks very bad now, and his previous overconfident and arrogant expression has now become depressed and depressed.

The frustration that Kanzako Yuuto brought him was really too heavy.

When he saw Erina leading Kanzako Yuuto in front of him, his eyes hardened and his expression became a little fierce.

Just like those injured wild wolves deliberately showing their teeth to threaten other predators

"What else do you want?"

He asked in a low voice.

"You don't need to think too much, I just have something to say to you, and after I say it, I will leave."

Kuaga Teruki looked a little frightened.

"What words?"

"Something about your cooking"


"Chinese cuisine is not just about spicy and spicy foods. Although I don’t know why you are so obsessed with spicy food, you are ultimately wrong to go down this path. Real Chinese cuisine is a collection of hundreds of flavors and is extremely rich. Pursuing spicy food alone will undoubtedly make you a cripple. I advise you to take a down-to-earth trip to the Dragon Country, where they will teach you what real Chinese cuisine is."

Kanzaka Yuuto's words silenced Kuga Teruki.

After he said that, he turned around and left.

He didn't pay attention to Kuga Teruki's intention at all.

Erina and others also followed quickly.

Kuga Teruki stood there and watched. Looking at Kamisaka Yuuto's back, his eyes flickered, and his heart was ups and downs.

After a long time, he gritted his teeth!

He decided to take leave today!

He wanted to travel far!

The destination - Dragon Kingdom!

He wanted to travel throughout the Dragon Kingdom!

Then come back and challenge Kamisaka Yuuto!

"Kamisaka Yuuto, I will come back..."


Tooyuki's door.

Erina and Hisako sent Kamisaka Yuuto all the way here.

"After the moon festival is over, I will go back to the store."

Erina said with a smile.

"Then I can feel more relaxed again."

Kamisaka Yuuto joked.

After a brief chat, they said goodbye. Totsuki arranged a car for Kamisaka Yuuto and the others.

Erina and Hisako watched the vehicle leave, and then they turned around and went back.

In the car, Kanzaka Yuuto Let the driver go to Glass's house first.

He has to send Glass back first.

After delivering Glass, he will go back to the store.

When he passes Hanako's place, he wants to go in and take a look at her.

After all,...yesterday....



According to the weather forecast, it will snow tomorrow.

I predict that the weather forecast will be inaccurate.

Asking for flowers, asking for comments, asking for rewards, asking for customization~~~

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