Mo Li, who has gradually returned to his daily life, has recently been targeted by Origami for some unknown reason.

Ever since Mo Li came back from Nerilu Island, Origami has been pestering him every day, asking what happened that day.

Mo Li naturally won't tell the truth of the matter, but Origami seems to be relentless, believing that Mo Li must have some ulterior secret, and stalking him all day long.

No, Origami came over when Mo Li was about to enjoy lunch made by Shiori just after the morning class was over.

I saw Origami move the table directly to Mo Li's desk, ready to have lunch together.

At this time, Tohka, who was on the other side, couldn't see it anymore, so she also moved her own desk and joined Mo Li's desk.

"Tobiichi Origami, don't get in the way here, Mo Li wants to eat with me.""

"This sentence should be said by me, besides, I was the first to move here.

"Ah, I don't care, I'm going to sit here!"

Mo Li was caught between the two "three nine seven" and silently swallowed what he wanted to say.

Originally, he wanted to eat on the roof of the school, but in front of the two of them, Mo Li chose to remain silent.

A drop of cold sweat ran across Mo Li's head, how could his heart beat so fast, it shouldn't be.

Mo Li shook his head, the two women in front of him put more pressure on him than the brave man.

"Uh, why don't we all sit down and eat together!"

After hearing Mo Li's words, Tohka and Origami sat down at the same time, and took out their bento at the same time.

The moment Mo Li opened the bento, Origami found a clue that Mo Li and Tohka's bento were actually the same dishes, which made Origami couldn't help staring at Mo Li.

"What, the situation? Explain!"

"Well, I bought it at the same bento shop in the morning, and Tohka happened to be there, so..."

Mo Li swallowed, Origami's current state is thousands of times more powerful than her wearing the display device.

This explanation was obviously unacceptable to Origami, and she picked up Mo Li's bento box and said:

"Liar, this container is what you bought a month ago at a store near the school for 1,580 yen, and you have been using it until now, not a bento shop.

"Hey, do you AST even have to check this, it's too suspicious.

"This is not important now, please answer my question directly!"

Although Origami is now expressionless, why did Mo Li feel a little bit of fear from it.

Seeing that Mo Li had been chatting with Origami, Tohka put down his chopsticks and said angrily:

"What have you been talking about since just now, don't ignore me!

"Student Mo Li, I don't know if the bento I made suits your taste."

At this moment, a voice came from behind Mo Li, which immediately made Mo Li's back feel cold. He turned around and saw that it was Shiori Wukawa, looking at him with a smile.

At this time, don't come out and make trouble, okay, didn't you see Origami's eyes changed?

Just as Mo Li was racking his brains on how to round the field, the alarm of the spacequake sounded, awakening the four of them.

"A precursor to a space earthquake was observed in this area just now, this is not training, please go to the shelter immediately...

Tobiichi Origami was the first to stand up and walked quickly towards the door, which should be going to the underground base of AST.

This also made Mo Li temporarily relieved, glared at Shiori and said:

"Shori, you go to evacuation first, Tohka and I will go to see which elf has appeared again."

"Alas, I would like to seek refuge, but my sister will not give up so easily.

Shiori sighed and said, Kotori's character is too familiar to her, how could she miss this opportunity.

Mo Li has already contracted two elves, and Shiori has not sealed one yet, which makes Kotori, who has always had a strong self-esteem, swallow this breath.

Ratatosk exists just for this moment, otherwise, what is the point of her being this commander.

Mo Li also discussed this aspect with Kotori. Even if Shiori seals the elf, there is still the possibility of the reverse flow of spiritual power, which is of no use at all.

But Kotori still believed that her sister could do it, and in the end the negotiation had to be left to nothing.

"Classmates, there is a space earthquake warning, please go to evacuation! 39

The head teacher, Gangfeng Zhuhui, opened the class door and shouted loudly, and the other students stood up and walked towards the shelter.

Due to the frequent sound of the space earthquake alarm during this period, the students were all used to it, but they did not cause too much panic and lined up in an orderly manner.

Shiori's cell phone also rang, and soon after it was connected, Reine Muramame who came over was picked up.

Soon, only Mo Li and Tohka were left in the entire classroom.

Tohka was still eating with big mouthfuls, unaware of what happened.

"Really, Mo Li and Tohka, hurry to the shelter! 35

"Yes, teacher, go and organize the other students first, the two of us will arrive later.

Mo Li temporarily perfunctory Gangfeng Zhuhui, joking, if you don't go to this occasion, wouldn't it be cheaper for the Ratatosk group...

"Come on, Tohka, let's meet our new friend.""

"Oh, but, I haven't eaten enough yet.

"Come back and eat again, now there are more important things!"

Mo Li pulled Tohka up and took her into the Shenwei space, waiting for the space shock to come.

Not long after, there was a loud noise not far from the school. The power was not too great, but it only shattered some glass.

In the center of the spacequake, a blue-haired girl wearing a green rabbit ear hood slowly opened her eyes.

On the girl's left hand is a funny rabbit doll, which is Yoshino that Mo Li met that day.

The elves called Hermits by AST are identified as more docile in temperament and less powerful.

Phlexinas, Command Room.

Shiori was standing in front of the big screen, listening to Kannazuki Kyohei's introduction to Yoshino.

Kotori was sitting on the chair with a calm face, this time the elves in this world were easy targets to deal with.

"Shori, it's time for your performance. 35

"However, classmate Mo Li shouldn't let me get involved.

"Don't worry, that guy said, it's up to you, if you can make the elf empathize, he won't do anything to you!

Shiori twitched the corners of his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, empathy, thank you for being able to say it.

At the same time, AST also quickly arrived at the scene and launched an attack on Yoshino.

Countless muzzles were aimed at Yoshino, and bullets poured out and shot at Yoshino.

Four 5.5 Itono glanced at the sky, and immediately flew up, so fast that even the bullets fired couldn't catch up with her.

Shiori looked at Yoshino who kept running away, and in her eyes, it was just a child of thirteen or fourteen years old.

"Kotori, I, want to save that girl!""

"This is my sister, everyone, first-level strategy, prepare! 55

Shiori's eyes became more and more firm, and he ran towards the place of transmission. This time, he must succeed.

"Come on, let's start our war (date)!"

"Commander, found the trail of the Demon Lord (? Archfiend), target the top floor of the shopping street.

"Has it finally appeared, call up the image for me right away!

On the big screen, the figures of Mo Li and Tohka appeared. The windbreaker on Mo Li's body was rustling, and with the evil face, people couldn't help but be fascinated by it.

Yoshino, we meet again!

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