Kotori bit the lollipop in her mouth, pressed the button in her hand, and then three options appeared on the screen:

1. Rooftop

2. Health room

3. Canteen and Commissary

"All members choose, within five seconds!

Kotori gave an order, and everyone on Fraxinas made their own choices.

Soon, the results were displayed on Kotori's home screen.

"As expected, the rooftop is the most popular! 35

"When it comes to dating at school, the rooftop must be the first choice. A quiet space and a broad view can make people forget themselves and embrace each other."

"Agreed, according to the ranking of high school dating sites, rooftops are the best place after The Grove. 35

Hearing the members' explanations, Kotori nodded, her opinion was basically the same as everyone else.

However, there were other options on the screen, and Kotori wanted to hear other people's opinions.

"Rooftop, who chose the third one?"

"it's me!"

One hand was raised, and Kotori looked back, it was Anatomical Guanmura Uyin.

"It really surprised me, can you tell me why?"

"It's just a simple exclusion method. There is a health care teacher in the infirmary. If you are on the rooftop, I suggest you watch the surveillance video on the rooftop!

Hearing Reine's words, Kotori's eyes froze for a moment, and she quickly recalled the picture of the school rooftop.

I saw Mo Li and Tohka leaning on the railing, and the two were talking and laughing about something.

Mo Li seemed to sense that someone was watching him, and grinned at the sky, making Kotori even more uncomfortable.

Seeing this scene, Qin Li also understood why Lingyin didn't choose the first one. Everyone said they couldn't help, so how could she rush to deliver it herself.

For this reason, Kotori could only grit his teeth and give up this excellent choice, instead agreeing with Reine's idea.

"Shori, can you hear me, choose 3!"

After receiving Kotori's instructions, the taxi over there gained confidence in the face of Kurumi's question and said:

"Then let's go to the cafeteria and the canteen first!"

Kurumi also pretended not to hear, smiled and nodded.

The two came to the canteen, and Shiori began to introduce the products one by one, but unfortunately, Kurumi is not an elves who can be conquered by simply using soybean flour bread.

On the other side of the school, Mo Li is watching Shiori's every move with clairvoyance.

I actually chose the cafeteria directly. It really has the style of Ratatosk. It's a pity that the rooftop is such a good location.

"Mo Li, Mo Li, where the hell is the show, I haven't seen anything.

"I'm sorry, I forgot that Tohka can't see it, you come with me.

"Eh, what is it!"

Tohka pouted angrily, and was dragged to the school rooftop by Mo Li after school, saying that there was a good show to watch, but who knew that after arriving, there was nothing but Mo Li entertaining herself.

Mo Li also apologized again and again, and assured that it was definitely a big show, and dragged Tohka downstairs involuntarily.

He kept this famous scene firmly in his mind, even after so long, Mo Li still remembered it.

The two ran to a corner, Mo Li motioned for Tohka to make a sound, and quietly stuck out his head to check the distance, but it happened to collide with Origami's head.

"Toiichi-san, what are you doing here?"

"That's exactly what I'm asking, what are you and Tohka doing here after school?

"Why don't you ask, the new storm... no, the new spirit appears, how could I not come? 35

"The reason is the same as above, in order to protect Shiori-kun!"5

Mo Li and Origami looked at each other, and after a brief cold war, the two held hands together at the same time.

Tohka looked at the two of them with a veiled face, and when they saw the hands they held together, she hurriedly stepped forward and pushed Origami away, protecting Mo Li behind her.

Mo Li smiled and touched Tohka's head, and said to Origami:

"Since the interests are the same, I suggest acting together!

"Agreed, but only this time."

Mo Li didn't answer either, and the kaleidoscope writing wheel appeared, instantly pulling the three into the Shenwei space.

Even if it is stalking, Mo Li has to follow him openly. Although he can't see himself on the opposite side and is not in the same space, this is my ninja way...ahem, my nature.

Since it was the first time for Origami to come to the Shenwei space, she was shocked and froze in place, unable to speak.

The communicator could not be used, and the signal could not be sent out. Tobiichi Origami's eyes when looking at Mo Li changed instantly.

Origami's vigilant eyes are not worth mentioning in Mo Li's eyes at all. People in this world can't understand ninjutsu, let alone the limit of blood circulation such as Sharinyan.

In this world, taking the road of science and technology, the only thing that counts as mysterious are those magicians and elves, but the main body is still the CR-Unit display device.

"What the hell are you here, who are you? 35

"I told you a long time ago that I am the Demon King, it's just that you are deceiving yourself and not believing it.

'. "Teach me, teach me this trick. 35

"Don't think about it, you don't have that talent, and you don't have that bloodline!

Mo Li immediately rejected Origami's request. It's been so long, why is this guy still obsessed.

Origami didn't even think that Mo Li would agree, so he turned his head and "shouted", still refusing to give up.

Mo Li is the only person Origami has ever seen who can defeat an elf. Mana's strength is very powerful, but in front of Mo Li, Origami thinks that she will never go through three moves.

Especially under these unpredictable abilities, Origami could not see the chance of winning.

Just as Origami was about to dig deeper, Shiori's voice came from outside:

"Kangsan-san, are you listening to me seriously?"

"Ahhhh, I'm really sorry, I was a little fascinated by the profile of Shiori-san.

Kurumi blinked lightly at Shiori a few times, and Shiori stepped back a few steps, hesitatingly speechless, and his heart began to beat violently uncontrollably.

Shiori's face (Zhao's) began to appear slightly red, and Kotori's voice suddenly sounded from the earphones.

"Sister, what can you do if you are being attacked, cheer up a little! 35

"Sorry, but what should I do next?"

Shiori whispered to Kotori for help, it was the first time Kotori had encountered such a troublesome spirit.

Usually, like Tohka and Yoshino, they are ignorant of the world, and at most they are just adapting to human life like Erya.

And Kuang San obviously surpassed them too much. Not only did he have a lot of common sense, but even the old drivers in Ratatosk couldn't stand it, let alone the fledgling taxi organization.

"This is a completely different type of elf than before.

"It's a rare opportunity, but I want to get more information, maybe I can find out something about Mo Li."

"Commander, you seem to be paying special attention to that Mo Li recently."

"Hey, do I have it, don't, don't think about it, it's just to keep him from getting in the way of my sister, that's all.

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