After school, Shiori went home with Tohka, and Tohka was in a dull mood all day.

If it wasn't for Shiori to accompany him, I'm afraid it would have erupted long ago.

On the way back, Shiori has been looking for topics and wants to arouse Tohka's interest, but now, except for Mo Li's matter, nothing else can attract Tohka's attention.

In this way, the two returned home with difficulty, but found that the door was wide open, workers kept coming in and out, and a girl's voice came from inside.

Shiori came to the door, and after confirming that it was his home, he walked in curiously.

"Here here, this is my most beloved baby, take it easy."

"Ah, this is a new brush from a technology company, it's amazing, it's going to be very expensive.

Shiori poked his head in from the door and found a gray-haired girl directing the workers to carry out the demolition work.

Tohka also squeezed in, and when she saw that her belongings had been removed, she stepped forward angrily and asked:

"Who are you and why are you here?"

"Well, of course I am the mistress of this house, and your room will be mine in the future!"

"Huh? What a joke, this is where I live, why should I give it to you?"

Erya smiled. She had already learned all the information about this family through the snort, and of course she knew that Tohka was also a elf, and she was also a family member of Mo Li.

Seeing that the two girls were arguing, Shiori quickly came up to persuade them, but this girl seemed to have seen it before.

The last time in Fraxinus, Shiori had seen Erya's appearance, but the picture was rather blurry, and it was after the reversal, so I couldn't remember it for a while.

"It's so noisy, Erya, did you call for this case of wine outside the door, didn't you say you're not allowed to buy wine!"

Mo Li's voice came from outside the door, and Shiori was stunned on the spot. He really didn't die.

When Tohka saw Mo Li walk into the house, she hurriedly flew over and fell straight into Mo Li's arms.

"Mo Li, where have you gone, I thought, thought you..."

As she spoke, Tohka's tears couldn't stop flowing out. Because of Origami's words, Tohka thought a lot in her heart. Now, after seeing Mo Li, she broke out completely.

Mo Li wiped the tears from Tohka's face and explained:

"Didn't I come back, did I obey you at school 〃〃?"

"Hmm, Tobiichi Origami of Damn it lied to me that Mo Li was dead, and I won't be able to spare him next time."

"So that's the case, so they have already received the news, it's quite fast!"

Mo Li didn't expect that only two days before the eruption of the volcano, AST would already know the news that he was buried in the magma, and if so, Ratatosk also knew.

From the moment Mo Li entered the door, the surprised expression on Shiori's face, Mo Li knew the truth of the matter.

It seems that he can find himself in the Pacific Ocean, and he seems to be impressed by Ratatosk's technology.

"Ah, my wine, how can such a cute baby be left on the ground like this."

"Hehe, Erya, as I said, you are not allowed to buy some messy things. 99

"How can this be such a mess, it's the source of my life, and without them, I wouldn't even have the motivation to live!35

Mo Li's brows twitched, this guy is incurable, not to mention the otaku, he's still an alcoholic.

In order to break Diyana's unreachable fantasy, Mo Li immediately used divine power and threw the wine crate into the space.

It didn't take long for Erya's miserable wailing to be heard in the whole room.

Looking at Erya who was constantly rolling on the ground, Shiori couldn't resist, and quickly asked:

"Mo Li, who is this person..."

"The elf, whose real name is Honjo Erya, is a useless cartoonist drunkard with zero combat power!""

"Hmph, now to add the last one, I'm still the servant of the Demon King. 39

"Shut up for me, well, although I really don't want to admit it, but for many reasons, I contracted this guy too."

When Tohka heard that Erya was also a family member, her face suddenly bulged, as if her exclusive title had been robbed.

Fortunately, Mo Li knew Tohka's weakness and touched her head, which turned Tohka's sorrow into joy.

Another elf? Shiori is not very interested in the new elf. She mainly wants to know how Mo Li escaped, but she is too embarrassed to bring it up in front of Tohka.

Mo Li saw through Shiori's thoughts at a glance, smiled slightly, and did not explain, he is not the kind of brainless villain, and he also introduced his skills.

The secret of Shenwei, the fewer people know, the better. Once it is discovered, it is not regarded as a life-saving skill.

At this time, Kotori also walked in from the outside. Seeing that there were so many people in the room, Kotori, who was in the mode of her sister with white hair, immediately hid behind Shiori.

When Kotori appeared again, he had already put on a black headband, and his aura had changed.

"Why, Mo Li, aren't you going to explain it? It's okay to leave without saying goodbye. Now you dare to bring a woman into the house casually, and you can pay it back in the future."

"Explain? Don't you see clearly in the sky, do you still need me to explain?"

When Mo Li said this, Qin Li was suddenly choked and speechless.

Could it be that he has already discovered our surveillance, shouldn't it, it is in outer space, and the perception is so far away.

No, no, Kotori shook his head, the biggest possibility was that Shiori said something was missing, yes, that must be the case.

"Hmph, anyway, we don't have any vacancies at home anymore, so you should move out. 35

"Qinli, how can you do this?

Before Mo Li could speak, Shiori stood up first. It was too hurtful to do so. Aren't you afraid that Mo Li would get angry?

Seeing that Mo Li didn't take the bait, but Shiori did, Kotori was speechless and explained:

"You'll know when you come with me.

Mo Li and the others followed Kotori out, and Shiori followed in confusion.

Behind Wuhe's house, a brand-new apartment building appeared in front of everyone's eyes, which obviously hadn't been there a few days ago.

Kotori stood in front of the building with a proud face, this was the speed of Ratatosk.

"As I said before, a special house for elves is to be built, from today onwards, Mo Li, you can bring your family to live here.

"Oh, well thought out, Kotori!

Mo Li looked at the newly built building, stepped forward and rubbed Kotori's head to express his satisfaction.

Unexpectedly, Kotori pushed Mo Li's hand away, his face flushed slightly, and his voice was much lower than before.

(Ho Nuo Zhao)

"Anyway, all in all, you stay here first, and you can come to me if you need anything."

"As expected of Kotori, hehe, I can't wait to go in and see, Mo Li! 35

Tohka looked at Mo Li with expectant eyes, and it was self-evident that she wanted Mo Li to accompany her in.

"Okay, let's go in together!

"Hey, am I going to move just after finishing the renovation, really, fail fail Zhu!"

With a decadent look on her face, Erya entered the elf apartment with Mo Li behind him.

As soon as he entered the front door, Mo Li felt a sense of surveillance, turned his head to look at Kotori, and saw that Kotori was looking away for a moment, and there was a trace of cold sweat on his head.

Should I be so sensitive, I have reduced the number of monitoring, how can I still be discovered.

Being stared at by Mo Li was so unbearable that Kotori had to beg for mercy:

"Okay, I see. Tomorrow someone from Ratatosk will come to take down these surveillance cameras."5

"Well, let's go, Tohka, Erya!"

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