"In contrast, I also prefer to work at the boss's place, while practicing with Shizuka sister, to hone myself."

   Aoyama Qikaidao account.

   "That's it!"

   For Aoyama Nanami's choice, Shizuka Sakagi is a little surprised and regretful.

   But now that Qikai Aoyama has made her own choice, as a good friend of Qikai Aoyama, a good girlfriend, and a senior on the road of voice actors, she can only support her. .

Chapter 167:

   "Boss, you won't blame me!"

   also answered Shizuka Sakaki, almost subconsciously, Aoyama Nanami looked at the maple tree.

   After all, Maple suggested that she attend the lovelive conference last time.

   Maple was taken aback by Qikai Aoyama. He did suggest that Qikai Aoyama could participate in the lovelive conference yesterday, but he didn't ask Qikai Aoyama to participate.

   only, as a pure suggestion.

"of course not!"

   "I just give you a suggestion at random. The right to choose is yours, and I will not interfere with your choice."

   "It's better to say that you can make your choice quickly, which is great."

   "Just work hard for the choices and goals you make next, and don't care about the current decisions."

   Maple shook his head and said.


   Aoyama Qikai nodded firmly.

   Now that she has made the choice, she will not regret it.

   Just like she decided to become a seiyuu, she has never regretted this decision so far, and is constantly working hard for it.

   "Speaking of which, Minister, did you finally agree to participate in the lovelive conference?"

   After inquiring about Aoyama Nanami, Shizuka Sakaki remembered that Maple seemed to be related to the lovelive conference, and immediately asked with curiosity.

   "I think so!"

   "My staff, that is, the few people you met last time."

   "They were so excited yesterday that they uploaded a video of their performance when I didn't know it, but the upload was wrong, and the video with my participation was uploaded."

   "Even when I declared, I accidentally reported my name."

   "Originally I wanted to be a bystander, but now I should be involved too!"

   Maple shook his head helplessly.


   Hearing what Maple said, Shizuka Sakaki and Nanami Aoyama were immediately very curious.

   It’s not something else that made them curious, but the video where Maple played together.

   Not to mention, that video also included a few people who participated in the video.

   "Boss, your school is Toyonosaki, right, can we watch that video on the official website?"

   Sakagi Shizuka said curiously.

   Aoyama Nanami did not speak, but she still looked at him with an expression of expectation and curiosity.

   "Since all the posts are posted, I can watch them naturally."

   "After all, it's not a shameful video."

   "And, wouldn't you honestly not watch if I didn't let you see it?"

   Maple waved his hand casually.

   He doesn't mind the video of his performance being seen by others.

   If I really want to say it, I don’t know how many people have seen it since it was released.

   Even if he minds, is it useful?


   Hearing what Maple said, Shizuka Sakaki and Nanami Aoyama looked at each other and laughed.

   Immediately, they each took out their mobile phones, logged into lovelive's official website, and collected Toyonosaki High School to search for their team and their videos.

   After a while, they found it, opened it, and watched the content of the video.

   After watching the two videos in less than ten minutes, Shizuka Sakaki and Nanami Aoyama looked at the maple with a little shock.

   Although they are not professional musicians or something, as voice actors, they have received special training in some voice and singing skills.

   Therefore, their vision is naturally more sophisticated than ordinary people.

   After seeing the videos of the two performances of Maple’s team "K-ON", they were shocked.

   If it is said that Akiyama Mio’s singing level, singing skills, etc., there may still be some problems.

  The singing of Maple is completely top-notch.

   Even some top voice actors and top musicians seem to be inferior to Maple.

   The gap is evident.

   This surprised them too!

   Unexpectedly, Maple not only possesses such superb cooking skills, but also has such a top-notch singing and singing ability that they had never heard of before.

   Sure enough, the gap between people is huge.

   Especially between "mortal" and "genius".

   This makes Sakagi Shizuka and Aoyama Nanami smile a little bitterly.

   "By the way, K-ON seems to mean'light tone girl', right?"

   "Boss, did they take the name of this team too?"

   After feeling a little shocked by the singing level of Maple, Aoyama Nanami recalled the name "K-ON" and immediately said with a strange expression on her face.

   She is "smart", she can see through the meaning of "K-ON" at a glance.

   "It seems to be really!"

   Hearing what Aoyama Nanami said, Shizuka Sakagi also reacted.

   The Japanese pronunciation of "K" is "けい", and the Japanese pronunciation of "O" is "おん";

   "けい" and "おん" are pronounced together, "い" becomes a long accent, and the symbol is "-".

The Roman character for    "け-おん" is "K-ON".

   "K-ON", doesn't it mean "light tone girl"?

   "I think so!"

   "They took it for themselves, and they forgot the existence of me as a minister."

   "However, if someone asks at that time, they can have other explanations."

   "KudosOfNova, that is, the new star of glory!"

   "In short, it is also ‘KON’."

   Maple rubbed his head with some headache.


   "A glorious new star?"


   "This name is not bad!"

  After repeating the name several times, Qikai Aoyama and Shizuka Sakaki both brightened their eyes.

   If it were this name, it would be much better, and it would be more appropriate.

   Otherwise, it's called "K-ON", which is a girl with a light tone, Qin Blowing and the others are suitable.

   However, as far as Fengshu is concerned, it is indeed a bit out of place!

   "By the way, let me pull you into a group chat!"

   After chatting for a few words, I saw that Maple suddenly looked at Shizuka Sakaki and Nanami Aoyama and said something like this.


   When Maple suddenly said such a sentence, both Shizuka Sakaki and Nanami Aoyama were a little confused.

   When they were about to ask questions, they saw a beep from their mobile phones.

   Then, they found that their Line had joined a strange group chat.

   This is, is the name of this group chat a bit weird?

  Lovelive team? ? ?

   Seeing that the two looked at their phones with surprise, and then at themselves, Fengshu explained: "In this group chat, all people are attending the lovelive conference."

   "Kotobukiji and the others are here, and the other three are the girls from the Otosaka Kino Academy who are going to participate in the lovelive conference."

   "If there is nothing to do, you can communicate with each other."

   "After all, you are either busy with schoolwork, practice or work. You don't have much time to go out to communicate with your friends or play together, right?"

   This is also true!

   Sakaki Shizuka and Aoyama Nanami looked at each other tacitly.

  Isn’t that the way they usually do?

   But, even if there is no such reason.

  Since it was the group chat that Fengshu brought them in, they wouldn't quit.

   What's more, among them, there are a few of them who have only one side, but the girls who get along with them are fairly good, aren't they!

   (The author's words: the banned chapter is expected to be released tomorrow...).

Chapter 168:



   "This is, Shizuka sister, Nanami?"

  【Tai Zhongru】:

   "It seems to be really!"

  【Megumi Kato】:

   "It seems that Minister La Shizuka and Nanami came in!"

   In the group chat, several people in Qin Blowing are chatting.

   They discovered this almost when Maple pulled Shizuka Sakaki and Nanami Aoyama into the group.

   also discovered this, they were all surprised at once.

  【Kosaka Honoka】:

   "Sister Shizuka?"

   "Seven Seas?"

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