That night, Sennice and Lilia spent the whole day in the kitchen, making a big dinner.

At the dinner table, after Zeke and Rudy were seated.

Paul, Senyss, and Lilia all present birthday wishes to Zeke and Moment.

“Zeke, Moment, Happy Fifth Birthday!”.

“Thank you, Father, Mother, Lilia. Zeke and Akira laughed in response.

Speaking of which, this is Zeke’s first birthday in his previous life and in his current life.

When the blessing is over, it is naturally a time for food.

Paul, who had a few glasses of wine on his own, began his stunt of swallowing the sword raw.

I saw him holding a sword in one hand and wine in the other, and after a few strokes of the sword in the air with a slightly drunken face, he poured a sip of wine, put down the wine glass, and then put the long sword into his mouth until it touched the hilt of the sword.

And his unique skills also won the applause and applause of everyone.

After the meal, it is naturally a familiar gift-giving session.

Paul prepared two newly crafted swords and walked up to Zeke and Moment.

“Happy birthday, this is my birthday present to you. Paul handed Zeke and Moment in one hand.

This is a long sword specially commissioned by Paul to be made by a famous craftsman in the town, which shows that he has put great care into it.

The moment he took the gift, he opened it and looked at it, and immediately liked it, put down his sword, and gave Paul a big hug: “Thank you, father, I like it very much.” ”

Zeke took it with both hands and thanked with a smile: “Thank you father, I will cherish it.” ”

Despite his words, Zeke should basically not be used, because the Oath of Freedom is not only lightweight, but also sharper.

Then came Paul’s lecture time, but was directly interrupted by Senys because there was too much nonsense.

“It’s too much to talk about. Senys struck Paul in the back of the head with a knife. The crowd couldn’t help but laugh.

But Paul did not dare to complain, and the position of the family was clear at a glance.

Then Senyss took out two magic books and handed them to Zeke and Moment, “Happy birthday, this is my gift to you, remember to keep it safe.” ”

When Sennice went to Zeke and Aki’s room at night, she saw Zeke explaining the contents of the magic book to Zen, so she went out of her way to buy two.

“Well, thank you, Mother. ”

Finally, there was Lilia, who had prepared two emerald green pendants.

“I don’t have anything to prepare, these two pendants are a symbol of peace in my hometown, and I don’t know if you like it or not. ”

“How could it be, Lilia has worked so hard to take care of us all day, and she has specially prepared gifts for us, and we are too late to thank us. Zeke said with a smile, then took the pendant and put it around his neck.

“Me too, I love Lilia’s cooking. Instant also took the pendant and put it around his neck.

But after wearing it, he hurriedly added: “Of course, the food cooked by my mother is also delicious, but my father’s cooking is not delicious.” ”

Her words immediately made everyone laugh, and the atmosphere was so unhappy.

Late at night, Zeke, who was lying in bed, began to think about whether to make some noise.

After all, calculating the time, Blue Mother Luo Qixi should also have graduated from the University of Magic.

‘I have to find a chance to start the plot of Mama Blue.’ ’


Zeke and Zena’s birthdays have just passed a week, and the family has ushered in good news.

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Senys is pregnant!

The two worked hard for two whole years, and finally got results.

Just when Zeke was guessing if it was Rudy, another news suddenly advanced the plot.

Lilia is also pregnant!

At lunch, Lilia made the announcement.

“I’m so sorry, I’m pregnant. ”

Lilia suddenly announced the news to the people who were eating.

Not only was Sennice and Paul stunned, but even Zeke was stunned.

After all, if they are pregnant at the same time, then there is a high probability that the two will give birth to Nolan and Aixia, so what about Rudy?

Zeke thought of his previous guess, which was that Paul was the chosen reincarnation of this world.

But because the appearance of Zeke and Moment changed the status quo, the world directly deleted the character of Rudy.

At that time, when he first met Paul and Senyss, Zeke knew that something seemed wrong with the plot.

Because the normal plot should be that Senys was pregnant, the two of them withdrew from the adventurer team, but this time it was obviously not.

However, Rudy’s non-birth had no effect on Zeke, but it saved Zeke a lot of trouble.

After all, if Rudy also appeared in this world as a reincarnated person, what should Zeke do with it?

The best way to do this is to use optimization to modify Rudy’s memories and erase the memories of his past life to make him a true native.

Of course, this is the situation in which Zeke envisions Rudy’s existence, and since it doesn’t exist, then naturally there is no need to think about it so much.

However, it remains to be seen whether Rudy or Nolan will be born ten months later.

At this time, the atmosphere in the field also suddenly became solemn after Lilia’s announcement, adding another layer of frost to the already cold weather.

“Who is the other party?” asked Senyss with a ‘calm’ expression.

Lilia didn’t speak, and everyone noticed it at the same time, and they all looked at Paul.

Because Lilia basically stays at home except for business, and almost follows Paul when she goes out, so it is obvious that she agrees.

Although it was Lilia who took the initiative to seduce Paul first, Paul’s scumbag behavior of running away after playing is also an indelible fact.

And Paul still has a criminal record, he attacked Lilia at night when he was in exile to study in Lilia’s father’s dojo, and now he is back in the ashes.

There is no concept of contraception in this world, and accidental stroke is also a very common phenomenon.

Seeing this well-deserved result, Zeke couldn’t help but sigh in his heart: ‘Even if the plot changes, can’t it change this situation?’

Zeke actually has a sneering attitude towards Paul’s behavior, and when he decides to play, he has to think about the consequences, otherwise the consequences will be the current situation.

Although in this world, polygamy is legal.

But Paul made a vow to love only Sennice in the future before he successfully proposed, so scum is scum.

It is also that Senys’s temper and personality are much better, if it is replaced by someone else, Paul will end up with a sincere brother if he can’t keep it.

But apart from being a bit of a scumbag, Paul has nothing else to do with it, and he can be regarded as a good father and husband.

Zeke also loves Lilia very much, so this crisis can only be brought about by him.

Looking at Paul, Zeke muttered inwardly.

Paul, Paul, you brought it all upon yourself. ’


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