“That’s it, but you can’t work well if you don’t keep your spirits up. You should pay attention to rest in the future. I don’t want to see a listless Sai Liu…….”

“yes! Sai Liu’s pretty face was full of seriousness and she responded heartily.

Your Majesty is so kind. He is obviously busy with government affairs and has to deal with various national affairs. But he is still worried about her. She is really touched.

And in His Majesty’s presence The person next to her should be Chitong, a very scary killer who was wanted in the past, but now Sai Liu doesn’t hate her at all.

Your Majesty, he has rehabilitated all the”Night Raid” and provided evidence to prove it. What they killed were corrupt officials, as well as nobles and villains who bullied the lower classes. They were not the bad guys as everyone imagined.

They were really wronged before!

I remembered my hatred for the ‘Night Raid’ and wanted to arrest them all. After being brought to justice, Sai Liu couldn’t help but feel guilty for this.

His Majesty once said that what the eyes see is not necessarily the truth, which is really good.

Now His Majesty has also restored the ‘Night Raid’ to���Use it to let them join the newly established Jinyiwei department.

As expected of your Majesty, let these heroes who walk in the darkness appear openly to eliminate evil and uphold justice.

Then, everyone will be companions from now on. I hope we can get along well with them, Sai Liu secretly thought.

Like everyone else, she is a Teigu user, a member of the Imperial Guard chosen by His Majesty, and her Teigu is the ‘Little Bi’ at her feet.

The Teigu ‘Warcraft Transformation: Hundred-Armed Giant’ is a biological dog-type Teigu. It can become huge during battle and can be used for attack and defense. It can be regenerated continuously as long as the core is not broken. He also has the secret skill of ‘violating’. After becoming violent, various abilities will be greatly increased, but he will be unable to move for several months.

Seeing Sai Liu like this, there is no darkness or distortion in his heart, Bai Ming couldn’t help but secretly thought.

I did such a good job of guiding the girl to the right path and preventing her from falling into darkness. I was almost touched by myself.

“Hello you all!”

Just when Bai Ming was sighing, he was interrupted by an unexpected voice. He saw a cheerful-looking boy with short black hair carrying a packed package on his back. He raised one hand and looked at Bai Ming with a smile on his face. , Chitong, Sailiu and others greeted,”I’m from the Imperial Navy…….”

“Why don’t you just stay in the living room and wait for the call? Why did you come here?”Bai Ming asked

“Forehead……”Will’s forehead was dripping with cold sweat and he had an embarrassed expression on his face.

In order to build a good relationship with his colleagues, he arrived early. Who knew that the palace was too big for him, a man from a rural area, and he got dizzy and lost after just a few rounds.

I happened to see someone in front of me, so I couldn’t help but go forward to say hello and ask for directions.

“I……,I’m lost……”Will said sarcastically.”You can’t blame me. The palace is simply too big. I almost fainted after spinning around a few times.”

“Are you stupid?!”Bai Ming said angrily.

“ha……”Will laughed a few times, but suddenly remembered something, his eyes suddenly glowed, and he looked at Bai Ming and others eagerly,”You, are you also the ones selected to join the Jinyiwei?”

He could feel that the three people in front of him, Not an ordinary person.

The danger emanating from the girl with black hair and red eyes made his body instinctively alert and ready to enter combat mode at any time. As for women in military uniforms, the pets under their feet also give him a bad vibe, so it’s impossible not to take them seriously.

As for that young man, even though he was wearing pajamas, he still couldn’t hide his heroic appearance.


Why is a man so handsome?! You have obviously taken up more opportunities for other men. Apologize quickly! Apologize quickly! Will couldn’t help but curse in his heart.

Although Will is not too particular about people with good looks, he still can’t help but feel envious.

“Actually, you are right to say that. Bai Ming shrugged and said.

“Yeah?! That’s great, we are colleagues from now on, let’s get along well. Will said happily

“You guy, you must not be rude! Sai Liu was a little dissatisfied with Will’s casualness and felt that he was not respectful enough to the great emperor.”Although His Majesty is magnanimous and does not care about etiquette, this is not the reason for your rudeness.””

“Emperor……, His Majesty the Emperor……”Will looked confused and couldn’t help blinking his eyes. His mind went blank. He obviously still didn’t understand the situation, or he was vaguely aware of something.”Varied……, what is your majesty?……”

“I’m here!”Bai Ming glanced at Will with a half-smile, and said lightly.

“Guru……”Will swallowed wildly, his face instantly changed to a look of horror, and he stared at Bai Ming with wide eyes.”you……, you are His Majesty the Emperor……?!”

On his way to the imperial capital, he heard so many legends about His Majesty that his ears almost started to reverberate.

But what I heard were all praises and praises for His Majesty the Emperor. He was so wise and mighty. He was like a savior. He was worthy of being a god who came down to earth to save the world…….

Will couldn’t help but feel excited when he imagined meeting such a great emperor.

Who would have thought that they would meet under such circumstances and behave so disrespectfully? Will was panicked and felt heartbroken. He hoped that His Majesty the Emperor would not blame him.

“I am! What is the problem?”Bai Ming raised the corners of his mouth deeply and said

“no no no……, no problem at all! Your subordinates did not question your intentions. Will quickly waved his hands, looking like a little man who was at a loss when meeting a big man, and said,”When we first met, I was impressed by your wise and mighty demeanor, His Majesty the Emperor.”……”

In a panic, I quickly searched for the lines I had prepared for this. I said one sentence but forgot the following, and was just at a loss.

Really, I can’t even speak properly. Bai Ming glanced at Will with a slight dissatisfaction. He only talked about so few of my advantages. Where did the rest go? Get it back for me quickly! Please explain it clearly!!…….New books are on the shelves! Please give me flowers! Please review! Please collect it! Please subscribe! Please subscribe automatically!! Many thanks!!!

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