Ignoring the troublesome vodka, Gin Jiu remained in its original state and coldly took out a workbook from his arms.

The second part of the serious organization recruitment should be all murder, but considering that Conan-chan is only 7 years old, it can be slow, there is no need to be in such a hurry.

Then come and do your homework.


Your organization is quite flowery, organize the assessment and do homework, right, there is no heavenly reason, there is no royal law. Conan looked at the assignment sadly.

There are a few big words written crookedly on it: "Winery Version Happy Summer Vacation"


Last time, Mrs. Yuan and a few of them couldn't do it, and they studied abroad until midnight, but the family couldn't find anyone, so they ran to find Zhuangsi and let them go home.

Conan also secretly looked at those topics before.

You can't say he's hard, he's the kind of person you can't finish doing.

Conan opened the workbook and checked, this textbook has no age, and the words "happy learning" are written on each page crookedly.

He couldn't sleep horizontally, and carefully looked at it in the middle of the night, only to see the words in the cracks, and there were two words written all over the book that were "cannibalism"!

Conan trembled and opened the workbook.

[In a small town in the north, a small river flows through the town from east to west. On the night of the full moon, a murder breaks the peace of the town. The medical examiner calculated that the case should have occurred around 9 p.m., and quickly found the suspect, who was immediately interrogated by the police.

"Where were you around 9 last night?"

"On the river on the south bank. Last night was a full moon, and the moon reflected on the river is so beautiful!

"You're lying! So the culprit is you. "

Excuse me, what is the basis of the criminal police? Huh

? It doesn't seem to be difficult, Conan took out a pen and did it, one thing, these topics may be a little naïve for elementary school students, but just right for college students.

The old Conan sauce brush is happy.

In fact, Gin Jiu has recognized this seven-year-old child, after all, not every child has such ability,

and Koto-chan is watching next to him with the answer he made....

Shoji and Vodka stood aside and were not interested in this, and someone said that sometimes they really couldn't stop it, and at that time they wrote it out to give Koto-chan a little fun.

But... Koto-chan's answer may not be the same as Conan's.

He couldn't bear to look directly.

Conan and Gin Jiu were already arguing.

"Why am I wrong, what am I wrong!" Conan slapped his thigh and angrily scolded the ginjiu, "The suspect said that he was sitting on the south bank of the river flowing east-west, and he was facing north!"

"In Japan, the moon is in the sky like the sun, rising east and west, facing north, and the reflection of the moon in the river is not visible."

Someone actually dared to refute my point of view, and Gin Jiu scolded Conan, "Fart, how can the police understand so many things, saying that he is a suspect and the police can't find other suspects."

"Find one and it's over, where do you need any evidence!!" Gin Jiu hates iron is not steel, and he found that this little old brother has a flexible brain and can make any problem.

It's this idea, something went wrong.

We are a winery, a dark organization! What to do has to be explained to the outside world, and he doesn't know what the police look like, Gin Jiu knows the police better than the police.

In this kind of thing, in Japan, it is proper to find someone to be sent to prison first, and then say, if the person is rich, it is the suicide of the deceased, and if the person is poor, it is the person who killed.

But he didn't blame Conan too much, it was Conan who was too young, didn't understand the world, and didn't understand the darkness of Japan, and fell into the trap of the guy who wrote the question, Shoji Higashino.

Only I can find really useful information in countless clues.

Although Gin Jiu's attitude towards the police slightly made Conan care, Conan felt that Gin Jiu was actually talking about ... Not bad either.


He is still responsible for his reasoning! This question must be like this!

Conan looked up at Zhuangsi, "Brother Zhuangsi~ The title is from you, what do you say."

"Did you say so! Martini. Gin Jiu also looked at Shoji with a smile on his face and amiably.

Johnsi: ......

"Ah, yes, yes, yes..."

Conan looked at Shoji and said nonsense with his eyes open.

What are you doing, Shoji, why is the style of the organization so strange!

Shouldn't it be that Gin Jiu kills people like numb, and Zhuangji looks indifferent, you guys are actually discussing homework here!

I didn't expect it! The two undercover agents inside the organization are actually so flattering! It seems that I can't do it myself...

Vodka plays a cold and heartless Yako on the side.

Although everyone has their own opinions because of a certain topic, Conan has made other topics.

Gin Jiu put away Conan's test paper with an indifferent look.

"Hmph, well done." Gin Jiu nodded slightly, he felt that this guy would become a big thing in the future.

Vodka seemed to have thought of something: "Big brother... You did this set of papers..."

"Shut up."

"Okay, big brother."

The last thing made Conan very distressed.


The sniping environment here is very good, simulating the most realistic sniping scene, Cohen and others use the rest, even the sniper rifle is well placed.

He learned sniping in Hawaii, but he still didn't want to shoot for the simple reason ....

"Brother Gin Jiu, I don't want to snipe people." Conan told Gin Wine sincerely about him.

Gin Jiu was stunned for a moment, lowered his head, and looked at Conan: "Reason."

"I... It's not right to kill," Conan plucked up the courage to continue, "even if... Even if it's a dummy.

Gin Jiu showed a puzzled look and pointed a gun at Conan's head, "Hmph, I thought you were different from those fools outside... It turns out that you are also one of those idiots. "

Facing the gun in Gin Jiu's hand, Conan... In fact, he was a little scared, because he knew that the gun was real and there were bullets in it.

But...... Life is more important than many things.

"It's fake, you don't know? Fake, besides, what place is here that you don't know? We are killers, and killers don't kill for anything. Vodka mocked.

He's actually still optimistic about Conan... I don't want Conan to be shot down, although the boss's temper has improved recently....

Zhuangji also hurriedly said: "Koto-chan, he is only 7 years old, is there any concept that can be changed slowly."

Conan closed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "There is no life in this world that can be taken away at will.

"Even if he's fake."

"Hmph, then you, go and die."

"I want to see how precious life is." Gin Jiu smiled cruelly, and at this time neither Shoji nor Vodka dared to stop him.

Slowly pull the trigger.


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