Shonen Jump Manga, Sakurajima’s most widely circulated serial manga magazine.

The most popular manga and anime adaptations on the market are basically from here.

As an old second hedgehog, Yingli Pear naturally developed the habit of chasing every issue of Junior Jump, and almost every issue will be bought back directly as soon as it is released.

Coupled with her status as a popular fanart, she will always pay attention to the most popular characters in the current popular comics, and then carry out secondary fan creations.

Unpacking the comic in his hand and smelling the faint aroma of ink, Ying Li Li is particularly looking forward to this issue of the comic.

Because the official Shonen Jump just released news before the release, previewing manga master Taro Kameda’s latest masterpiece “One Piece” and newcomer Amaterasu-sama’s “Demon Slayer’s Blade”.

What makes Eiri look forward to is naturally the manga master, Taro Kameda, this one in the comic book industry, that can only be described in three words, heavyweight!

Almost all the comics created by him can occupy the top of the best-selling list of comics, which is not a bad thing.

As for the newcomer named Amaterasu-sama, Eiri selectively ignored it.

In her cognition, the comics of newcomers are generally … Indescribable.

Ying Li Li opened the manga, flipped directly to the position of the One Piece, and began to read it with interest.

As the name suggests, the story “One Piece” is set in the “Age of the Great Bandit”, telling the story of the plastic man Rufu who aims to become the Bandit King and his companions embark on an adventure on the mountain.

Kameda Taro still maintains his previous style, revolving around friendship and victory.

But Ying Li frowned slightly after reading the first volume.

It’s not that this comic is bad, objectively speaking, the level of “One Piece” is above the standard line, whether it is storyboard or drawing, it exceeds most comics on the market.

But she always felt a little bored.

Mr. Kameda Taro’s works, Eiri has seen almost everything, and can be called an old fan, from the work that has just debuted to the latest work now, this feeling is becoming more and more pronounced.

In her opinion, Kameda Taro is now facing the drawbacks that many famous manga artists have – the plot is too routine.

Every time the work is a new wine in an old bottle, it seems to have changed the theme, but in fact it is still the same routine and core.

When you see the beginning, you can guess the plot of the ending, which greatly reduces her surprise as a reader.

And Mr. Kameda’s choice of theme this time seems to have a lot of problems, the mountain thief has become a positive character in the plot, but the army has become the villain, which gives people a feeling of being a bit contradictory.

If it weren’t for Kameda-sensei’s level of painting there, Eiri felt that she would have been unable to stand it.

Every time, she expected Kameda-sensei to step out of her comfort zone and bring eye-catching works, but every time she was disappointed.

However, as a fellow creator, Yingli Li can still understand the teacher.

Since ancient times, true feelings cannot be retained, only routines win people’s hearts, and this sentence is not said casually.

Kameda-sensei jumping out of the comfort zone may be crowned in one fell swoop, but there is also the risk of falling off the altar and smashing the reputation that he has worked hard to create.

And the mature routine is tested by the market, although she is an old fan gradually can’t stand it, but there will always be newcomers who have never been exposed to the routine, and a lot of small money is contributed to the teacher.

Under the balance between the two, it is clear how to choose at a glance.

This is also a bottleneck in the current comic book market, Ying Li has not encountered a comic that can make her look forward to weekly updates for a long time.

After sighing lightly, Yingli continued to look at it.

It didn’t take long for her to turn to the section of Ghost Slayer.

“Hey, is this another new manga in the Jump trailer, not to say it’s a newcomer’s work, this level of art style… How is that possible? ”

At first glance, Ying Li was stunned.

She is also a genius in painting, and she can tell the level of her work at a glance.

So she bet that the author of “Ghost Slayer Blade” is definitely not a newcomer at least in terms of painting, and if there is not much problem with the plot, it is basically possible to determine which old author wears the vest.

If it’s really a pure newcomer… That’s terrifying, right?

After realizing this, Yingli immediately became interested in this new work and immediately continued to look at it.

Subsequently, she was severely fed a knife.

Looking at the tragic death of Tanjiro’s family, the Eiri people were stupid.

One second, the author is still shaping Tanjiro’s little angel character, depicting a poor but warm family, and the next second he kills them all.

I rub! Does this author have a heart in the end!

Woo hoo… My poor Tanjiro.

Ying Li Li now wants to pull the author over and beat him up.

No wonder Eiri is so angry.

In this world’s comic book market, it is far from being baptized by the dark and deep style, as long as the characters related to the protagonist, basically will not receive a bento, and finally a perfect happy ending.

Where will the author come up to the whole family of the protagonist!

Ying Li continued to watch indignantly, and even the action of turning the page became stronger.

I have to say that although she was caught off guard by the author’s knife, it also aroused her great interest in the subsequent plot.

Who killed the Tanjiro family?

What happened to the cute beans?

And also… Big Brother Yiyong seems to be a little handsome!

Then, while Eiri watches with relish, the plot is stuck before Tanjiro wants to enter the Ghost Slayer.

Looking at the three words [End of this volume] at the bottom, Ying Lili immediately smashed the comic book on the desk, pouting with dissatisfaction and said: “This dog author is really short, just lost his energy, hurry up and update me quickly!” ”

However, reminiscing about the plot I watched before, Eiri rarely had the mood of wanting to continue reading the manga for the first time.

To be fair, compared to the increasingly routine “One Piece”, “Ghost Slayer Blade” is more in line with her heart, whether it is the plot or the painting, it can be called the top in the industry.

How can such a person be a newcomer?

Curious about the author, Lord Amaterasu, Eiri couldn’t help but open the search engine.

Then she found out that the person who popped up on the page was not a cartoonist, but… A composer? It’s still quite famous!

Just a few days ago, she was also stabbed by this Amaterasu-sama, listening to the cherry blossom trilogy tears falling, and directly began to suppress the clouds in the middle of the night.

Because Ying Li Li basically didn’t look at the composer when she listened to the song, she was extremely surprised in her heart at this time, and couldn’t help but think in her heart: “These two, shouldn’t they be the same person?” ”

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