Chapter 64: Grow up with supreme true demons, become demon immortals, and shatter the void!.

Su Chen gently shook the folding fan in his hand and continued, “World! ”

“For more than a thousand years, this person has actually been secretly helping the world, maintaining peace in the general direction of the world, and wanting to create a peace.”

“During this period, I met the love of my life and gave birth to two sons, but his two sons are full of ambition!”

“In the past, this person felt uneasy, and his intuition told others that there would be a catastrophe, so he left his family behind and walked the Shenzhou Continent alone to find out the reason, and this difference is fifteen years! ~”

“Then he parted and returned, his wife had died, and his two children had grown up and founded the portal, ruling over all the evil doors!”

“The brothers have been dependent on their mother since childhood, and due to the lack of father’s love and care, the relationship between father and son has broken down, so the brothers have strong hatred and disgust for their father!”

“He saw that the two children were obsessed, and judged that the two would become devils in the long run, and he decided to abolish the two sons with a decent style, so he fought, but was secretly unsuccessful!”

“In the end, he continued to understand, and only then did he know that the future catastrophe would be driven by his two sons!”

Speaking of this, Su Yan sighed and shook his head: “After going around in circles for decades, the result turned out to be by his side, it really makes people have to sigh, fate is wonderful!” ”

After hearing this, everyone in the audience was stunned.

Unexpectedly, this fate turned out to be so tricky, he himself is a righteous person, but his two children have become the leaders of the evil sect.

In order to find the source of the catastrophe, he went out for fifteen years, gave up his two children and his wife, and in the end, it turned out that the source accomplices were his two children!

If he hadn’t left his wife and children behind, wouldn’t it have turned out to be the case?

Fate played a big joke on that man!

Everyone sighed helplessly, and said one after another: “Alas, this, where does this make people start!” Going around in circles is actually in itself? What a speechlessness! ”

“Die of laughter, is this the typical darkness under the lights? This person is also strange and pitiful, I thought that he lived for more than 4,000 years, and his life must be extremely luxurious and happy, but I didn’t expect it to be so unfortunate, blind to the blood of the dragon turtle! ”

“What makes me curious is, what is this impending catastrophe? Did the man find out the final reason? After all, his two children are just accomplices! ”

“I only hope that the True Dragon Dragon Yuan will not be obtained by the bad people in the future, and this kind of mistake will not be made again, and it is not good to benefit the people well?”

Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou in the private room were also a little stunned at this time.

This immortal did not expect to be completely different from what they thought.

Life is crotch-pulling, the two children are still diametrically opposed to him, and the feelings have been atonement for their sins all their lives, and fate is really playing tricks.

That person’s life was actually so dramatic, Lu Xiaofeng couldn’t help but shake his head with a wry smile,

“What is this called! In the end, it’s all their family? ”

Hua Manlou was also a little stunned, and sighed: “I don’t know what this thousand-year calamity is, but it sounds terrible, and I don’t know what the two children of that person are cultivating now.” ”

When Lu Xiaofeng heard this, he would also be extremely curious in his heart.

According to Fangcai Su Gongzi, the man fought with his two children, but because he was secretly calculated, he let the two children escape.

Considering that person has lived for so long and has a land immortal cultivation, then if his two children can escape in his hands, at least it is also a heavenly and human realm cultivation!

Accomplices of the catastrophe of two Heavenly and Human Realm powerhouses? Isn’t the person behind the scenes who is leading the promotion a proper land god fairyland?

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaofeng immediately took a breath of cold air, got up and asked in a loud voice: “Young Master Su, may I ask how strong are these immortals and the two children he gave birth to?” ”

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Su Yan on the stage with his eyes shining, hoping that what he was thinking was just his guess, not reality!

Otherwise, this Central Plains martial arts is afraid that there will really be a catastrophe!

When Su Yan heard this, he turned his head and continued to answer lightly: “Lu Gongzi is worthy of being a smart person, and he thought of the key!” Don’t worry, and listen to me slowly! ”

“That man has lived for thousands of years, cultivating the world, and during this period, he created a world-shattering divine skill, and this divine skill was also learned by his two children!”

“This divine function uses the sun and the moon as the medium, and uses the four phases of wind, thunder, fire and rain for its own use, not only is yin and yang complementary, but also endless, majestic, really magical!”

“And these two brothers, with their first entry into this divine skill, have already been able to suppress many martial arts masters and unify all the evil sects.”

“After the battle between them and their father, the two were seriously injured, lest their father find them, so they decided to travel to Dongying to recuperate in seclusion, and at the same time use this to cultivate divine skills with peace of mind to Dacheng!”

“At this time, the two brothers are already demon god-like existences, and will soon help the person behind the scenes to promote the Thousand Autumn Killing!”

“And why did the two brothers help promote the Thousand Autumn Tribulation, what strength do they have now, who is the person behind this Thousand Autumn Tribulation, and what is their purpose?”

“There is still a lot to talk about here, so let’s put it in the next issue to inventory the ten demon gods in the world!” In this issue, we will specifically inventory the method of immortality! ”

After Su Yan’s words were finished, he did not answer Lu Xiaofeng’s question, which made everyone a little disappointed. But what followed was a huge curiosity in my heart about the ten demon gods in the world!

Everyone was curious about the cultivation of the two brothers, curious about the questions thrown by Su Yan later, and even more curious about who the ten demon gods in the world were, and what kind of stories were there!

The heart is itchy, but it can’t be scratched, making everyone uncomfortable!

One by one, scratching their ears and cheeks, making continuous noises,

“Oh hey, Young Master Su is going to kill me, this is half talking, are you curious about me?”

“Say, are you trying to kill me curious and inherit a few taels of my broken silver? Those two brothers, you said that you have become a demon god-like existence, but you did not go to the second floor, which makes my heart itch! ”

“Wow! The ten demon gods in the world, I am looking forward to it! It’s so cool, whether it’s the Immortal Law or the Ten Demon Gods, this is me and other mortals! Can you listen? ”

“Young Master Su, since this is going on for the next issue, can you continue to talk about who this immortal person is! Part of the problem is solved first! ”

“If I can’t beat Su Gongzi, I want to open his brain to see the answer!” I have to leave it for this inventory, alas! ”

Lu Xiaofeng sat down satisfactorily at this time.

How clever he was, he did not feel that Su Gongzi was avoiding answering like everyone in the hall, on the contrary, Su Gongzi had actually given the answer to the question.

That is, the two brothers have now become great demon gods!

Xiang Yutian in that demon path, known as the evil emperor, who cultivated to the heavens, was the number one enemy in the famous and righteous path!

And such legendary figures, judging from the nickname, the Great Demon God is definitely not worse than the Evil Emperor, then it means that the two brothers must be the existence above the land immortals!

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaofeng’s heart was extremely complicated for a while, as a righteous person, he naturally did not want to see this scene, but there was no way, the enemy was so powerful.

“Alas, two brothers, the nickname of the Great Demon God! The strength of those two brothers must be unattainable, and this catastrophe seems to be difficult to resolve. ”

Lu Xiaofeng said with some concern.

Hua Manlou heard Lu Xiaofeng’s voice and was a little worried, so he smiled and comforted: “Brother Lu, why should you think more, when the sky falls, there will naturally be a tall top.” ”

“Besides, Young Master Su is not panicking, what are you panicking?”

Hua Manlou is always like this, as if no matter what kind of suffering it is, he can’t make the smile on his face disappear, he is always so indifferent, and he has a peaceful style of life.

Even though he is blind, it still does not affect his beauty and tolerance of the world.

Lu Xiaofeng listened to Hua Manlou’s words at this time, and his eyes lit up: “Yes, Su Gongzi is so omniscient and omniscient, there must be a way to solve it!” ”

“What the hell am I doing! It’s not my turn at all! ”

“Haha! Brother Hua, what you said is reasonable! ”

Lu Xiaofeng, who wanted to open, returned to normal, and his heart was no longer worried, and he was relieved.

After Hua Manlou heard the improvement in Lu Xiaofeng’s words, he smiled slightly on his face, scratched his head and listened carefully to the discussion of everyone in the Drunken Immortal Building.

At this time, the person in the audience spoke: “Young Master Su, who is this person who obtained the blood of the dragon turtle?” Where are the dragon turtles? If you want to kill it, it won’t be as harsh as a real dragon, right? ”

As soon as these words came out, they immediately received the echo of everyone.

Since the Great Demon God is left for the next issue, this dragon turtle that can make people live forever is also curious!

Su Yan saw that the crowd was excited to know the answer, and he didn’t embarrass them, which could be regarded as a compensation for the other party’s appetite behavior.

“This person who drinks the blood of the dragon turtle is called Xiao San Xiao!”

“He has lived in Lingzhou for more than four thousand years, and his cultivation can be called a true heaven!”

Su Yan said here and reminded everyone.

“If any of you want to go back to eighteen, you can trouble him!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was a little confused.

At first, they thought that they could return to the age of 18 and get a great immortal life by looking for laughter and three smiles, but the latter half of the sentence said that it was troublesome to find laughter and laugh three times?

For a while, no one reacted, and after a long time, someone suddenly shouted: “Wow! Young Master Su, your brain teaser is too bad! ”

“Yes, such a big bend! Almost didn’t react! Young Master Su, your habit is not good, and you are not afraid of cold death if you come to a cold joke! ”


“I know! What Su Gongzi means is that the strength of that smile is amazing, let’s not go to Lingzhou to provoke him without opening our eyes, otherwise we can only meet again in eighteen years! ”

“After all, it takes time to grow up, right?”


Su Yan saw that everyone was enlightened, and they also smiled, but they were not joking, and continued to explain:…

“Although this dragon turtle does not have the same powerful attack power as a real dragon, and it does not have so many rules, its defense is amazing!”

“If there is no land god fairyland, I am afraid that it will stand in front of you, and you will not be able to cut it for half a month.”

“And if you want to get the Dragon Turtle Essence Blood, there is a place!”

“That is, in the North Sea abyss of the Shenzhou Continent, there are still dragon turtles alive!”

After Su Yan finished speaking, everyone in the audience was a little disappointed.

This dragon turtle did not expect that the defense power was so amazing, and just breaking through its defenses required a land god fairy realm master.

And their cultivation is ordinary, naturally they have no chance of this dragon turtle immortal method.

And some people who are self-aware and purely curious and want to see the dragon turtle are also disappointed when they learn that the dragon turtle is in the abyss of the North Sea.

In the abyss of the North Sea, people don’t have to think about seeing the dragon turtle in this life, unless the opportunity comes, the dragon turtle takes the initiative to appear, otherwise there is no need to think.

Everyone was a little disappointed, and sighed: “This dragon turtle, how can it live so far, it is not as good as that real dragon!” ”

“That’s right, the North Sea is also counted, it is still in the abyss, even if it is a land immortal, it is difficult to find, right?”

“You guys are content, no matter what kind of immortal method, it is not something I can covet, just broaden your horizons!”

“Haha, this brother is reasonable, I toast you!” If this method of immortality is easy, it will not be our turn, and if it is difficult, it will not be our turn! ”

“It’s this reason, this before, I never thought that the four divine beasts really existed, so amazing!”


In the private room, Zhao Gao was full of regret.


This dragon turtle seems to be unworkable, in the abyss of the North Sea, even if his Luo Net is powerful, it is impossible to find the dragon turtle. Since the dragon turtle can’t work, then it seems that he can only think of a way on the real dragon.

But Zhao Gao had a headache when he thought of the killing conditions of that true dragon, where could he get so many land immortals and peerless divine weapons?

“Or, cooperate with General Meng Tian to promote this matter together, and let Daqin contribute to take down this dragon yuan and gain a reward?”

Zhao Gao’s eyes lit up and felt that this matter was feasible.

Since this dragon yuan can’t take it by himself, why not directly become an adult beauty and seek some benefits from it? You know, the Great Qin Ancestral Dragon is not stingy at all, and the reward is often a big wave!

After going back later, wouldn’t it be beautiful to report the true dragon together with Meng Tian, promote this matter together, and contribute together? When Zhao Gao thought of this, he immediately felt a little better, and even cocked Erlang’s legs!

Looking at Su Yan’s eyes, it is also a little complicated, he is in a high position, and he has seen all kinds of strange things. But like this Su Gongzi, there is none! Not a single one!

Most of them are either liars or Taoist priests who are good at calculations, but the Taoist priests only measure an approximate one, and they can’t do it as much detail as Su Yan!

“Oh, the same as the fan!”


In another private room, Zuo Lengchan, the head of the Songshan Sect, was full of regret. I didn’t expect that in the end, it turned out to be such a result.

The abyss of the North Sea, a distant word.

Even if Daming has a sea, but he has not been there, Daming is too big, and the Shenzhou continent is even bigger!

Many people spend their entire lives living in their own countryside or never going out of town.

Although he Zuo Lengchan has also traveled to many places in Daming, there are still many places that he has not visited. Not to mention, it takes the Land God Fairy Realm to break through the defense of that dragon turtle.

Even if he gathered all the people to attack the dragon turtle, he thought that he was just giving the dragon horn a full body massage. Thinking of this, Zuo Lengchan was a little frustrated,

“In this way, this dragon turtle doesn’t need to think about it!”

The two taibao were also indignant at this time: “This fucking mother, where is the North Sea Abyss?” I haven’t heard of it, how to find this! ”

“That’s it, its turtle shell is too fucking thick! Land immortals can only move, outrageous! ”

Zuo Lengchan looked at the two a little speechless,

“What are you two excited about! Which of these immortal methods can be easily obtained? ”

“I kind of understand, the threshold of this immortal law is the land immortal, otherwise I don’t even have the qualifications to compete!”

The two taipo immediately nodded and said yes,

“The boss is right! Wise in charge! ”


Su Yan on the stage looked at the night outside, slowly put down the teacup in his hand and said: “Everyone, it’s not too early now, this explanation of the immortal method will end here!” ”

“In the next issue, I will explain to you the inventory of the world’s demons!”

“The two ways of righteousness and demon in the world have been fighting for hegemony since ancient times, and the righteous path is innumerable, and the demonic path is naturally not far behind!”

“Now, some people in the Demon Dao have broken through the heavenly machine, soared away, and become a generation of Demon Immortals! Achievements are not even under the orthodox masters of Xuanmen! ”

“There is no unbroken banquet in the world, let’s see you next time!”

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